Sophia was back in the same room from earlier except this time for interrogation and with her consent.
“You’ve been held captive for seven years now so how should we know that you aren’t just lying and will lead us into a trap for your kidnapper,” The interrogator, Sergeant David, questioned. Sophia glared up at David.
“You don’t. I’m still a simple minor that comes from a rich family. I can easily lie, easily pay off the fine for lying to the police, and brush it under the mat and nobody not directing involved could ever be the wiser.” The two had at each other for a while until I finally just couldn’t take the ping-pong game of words they were having. I pull David off to the side.
“This is getting absolutely nowhere,” I blatantly state.
“I know. That kid for being so young held captive for so long sure has sass.”
“Let me talk to her.” David gives me an unsure once over but agreed to give me 15 minutes alone to talk with her. I walk in the room and once Sophia realized that I was coming back in alone she lost her offensive stature/aura/stance. I take the seat in front of her and she looks me down in the eyes.
“Have the police found her yet?”
“They haven’t reported anything so far.”
“She’s probably wandering around looking for all of us,” Sophia says absentmindedly as her shoulders drop and she sighs.
“It though will help if you start telling us things though.”
“About the other girl?”
“No about how it all started. You can begin from the day before you were kidnapped.”
Sophia was 6 around the time she was kidnapped. She appears as a kid had a pretty good eye and had sensed that something wasn’t right months before she was actually kidnapped. She had been playing outside in the garden when she wandered in too lost had started to feel as if she was watched. One of the maids from the mansion eventually found her and she told the maid, but the maid brushed it off as her being a scaredy cat. The feeling never did go away and during that time Sophia stopped going outside as much and shut herself. She felt better only for a little while as she felt whoever it was couldn’t reach her inside until the feeling came back and was stronger as if coming from within the walls of the mansion. Her parents during the time were overseas for work and none of the maids believed her when she told them about the feeling coming back even stronger when she was indoors until at last Sophia went to bed in her own bed and woke up the next morning chained to the wall in a filthy room. The story stopped when the interrogation room’s door opened slightly and David poked his head in gesturing for me to step outside. I walked outside and glanced down at my watch. It’s been over 15 minutes. I walked out to David and give him a look when Sophia could no longer see the two of us.
“Oh yea I decided to leave her with you since you were doing such a good job with her,” David said taking off his hat and wringing it. He only wrings his hat when there is something seriously wrong.
“What happened?”
“The police found the other girl.” I slowly nod my head urge him to continue as he placed his hat back on. “She was having a really bad stomach ache and was taken to the nearest hospital and my men stationed said that there’s a chance that she might not make it. They heard doctors say something about lead poisoning.” All of the other girls were checked out by the EMT and didn’t even have a single scratch on them: this last girl though is different somehow. I walked back into the interrogation room.
“The police have found the other girl.” Sophia nods. “She’s at the hospital though.” Sophia sighed deeply as her head slowly fell to the table and her shoulders relaxed.
“I’m happy that she’s finally getting some real treatment.” I decided to stay silent and let her finish talking. “She’s the only one of us that can leave the room whenever she wants, but she rarely does and always treats herself whenever she comes back.” Interesting, she is special to the kidnapper.
“She must mean something to your kidnapper for her to be treated so differently from the rest of the girls.” Sophia nodded sadly.
“Of course she was the only one to survive the last batch of hostages.”