I know that a lot of us complain that we don't have time, or we have other important things to do. I know I have. But I realized that as much as it is important to do your homework or study for school or go to work or do house chores, it is still as important to practice your talents and passion. Wherever your passion is, wherever you find yourself, wherever you feel the greatest ease of mind and inner peace, this is where you should be, and this is what you should be doing.
Give yourself some time to feel better, give your passion a chance to be manifested. Because talents are not meant to be suppressed, they're granted to us as gifts to be expressed freely. Be it writing, or sketching, or painting, or music, or sports, it is essential that you perform such hobbies as often as you do other work.
So, set yourself a goal every day, maybe a certain number of words to write down. Maybe a 100, 500, 1000, or 5000 words a day, whatever it is, it's still good enough as long as you're doing it. Just make sure you follow this on a daily basis and who knows? Maybe that story you've been procrastinating to do other things will be finished by the end of this month.
Tip #2: If you write only 1000 words every day for 3 months, you'll finish a whole book of more than 80,000 words.