You opened the door and pulled him in. "Hey." You mumbled. "Hey." He sighed. He was dealing with a lot right now too, from finding his sister, and finding out he had a nephew who belonged to Bertrand to finding out Bastien wasn't who Drake thought he was. He sat on your bed. "You okay?" He asked. You nodded. "I'm holding up, and you?" He ran his hands through his hair and simply replied. "Misery loves company." You frowned.
He stared at you, thoughtfully. "I wish I could take you away from this mess yn, I wish things would have been different but at the same time I'm so damn glad you're here." You smiled and sighed. "I wish you could too, Drake." "I wish you could too, and you may not be able to, but...." Brightness danced in your sad, tired eyes. "But what yn?" He asked.
"You could take me away for the night...what do you say we sneak away for a bit?" "Go eat some greasy terrible for us American food?" You asked. He was quiet for a moment. "Oh come on, Drake... we're not in Cordonia it's highly unlikely people will recongize us." He nodded. "Okay." "Let's go then." He looked you up and down. "Change into something a little less fancy." He stated.
"Okay." You shimmied out of your dress and let it fall to the floor gathering at your feet as you stepped out of it. "Gee yln, really?" Drake asked. "What?" You asked playfully pulling a tshirt and jeans on. He rolled his eyes and laughed. "You know exactly what." You smiled. "You ready?" He asked. "Yup." You poked your head out of your room, making sure the coast was clear, before making a break for it.
"Coast is clear, let's go." You said, leading him outside. You caught a cab and it drove you to a small dive bar, which somewhat resembled where you first met. "This kind of reminds of something." Drake said sliding into the booth next to you. "Me too, except back then I was waiting on you... actually that hasn't changed, I'm still waiting on you, just in a different way..." He cut his eyes at you. "You know that's not fair." You shrugged. The waiter walked by. "Two whiskys on the rocks." You said, he nodded and went about his business.
"I know it's not, none of this is." The waiter set your drinks down and you took a swig. "But we're going to figure it out, I'm going to figure it out." You said. "The planets will soon align and then maybe you can be mine." He laughed. "Gee, didn't know you such a poet." You rolled your eyes. "How are you holding up Drake?" You knew how he was holding up, his sad tired eyes told you what he may not. He shrugged. "I guess okay... I'm pissed at Maxwell for not telling me about Savannah, when he knew and has known how much I worry about her." "I'm mad at Bertrand for abandoning her." "I'm mad at Bastien for what he's done to you." "I'm just mad." He said downing the rest of his whisky.
You pouted. "Oh you're cute when you pout." He said, a small smile forming on his ever grumpy face. "Hey, let's forget about our troubles for the night and just enjoy each other." You suggested. He nodded. "I can drink to that." He got up to grab another round of drinks. "Cheers yn." "Cheers Drake." You said pulling him into a whisky tainted kiss. In that moment, all of your problems disappear, but as Drake always did, he pulled away too soon. "I'm sorry yn, you know we can't." You sighed, you knew he was right, it didn't make you want him any less.
-A/N- If you were reading the previous book, sorry about deleting it, I didn't like the way it was headed so decided to start over, please if you've any suggestions about where this should go or how, leave them! Thanks for reading! I'll try to update again soon! ❤️