Proposition 1: It is possible to determine everything that was ever written on a chalkboard from the traces of dust they leave behind.
The hard chalk squeals in pain as the young man drags it across the board. He stops for a moment, then writes a second:
Proposition 2: It is possible to reconstruct a life from the traces they leave behind, the ways they affected other lives.
Yes, he thinks, that's it. Stretching, he adds an underlined title above the two sentences:
The Chalkboard Proposition
The big ship sails on the ally-ally-oh,950Please respect copyright.PENANA16tFdRIruA
The ally-ally-oh, the ally-ally-oh,950Please respect copyright.PENANAKH9fUARaMp
Oh, the big ship sails on the ally-ally-oh,950Please respect copyright.PENANAKsUSnZnuhC
On the last day of September…
"Oh, come on, you've got to tell me who you're taking to the social!" Esme titters, throwing her luscious blonde hair back with a flick of the head.950Please respect copyright.PENANAIms3jJWg8r
"Just someone." David was an unusual person; quiet, introverted, and the secret crush of nearly every girl in his year (not to mention ones younger and older). He had well defined features – piercing blue eyes, observant, brown curls hanging over his forehead and the faintest hint of facial hair sprouting beneath his tall nose and under his chin.950Please respect copyright.PENANAEoaiQDSVgm
"Don't tease me, Dave. Give me a name." Esme pouts in what could be considered a sexual way, and a few distant onlookers wolf-whistle. It took a lot to get the self-proclaimed beauty of the school to give that face.950Please respect copyright.PENANA6Udq4Nf8v4
"May, I'm not going to tell you that." He sits down on the grass oval and opens his chemistry book.950Please respect copyright.PENANAcHguZOeh91
"Okay then. First letter."950Please respect copyright.PENANApqowPCsDiU
"May –" Her bottom lip sticks out even further, and she bends over, batting her eyelids. Shit, David thinks. If I don't say anything soon she's going to be undressing for me right here.950Please respect copyright.PENANAQZWKOWzkdM
"Okay. It's an B." He sighs.950Please respect copyright.PENANAzeVfozV8d8
Immediately, Esme straightens herself, and pulls up her dress which had casually fallen a centimeter or two during her maneouvres. "B for bitch?" She adds, helpfully. A hysterical laugh.950Please respect copyright.PENANAlcL7rrgKbg
"No, what the hell, May?"950Please respect copyright.PENANAkdI7RYX1gP
She puts on a young, girly voice: "It was just a joke, mummy, no need to get so uptight!" Another laugh. "Ohhhhh my god, it's Bronte, isn't it. That SLUT!" She gasps theatrically.950Please respect copyright.PENANAt8jqVjWzHM
"No, it's not Bronte. You wouldn't know who it is." He takes out and puts on his glasses and focuses on the book on his lap.950Please respect copyright.PENANAEDJ16v36KU
Esme smiles conspiratorially. "You're quite the puzzle, aren't you?" A more sophisticated person might have used the word 'enigma' instead.950Please respect copyright.PENANAMR3VEVY9MS
David looks up. "Only if you want me to be."950Please respect copyright.PENANAqm29KuOGrg
"Haha…" He can tell she doesn't understand him, as he expected. No one would.950Please respect copyright.PENANA9o4Wgtb1k6
Esme's group of friends appears suddenly, as if sprouting out of the ground like unwanted weeds; dandelions, pretty at first sight, but as you blow all the frills away you see the filth underneath that spreading over your garden.950Please respect copyright.PENANAUMKtzGOT3E
"Well, Dave, I've gotta go. A girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do!" She giggles, and her friends follow suit with an irritating chord of nervous laughter.950Please respect copyright.PENANAoalcUf2RNT
As if in reverse mitosis, they form one impenetrable cloud of gossip that slowly walks away, emitting the occasional 'No way!' or 'Oh my god!'950Please respect copyright.PENANAWYkdEOvuCE
David sighs, and closes the book.950Please respect copyright.PENANAOtOtfygeHp
He can't concentrate now.
