"Father, they are burning houses", Ignacia peeled her gaze away from the window, unable to look any longer. "What did those residents ever do?", her golden eyes glinted with remorse. Aiden Uriel sighed, and stopped pacing after what seemed an eternity. "They allowed themselves to be governed by the Uriels", he said finally. "The Dragon Kings want to take over entire Mortfire, Ignacia, and they will burn anyone who doesn't bend the knee". "Shouldn't you go out there and fight for them father?", Ignacia asked, head bowed. Aiden moved uncomfortably . His legs were tired from all the pacing. He could still shoot an arrow , however , he wasn't sure how well he would do at the back of a horse. Old age had made him obsolete.
He walked over to where Ignacia had been standing and peered outside the window. Smoke was the only sign of a riot there, yet Aiden could hear the screaming till here. He could see the grains being burned, the throats being cut, the children and women being held prisoners to be sold as slave. He could see a girl, with golden eyes and hair as scarlet as the brightest flames ,being cuffed and chained in front of her father , and he could see the father, an old man in his fifties, with grey hair replacing his youth, and he could hear the chained girl's scream of terror as they slit her father's throat. He could see and hear Ignacias and Aidens outside the window and he knew that he had to fight for them. He was their representative, their leader.
He picked up his bow, and practiced a demo shot with it. His shoulder ached from the effort. He bent down, and kissed Ignacia on the cheek. "Remember, if I don't come back, Princess Ignacia , you will be crowned Queen of Mortfire. This is the highest form of honour there is. With great honour, comes great responsibility . I would expect you to fight for your people, on the battlefield, and ensure that every son or father that dies fighting for this land is given an honour as great as yourself, and I would expect you to free Mortfire of the cowards who call themselves "Kings". Promise me, Ignacia, that if I were to not return, you would honour these words". "I promise, Father." Aiden got up on his feet again. "I hope you would make a better ruler than me, Ignacia. Now go inform the Kingsgaurd to ready the army for battle." "Yes father".
As Ignacia moved towards the door, Aiden stared at the head of scarlet, trying to commit that fiery colour in his memory , because he knew that he was walking towards his death.