Xīng-lóng is on his way home when he is caught in a storm and is forced to make an emergency landing, in what looks like a small village, nestled in a valley at the base of a huge mountain. Just as he is about to come in to land, he is blinded by a flash of lightning, rendering him unable to see how close he is to the ground until it is too late and ends up crash landing which results in the wind being knocked of him. After a few minutes he is able to sit up, he shakes his head and begins to look around, to see that he has landed not far from a house. However, the moment he tries to stand, a shooting pain comes from his left ankle which makes him fall back down.
Then it begins to rain, making the young god look up at the sky and mutters, "Typical,” unfolding his wings, arching them around his head and body to stay as dry as possible.
A few minutes past and Xīng-lóng becomes aware of voices approaching him. He arches his right wing back to see that a woman and a man are now trotting over to him.
“Are you hurt?” The man asks.
Xīng-lóng nods and replies, “My ankle.”
The mortals help him up and they both take him down the lane a little way to a large house. The woman slides open the door and they all head inside. The mortals help the young god to take a seat on a bed then the man begins to call, “Heng.”
A tall, element Light Grey Dragon enters the room, to see the most beautiful Snow Dragon who is dressed like a woman appears to be holding his left ankle.
"Here allow me," he says in a soft voice, going on to examine it. "I am Xù Heng. Alchemist.”
“Shao Xīng-lóng son of Yúnlong.”
The Light Grey Dragon's eyes open wide and he says with a bit of a gasp, "Oh my goodness you are Bǎihé's grandson. I should say I am Junjie's nephew."
"No way?! Well it is pleasure to meet you."
"You too. Your ankle is fine by the way just a bad sprain. I'm afraid you are going to have to stay off it for a few days. Please stay, and let's get you out of those wet closes."
Xīng-lóng nods and the lady helps the young god to remove his Hanfu, when she starts to check his undergarment she says in a soft voice, “I'm afraid this will need to to come off as well.”
“Shì, I agree my dear as it is quite wet,” replies Xīng-lóng as he unties the thin sash.
This makes Heng quickly hold up a sheet to give the young Dragon some privacy until he says, “I’m decent.”
“Good and please use this to dry your hair and I'll place your clothes in the other room to dry,” says Heng as he picks them up.
“Thanks... Come to think of it, how am I going to inform my dad of where I am?”
“Do not stress, I will send a message by hawk to my uncle," replies the Light Grey Dragon, placing his hand on top of the young man’s shoulder. “Before that I will do you a cooling compress which will help relieve the pain.”
Before Xīng-lóng has a chance to thank him Heng disappears making him and the mortals giggle.
"Oh my he is so like his uncle," says the young Snow Dragon, shaking his head. "He too does that wonders off before you have the chance to thank him or ask any further questions."
“You seem to know his uncle well?” The woman asks, looking all surprised.
Xīng-lóng nods and replies, “I sure do, because he is the Head Alchemist for my uncle Límíng wú's Order.”
The mortals smile and the man replies, "Ah that explains it."
Heng returns holding a cloth which he places around Xīng-lóng’s ankle and says, “There, that will help it to ease it.”
The young Snow Dragon smiles and asks, “What is that lovely sent?”
“It’s Chamomile oil. It is good for taking away pain and if not I will use some acupuncture,” says Heng, as he ties a strip of material around the cloth to hold the cloth in place.
Xīng-lóng sniff the air again and softly says, “Oh wait Huáng chūnjú, it comes from Egypt, right?”
“That's right. Then I take it my uncle told you the story?"
The young Snow Dragon nods and replies, "Yes, he told us how he was given a crop of it by a king as a thank you for helping his people."
"Right again. My that really shows you know my dear uncle."
"I sure do. He is a lovely man once you get to know him. Plus it is so obvious he is loves my grandmother."
The lady gasps, "Dose he now?"
This just make the Alchemist clear his throat and say, “Right. Will you both can leave this young man to me."
"Yes of course Heng," replies the man, performing a slight bow. "Come along my love."
The woman nods and the Light Grey goes on to escort them out of the infirmary, then returns to his patient and asks, “Can I get you anything?”
“Really I am not fussed, I will be fine with anything you have,” replies Xīng-lóng, giving him a smile.
Heng gently pats him on the shoulder before he walks away into the back room.
The Show Dragon goes on to get himself comfortable and turns his attention to the shutters when they are lit up by a few flashes of lightning and he hears the Light Grey Dragon voice come from the other room, “Wow!”
Then the young god quickly cover his ears when a loud clap of thunder rumbles over the house and the next thing he is being embraced by the Alchemist, who asks, “All right?”
Xīng-lóng looks into his dreamy eyes, he gives him a nod and replies, “That was loud.”
Heng nods in agreement and says, “I hate it…. It really hurts my ears. Anyway, do you care for mushrooms?”
“Yes, I do.”
“Good and back in a mo,” says the Light Grey Dragon, giving him another pat on the shoulder before he returns to the other room.