There was a crooked man and he walked a crooked mile,950Please respect copyright.PENANAo0OSErTa6J
He found a crooked sixpence upon a crooked stile.950Please respect copyright.PENANA79Bn0ZOVgU
He bought a crooked cat which caught a crooked mouse.950Please respect copyright.PENANAg7hTKkd8Fz
And they all lived together in a little crooked house.
sample: H2O950Please respect copyright.PENANAKlYC9KQPEw
sample volume: 7325kL950Please respect copyright.PENANAKhrmKg87yv
hypothesis: i am alone950Please respect copyright.PENANAWDifvqyJWr
method:950Please respect copyright.PENANABSNMJjurix
-extract impurities950Please respect copyright.PENANAJvYIew8M88
result: collected 109875L of impurities950Please respect copyright.PENANAE6zpSrlkU7
hypothesis disproven950Please respect copyright.PENANAjlfz1VeSTH
hypothesis ii: i am alone, here950Please respect copyright.PENANAg8QH5y7muW
method:950Please respect copyright.PENANARoJrg1fOZI
-sift and sort impurities950Please respect copyright.PENANAcaZUnnKeO5
result: collected 809550mL of relevant impurities950Please respect copyright.PENANACXsoun7Kz0
hypothesis disproven950Please respect copyright.PENANAriChUwKsZV
hypothesis iii: magic does not exist950Please respect copyright.PENANAGvsNp8iPZP
method:950Please respect copyright.PENANA2WRyQR5xU5
-collect 2mL of relevant impurities950Please respect copyright.PENANAntOX4nf1ud
-place in flask950Please respect copyright.PENANAGExR9AHx4u
-wait950Please respect copyright.PENANA9RTfhaeuiN
-wait950Please respect copyright.PENANAYoq3ZehFOO
-wait950Please respect copyright.PENANAmCklQSrWSn
-wait950Please respect copyright.PENANAQPKzcg45XM
-wait950Please respect copyright.PENANA8rMtjgMFgF
-wait950Please respect copyright.PENANAlaT4s4Xn1f
-wait950Please respect copyright.PENANALVVdkE9oum
-until something magical happens950Please respect copyright.PENANA81h7qS0KAv
result: i waited950Please respect copyright.PENANAIm4qqZuxbL
result: i wanted950Please respect copyright.PENANAJe7ELW1iOE
result: i failed950Please respect copyright.PENANAZgkk1doJPe
result: i hid950Please respect copyright.PENANArJD9fTGnGb
result: i tried950Please respect copyright.PENANAOgvxTc6u9p
result: i searched950Please respect copyright.PENANAQcncSVzz4o
result: i found950Please respect copyright.PENANAR2vfpzlwlK
result: i found something magical950Please respect copyright.PENANAWf7RtY6RPo
hypotheses disproven950Please respect copyright.PENANAmMwnvbSiLo
i am not alone
-sign here-
Monday's child is fair of face,950Please respect copyright.PENANAPYxEjyeLoc
Tuesday's child is full of grace,950Please respect copyright.PENANA46XwKzyM3q
Wednesday's child is full of woe,950Please respect copyright.PENANALMskLsKVEe
Thursday's child has far to go,950Please respect copyright.PENANAmZuvR79hNc
Friday's child is loving and giving,950Please respect copyright.PENANAHfTPu3UI4X
Saturday's child works hard for his living950Please respect copyright.PENANAebM0fokm1w
And the child that is born on the Sabbath day…
The author signs the book, another thank, another person. The line goes on.950Please respect copyright.PENANAaHPADMUIFq
"The name's Gretta. I'm your number one fan!"950Please respect copyright.PENANAd3Zz3C3xv7
To Gretta, my number one fan. -sign here-950Please respect copyright.PENANA0jHY1WAaW4
"I really loved your book. It touched me so much. I've had similar issues myself…"950Please respect copyright.PENANA5CslkDUf28
To quote a cat meme: 'Hang in there!' Don't give up, Jacob! -sign here-950Please respect copyright.PENANAbAhN9LxP8R
"What an honour to meet you! I'm lost for words."950Please respect copyright.PENANAQD3fhYRqby
To Kyle, my number one fan. -sign here-
To (name), my number one fan. -sign here-950Please respect copyright.PENANAaslhZIjCQx
To (name), my number one fan. -sign here-950Please respect copyright.PENANAEMHiPZUTiz
To (name), my number one fan. -sign here-950Please respect copyright.PENANAWYpHIVPMfK
