"Mike? Mike! MICHAEL! Snap out of it bro! You've had enough for the night. Come on, hand it over." I tried prying the bottle of tequila from my very clearly drunk friend, but to no avail.
"You... Can't mmmmake.... ME!" His words slurred uselessly as his mind kept drifting off to other things, his attention being pushed from from one side of the room to the other like a toddler in a jumping castle.
The room was packed full with other drunk teenagers, falling over themselves and others, while the rest grinded and gyrated with each other to the beat. The music was so loud and obnoxious, you'd probably have to be sloshed to enjoy it, and clearly the DJ was far gone as well.
It was stuffy and uncomfortable, and being the only sober one in the room made it even more claustrophobic for me. Between trying to make sure my best friend wouldn't start puking everywhere and avoiding as much physical contact with the crowd around me as possible was already proving to be a challenge.
I was starting to feel the nausea creep up on me from all the second hand smoking, and Mike was still not budging. "Come on Buddy, you know what this stuff does to you, and I refuse to clean your car up if you up chuck in it again." I finally managed to slip the bottle from his hand while he stuck his tongue down some girl's throat. I was amazed he hadn't noticed, seems the baby doesn't need his bottle when his got his pacifier jammed straight into it's mouth.
After a few moments the girl found someone hotter, and with no hesitation, climbed on his lap and proceeded to suck face with him instead. With a dazed expression strewn across his face, Mike tilted his hand towards his face, obviously still expecting the tequila to be where he had left it last. His expression morphed into one of confusion, and then anger when he saw that I was now holding his ether of life. "W-w-what the hhhhell.... Mannnn? That'ssssss MINE!" He lunged for the bottle, no longer in the space his drunken state had anticipated, and he teetered face first into the floor. Instead of standing back up, he decided it would work best to try reach for it it from where he lay, his face still smearing the floor.
I eventually got tired of his pathetic whimpering and helped him to his feet. "This is why I didn't want to go out tonight with you." Having to catch him halfway through my complaining.
I began hauling him out of the room and outside, grateful to be breathing in some fresh air again. The cold air obviously wasn't helping Mike much, and he doubled over and hurled, barely missing our shoes. I just turned my nose up at the smell, sighing at how I would have to nurse him back to health before his parents found him in the morning. I imagined how horrible the taste must've been so I emptied most of the tequila out on the ground, leaving only a few sips in it for him to rinse his mouth out. After what seemed like forever of dry heaving, he straightened up and grabbed the bottle from me and proceeded to throw back the bottle as if it was still full.
I followed him as he hobbled around the front yard of the house we were at, catching glimpses of silhouettes doing very inappropriate things away from the prying eyes inside. Shaking my head at all these bad decisions being made in one night, I continued to follow Mike who was stumbling over numb feet towards his car.
His drunken mind thought it was a good idea to try ski across the hood of his car, but all he achieved was causing a dent and rolling off the front, smearing his face into yet another surface. Sighing very audibly and shrugging my shoulders, I dragged him to the back seat, shoving him limb for limb inside with great difficulty. 1006Please respect copyright.PENANA5KTJp1vL5q
After throwing the last arm into the pile of his limp body I shut the door and moved to the driver's side, sliding onto the black leather seats of a very expensive Audi RS 7, and started the engine. It purred satisfyingly at being brought back to life, and I proceeded to pull out onto the street. 1006Please respect copyright.PENANA4s3NalG5VK
It was pretty dark, and only a few working street lamps were there for any kind of help battling against the dark road. It seemed pretty quiet, probably because it was only midnight, when the 'party' really started. The only sound apart from the engine was a strange mixture of snoring and gurgling happening behind me. I drifted off into my own thoughts, enjoying the last few moments of sanity before we got back to Mike's house.1006Please respect copyright.PENANAtZnF6bK7Ao
I had got so caught up in my head that I hadn't heard Mike stir from his slumber, freaking out slightly when he decided to crawl over me to get to the passenger seat in front.1006Please respect copyright.PENANA1RtzDoUhvI
"Shot gun!" He screeched very unnecessarily, clawing at me like a crippled monkey to get to his self appointed throne. He finally managed to get comfortable, and sat there with a childish smile on his face, watching the road ahead of us with wonder. "Where wwwwwe going?"1006Please respect copyright.PENANAyhgd8syShi
"Home." Replying curtly more in annoyance than anything else. I clutched at the steering wheel, paying full attention to the road.1006Please respect copyright.PENANAzg6dV5OemF
"But I doooon't wana'" He whined, pouting at me like a kid that couldn't get his way.1006Please respect copyright.PENANASvwRhK0nmv
"Shut up. We're going home, no discussions." I replied gruffly, annoyed with myself now for putting myself in this situation yet again.1006Please respect copyright.PENANAguAVGOZlVo
"Let mmme drive!" He suddenly lunged for the steering wheel, almost sending the car into a spin.1006Please respect copyright.PENANAjYS9MfcIQs
I took his face in my hand and shoved him away and got control over the car again. "What the hell is wrong with you? Do you want to get us killed?" I cleared the hair out of my face, trying to get over the initial shock. I glared at him through the corner of my eye. "Put your damn seat belt on, would you?" 1006Please respect copyright.PENANADiXe25vJyQ
Mike sat there, obviously choosing to ignore my demands, carrying on with his complaining. "But whyyyyy? You can't... make me!" 1006Please respect copyright.PENANA6v9hpNyprM
I sighed again, accepting defeat to a lost cause. I groaned then at the rain that started pelting down, obscuring what little vision I had left of the road to almost nothing. I leaned forward and lowered my speed, hoping to get through this as quickly as possible. 1006Please respect copyright.PENANARjXyubtTv0
Ten minutes later we were passing over the bridge near Mike's house and visibility was still bad. As we started passing over the bridge a set of blinding lights faced us, taunting us from the other end of the bridge. It wasn't until they were almost ten meters ahead of us did I realise that it was a truck with a bunch of teenagers that were quite clearly under the influence speeding towards us in a Mexican stand-off style.1006Please respect copyright.PENANA2WTa4NxFVZ
I just managed to swerve out of the way in time to avoid them, but jerked the wheel too sharply to avoid the next oncoming car. I could feel the traction of the tyres leave the road as the car flipped on it's side. 1006Please respect copyright.PENANAZ9ympjFEAJ
"God save us." Was the last thought that ran through my head before I blacked-out.1006Please respect copyright.PENANAdpkBC79cTd