You smiled to yourself. "We're here." Maxwell stated. You all hopped out and Drake and Maxwell set up a camp fire, you roasted hotdogs marshmallows and for a moment forgot you were in the middle of some huge scandal, these three had become so important to you. "Well, it's getting pretty late, we should head to bed." Maxwell suggested. You all nodded and headed to your separate tents.
A few hours later, you popped your head out of your tent and noticed that everyone was in bed, but noticed a light flickering in Drake's tent. You snuck over to it and walked in. "Hey." You said quietly. "For Christ's Sakes yln!" You scared me. You laughed. "Can I come in?" He nodded. You walked in and laid down next to him, he snaked an arm around you and pulled you closer to him, you laid your head on his chest. He smiled down at you. "Goodness yn." "I'm so in love." He lifted your chin up and pulled you into a deep and passionate kiss. You bit at his bottom lip and pulled at his hair, he moved his lips to your neck and bit and sucked at it.
Your hand slid down his chest to his pants. "Yln..." "I want to, I really do...but we can't." You sighed and rolled over. "Can we at least cuddle?" You asked, annoyed. He always did this, got you all heated and then decided not to follow through. He pulled you into a tight hug. "Yes, we can cuddle." He ran his fingers up and down your arm and you slowly drifted off to the land of dreams, the only land you and Drake could be together in.
You stirred awake, shit it was morning. "Drake.." "Wake up!" You yelled. "Shit what?!" "It's morning...we fell alseep." "Crap yln, get outta here." He said pecking you on the lips. "A to go kiss." You laughed and exited the tent, partially, only to find a set of eyes staring at you. "Morning." Maxwell said, cutting his eyes at you. "Shit." You mumbled. "Yn?" "What's wrong?" Drake asked coming from the tent. Maxwell cut his eyes at Drake. "Disappointed in you yn." "Not surprised, but disappointed." "Hey!" "Don't talk to her like that!" Drake said, putting himself between you and Maxwell.
"Drake, it's okay, I can handle it." He nodded and backed down. "Okay." He said retreating into his tent. "I told you the second I came back, I was interested in someone else at court, you dismissed me time and time again, that's not my fault that you wouldn't listen." You said, walking to your tent and packing things up. Maxwell sighed following you. "I'm sorry yn, but if anyone found out, do you know what would happen to you?" "To House Beaumont?" You raised an eyebrow at him. "Do you know why I came back Maxwell?" He stayed quiet and waited. "To clear your house name." "Why do you think I've been so careful?" "Drake and I have been interested in each other since the very first flight here." "I've pretty much flirted with him right in front of never caught on or just chose to ignore it." You sighed.
"Look, I care about Liam, I do." "But I don't love him, I love Drake." You turned around to see a very angry and shocked Bertrand standing there. "Bertrand..." "I came here to get you idiots after you ran off and discover you probably only came back for that?" He gestured towards Drake's tent. Your eyes got wide. "Actually, I came back to clear your name, because for some fucking reason I actually care about you!" You yelled running off. "Yn!" Drake yelled. "What the hell is wrong with you?" He yelled at Bertrand before running after you.