To (name), my number one fan. -sign here-
Endless, endless, endless, and they all mean nothing. Dammit. The pen has run out of ink. He reaches for another –950Please respect copyright.PENANAVij7CNwMdH
"No need to." The author looks up at the voice, and is greeted by the figure of a young man, possibly mid to late twenties, perhaps even in the thirties. Streaky blonde hair, slightly awkward gait, but something elegant about the entire presentation. A smile. "It's already signed."950Please respect copyright.PENANATUA1ZRyNRL
The author opens to the inside cover, and sure enough, there's a signature there. It's not his own, though.950Please respect copyright.PENANA1vB0WjKvLz
This is for you, Hector. I want you to know that I'm sorry.950Please respect copyright.PENANAegvP3rqKIZ
Carolyn950Please respect copyright.PENANAFcfcSQQJrb
"I'm sorry, I don't quite understand –" The author is interrupted by the young man.950Please respect copyright.PENANAPnBgT9IHOG
"You don't need to. It's only a mystery if you make it one." There's an audible muttering of impatience from the people in the line, and he glances back quickly after he finishes the sentence.950Please respect copyright.PENANA8n8FZHRHHQ
"The book isn't mine. I bought it second hand." He takes closes the cover, and takes it back. "I think there's a greater story in those fourteen words than what could ever be expressed in the entirety of your book."950Please respect copyright.PENANA9Ke6pI6N08
The author finally sees; and – for a moment – for an eternal, deathly moment – he wants to cry.950Please respect copyright.PENANAVN87d94gsu
"Yes…" He manages to form the word. "…I agree."950Please respect copyright.PENANAp1qTL08umr
The young man offers nothing for a goodbye, simply walking away; but, just before he exits the bookshop – he turns back, and gives one last smile – that happy, sad, confused, surprised, goddamn smile.950Please respect copyright.PENANAxA6qf11POE
The author doesn't want to let himself believe it, but he's sure, so sure, that when the man returns home, he'll play an old record of some Shakespeare, sit by his Shigeru and with his long, shapely fingers, play the most impenetrable and so unspeakably beautiful harmonies.950Please respect copyright.PENANA81wZDabHtk
The clearing of a throat brings his attention back to the person in front of him.950Please respect copyright.PENANAcgeXFeadun
To Samantha, my number one fan. -sign here-
-ghost 54-
"When will that be?" say the Bells of Stepney,950Please respect copyright.PENANAaeS6FdRaA4
"I do not know" say the Great Bells of Bow.950Please respect copyright.PENANAsUfDUBHqGH
Here comes a candle to light you to bed…
It is known that ghosts do not come out in day, but only at night, or in the dark.950Please respect copyright.PENANAeSZTGZmnjC
Why is this, experts ask?950Please respect copyright.PENANAMchyCKNHyf
And why is it only occasionally that ghosts are found in groups?950Please respect copyright.PENANAiPJlsps9DS
It was decided that a study must be conducted.950Please respect copyright.PENANA6xlSMqAEVa
We stayed at the Crawley Cemetery for five nights, with video cameras, audio recording equipment, and an ectograph.950Please respect copyright.PENANAP2JGhvIC7I
Each night, we video the cemetery, record audio in selected areas, record a transcript of all dialogue at our midnight campfire, and place the ecto-sensors around the cemetery, transmitting information to the ectograph.
NIGHT 1:950Please respect copyright.PENANAoyMZX4e7LK
Video cameras find nothing.950Please respect copyright.PENANAKfqImIlNiC
Audio finds only the faintest of whispers.950Please respect copyright.PENANA9cGu8V5UN6
No ectograph response.950Please respect copyright.PENANAzatXrB27u3
At our midnight campfire, we had seven people gathered around, telling stories. We came as a group of six. Once pointed out, said extra person vanished. Ghost activity suspected.
NIGHT 2:950Please respect copyright.PENANAXCBiSwA1kW
Video cameras find nothing.950Please respect copyright.PENANAjuJcn2Z6BW
Audio records crying at a frequency unnoticeable to human ears. Had to be edited.950Please respect copyright.PENANAWGU5ljqUXo
Slight ectograph response.950Please respect copyright.PENANAIJiEOnY10R
At our midnight campfire, we sensed a presence, 5 foot 4 inches tall. One member of our group panicked, and bailed from experiment.950Please respect copyright.PENANAgmUl71mIRX
The presence feebly tried to morph into a replica of a human body, but the image collapsed.950Please respect copyright.PENANA3gxOKPTX3s
We have christened the presence 'ghost 54'.
NIGHT 3:950Please respect copyright.PENANAeuiuCoyiQQ
Video cameras find a group of ghosts, touching, walking through each other, but seemingly without the knowledge of each other's presence. Further study of this phenomenon is required.950Please respect copyright.PENANAkzL6po6HZW
Audio records multiple prayers being said through the night. Again, frequency had to be edited.950Please respect copyright.PENANAQ8PC6YQkAK
Ectograph gives huge response. Large ghost activity in area.950Please respect copyright.PENANA9KwEyJsZXZ
Ghost 54 returned to our midnight campfire, seemingly trying to make contact with us. Sounds made were unintelligible. We managed to capture it: we have placed it in a cage.
NIGHT 4:950Please respect copyright.PENANAGXzdFh50Lr
Video cameras record images of horrific beings, humanoid but monstrous.950Please respect copyright.PENANAhtoUP9ywBQ
Audio records unintelligible noises. This phenomenon requires further study. Possibly an attempt at communication.950Please respect copyright.PENANA1CL1yWxmEL
Ectograph spikes, has buffer overflow. Line of activity goes off the top of graph before the machine breaks.950Please respect copyright.PENANAHC1hS6Kw2i
We repair the ectograph during our midnight campfire.950Please respect copyright.PENANAQ0L4rvSlFz
One of our remaining 5 crew members has an epileptic fit. We attempt to calm him before he morphs into a monstrous ghost before our eyes. We restrain him, and place him in the cage. We have lost another crew member.950Please respect copyright.PENANAJ6nFVKXYMI
Ghost 54 is silent.
NIGHT 5:950Please respect copyright.PENANAnzI4WLmK7i
Video cameras show many people walking around the cemetery.950Please respect copyright.PENANAr7SBMjoTRv
Audio records many casual conversations.950Please respect copyright.PENANAoSJJxjTPCY
The repaired ectograph gives no response.950Please respect copyright.PENANAxmizmiONQe
The cage contains our crew member and ghost 54. We cannot tell which is which, as both no longer resemble ghosts, both seemingly human now.950Please respect copyright.PENANAKLuKIa8tMn
No ghost activity was found at all.950Please respect copyright.PENANA0KmVI4xdvf
At midnight campfire, we go back through previous footage and recordings. They have changed. Frequencies are back to normal (edited versions had to be re-edited) and unintelligible noises now resemble human conversation.950Please respect copyright.PENANAqEltXaQkZy
We congratulate ourselves on our unusual findings.950Please respect copyright.PENANAk3n9frfcoc
To celebrate, we watch the footage of ghost 54 being placed in the cage.950Please respect copyright.PENANA2yMn78DTgV
We are surprised to see in the recording, us placing a perfectly healthy (and struggling) human into the cage.950Please respect copyright.PENANAdpvzWJhP7r
The footage has not been tampered with.
This phenomenon requires further study.
Jack and Jill950Please respect copyright.PENANAU18vVsuyIc
Went up the hill950Please respect copyright.PENANAqDBa5NEbcX
To fetch a pail of water…
The hill is silent, serene – peaceful, he wants to say.950Please respect copyright.PENANAuEati5OrA1
This is his place, where he can lay the storm of thoughts rushing about inside his mind to rest.950Please respect copyright.PENANAsmXO7NE8s3
The climb is harsh, and he recalls when once – as a younger child, perhaps 11 or 12 years old, he twisted his foot on a rock, and it never quite fully healed; you wouldn't notice it at a glance, but there's something ever so slightly awkward about the way he carries himself.950Please respect copyright.PENANA78lcVQ3gZr
But he still does it, perhaps once a month, sometimes more, sometimes less, because of the Whishing Well.950Please respect copyright.PENANAwGC4ctoByB
That's what he calls it; the old, defunct well at the top of the hill – the Whishing Well. His own little private joke. And on those nights that he sneaks out of the house to climb up, he drops something precious down the well and makes a wish, then lies under the glimmering stars for as long as he dares before heading back down to his house.950Please respect copyright.PENANActGd2OXtUG
Tonight is different.950Please respect copyright.PENANAS8vO8VD5qK
He has nothing left to give to the well.950Please respect copyright.PENANACuba2tuGif
Or, perhaps, he has everything to give.950Please respect copyright.PENANA2pu5XyqYwd
He knows that this is the last time he's going to go to the well. He doesn't want to come back after this, because this – this is his final wish, the most important thing in his whole life, the one thing he wants granted.950Please respect copyright.PENANA4g38yzuoCx
He reaches the peak, and kneels beside the stone circle surrounding the pit. He makes his wish, and as he does so, he can't help but let a few tears escape; each echoing hollowly as they splash against the bottom of the well.950Please respect copyright.PENANA1jCQoNSlFi
The sleepless moon watches over him, gliding so slowly across the sky, a guardian, a confidante, the only other that will know the wish, the light reflecting of his streaky blonde hair.950Please respect copyright.PENANAzwpC8MUFJn
He opens his eyes. The wish is over.950Please respect copyright.PENANAPjSSlRADPX
He wants it. He needs it.950Please respect copyright.PENANASxuTgoP2Ig
With a sigh, he walks back down the hill.
The next evening, his parents are crying.950Please respect copyright.PENANA2UQNVtPUdH
"We're proud of you, son, no matter what." They're smiling, but they're shocked as well, shaken.950Please respect copyright.PENANAKctdLI7I2Q
His dad, eyes red, pats him on the back.950Please respect copyright.PENANAh6gHkmDi52
"Go get 'em, tiger."950Please respect copyright.PENANAMCxm7GqXe3
And so a door closes, another opens.950Please respect copyright.PENANA8njrHIGTTz
He walks out, a half-hearted goodbye, a see you soon, and they watch all the way as he walks down the street.950Please respect copyright.PENANAX6qGmqySig
The thirty minute walk gives his time to think about what's going to happen, to him, to them, to everyone they know.950Please respect copyright.PENANAszkSoWlVVU
He reaches his destination, and there, a slim, quiet figure waits, extending a hand upon sight.950Please respect copyright.PENANAQNG3SG0uP7
He grasps it.950Please respect copyright.PENANAZXe7At5AWa
"Ready?"950Please respect copyright.PENANANSmfeSucZw
The person answers. "Ready."950Please respect copyright.PENANA1SgVLc6tlo
He can tell that they're not, really, but they're going to do this anyway.950Please respect copyright.PENANAymyg6dOv6j
They can hear all the noise from inside the hall, growing louder as they open the door.950Please respect copyright.PENANAOSq0fxbXiY
Silence.950Please respect copyright.PENANApJYbo5cjTH
Everything stops.950Please respect copyright.PENANAkktfx7X9KX
And he thinks of his wish, still strong in his mind, and walks, hand in hand, into the room.950Please respect copyright.PENANAUB2CsFytHo
I wish…950Please respect copyright.PENANAsLrzqK4pUk
I wish…950Please respect copyright.PENANAdNV3RqThW7
Esme cries.
-extract from memoir of a ghost by david whishaw-
When Adam delved, and Eve span,950Please respect copyright.PENANAU55KrSJjiW
Who then was a gentleman?
I'm walking new territory now, no footsteps in the sand before me. I've thrown everything that I knew and loved to the winds, and I'm scared that I'll take the journey alone. Everything is different now, but even in those first, tentative steps, I know that however hard this will be, something magical is waiting for me at the end. And when I glimpse that beautiful thing, still so far away, rising over the horizon, I'm going to run, oh, I'll run, and I'm never looking back.
Just watch me go.950Please respect copyright.PENANAxJT2TKfYDV
-chalkboard stories-950Please respect copyright.PENANA5G0IjfpurF
its only an enigma950Please respect copyright.PENANAxgZ0PEKJ89
if you want it to be