Soon the fragrance of food cooking starts to waft through the house and the Snow Dragon becomes aware that Heng is humming a tune which makes him think, he has a lovely voice. A few minutes later the Alchemist comes in holding two bowls, he hands one to him as he takes a seat on the bed.
Xīng-lóng takes the set of chopsticks from the elegant god's hand and uses them to pick up a slice of mushroom which have been placed over the top of the fried rice.
The Light Grey Dragon watches him eat another slice along with some rice and asks, “Like it?”
The young god nods and replies, “It’s really nice. You’re a good cook.”
Heng smiles and says, “Why thank you, dear boy.”
They both carry on eating and every now and then they would glance to each other.
A little while later Xīng-lóng quickly places his hand over his mouth to muffle his burp and says, “Excuse me.”
“It’s all right, young one and are you finished?”
The Snow Dragon nods and replies, “That was lovely.”
Heng takes the bowl and asks, “Do you care fruit?”
“Matter of fact, I do. My favourite are cherries.”
“Ah mine too,” replies the Light Grey Dragon, placing a hand to his chest and smiles.
Xīng-lóng smiles back and watches him return to the other into the other room to come back holding a bowl which is filled to the brim with lovely plump, deep red cherries.
“Go ahead take one,” he says, holding it out towards him.
The young god takes hold of one of the deep green storks to pull it from the pile eats it and the moment he goes to spit out the stone in his hand, Heng gives him a small cloth.
They share the whole bowl between them and when the Alchemist offers the last one to the young god he gently places it to Xīng-lóng's lips and whispers, “Eat it.”
Xīng-lóng carefully eats it from his fingers which makes Heng smile and raise his scale eyebrows.
Then they both begin to laugh and the Snow Dragon says in a soft voice, “That was fun.”
The Light Grey Dragon nods and replies, “It sure was. How’s your ankle feeling?”
“Much better,” replies Xīng-lóng, giving the top of the bandaged a stroke.
“I’m pleased to hear that. Would you like some tea?”
The young god places the backs of his fingers near his mouth and whispers, “I need the bathroom.”
Heng places the blanket around him and softly replies, “Allow me to escort you.”
Xīng-lóng emits a little giggle when the alchemist picks him up and carries him through the infirmary to a door that lies at the back, which starts to open before they even reach it. Heng continues to carry the young Snow Dragon down a covered walkway to an out building.
“Here we are,” he says, lowering Xīng-lóng legs just inside the doorway.
“Now be careful not to bare too much weight on your poorly ankle,” says the Alchemist.
“I will try not to,” replies the young god as he hobbles further inside.
The Grey Dragon slides the door closed, he walks a little way up the covered walkway and waits.
Xīng-lóng is washing his hands in a large bowl and he begins to notice a lovely sent is coming from the water, he looks inside the jug to see little pale, yellow petals, are floating on the surface. He gives his hand a sniff and mutters, “Honeysuckle.”
Once he has dried them on a cloth, dangling from a nail in the wall, then hobbles over to the door and is just about to open it when something catches his eye. A small red beetle with black spots, is making its way across the door. He allows it to crawl on to his left little finger and makes his way outside.
“What have you got there, young one?” Heng asks, walking over him.
“A little bug,” replies Xīng-lóng, watching it crawl to the end of his claw. “My grandmother uses them to keep a pest off her plants.”
“Same here. If it wasn’t raining I would take you to the herb garden.”
“It might fly that way,” says the Snow Dragon, watching the little bug open its tiny wing casings.
“True,” replies the Light Grey Dragon.
Once it has take to the air Heng goes on to carry Xīng-lóng back to the house places him back in bed.
Xīng-lóng looks up at him and replies, “Yes, thank you.”
The Alchemist smiles and says, “Good. Right tea.”
“I don’t suppose you would have any Yin Zhen?”
Heng just looks at the young god for a moment, before h asks, “What is that?”
“It’s a lovely refreshing tea which grows in south China,” replies Xīng-lóng, watching the elegant Dragon’s eyes open wider.
“My goodness you’ve travelled far.”
Xīng-lóng giggles and replies, “I get it from my diē, he likes to travel and I always went with him until I got my wings.”
“I see, you’re both quite the adventures, just like your great, grandfather and Dampa.”
“You knew my great, great uncle?” Xīng-lóng asks, trying to look surprised.
Heng shakes his head and replies, “My goodness, I’m not that old. My uncle has told me stories about him.”
“Oh I see, me too as my great grandfather really admires and misses him.”
“Have you ever been to visit him?”
Xīng-lóng nods and replies, “I have been to see him twice on his birthday.”
"Amazing. I do not think I could ever brave the cold.
“I do not know why I am getting the feeling you are older than me,” questions Xīng-lóng, looking into his eyes.
The Light Grey Dragon nods and replies, “I think I am around half a century older than you.”
Xīng-lóng smiles and says, “Is that all?”
They laugh and Heng goes on to say shakes his head and softly says, "I’m afraid I do not have the tea you spoke of. How’s about some golden tea?”
“Is it strong?”
The Alchemist nods and replies, “Yes, it’s got quite a kick to it.”
“Then I regret to inform you I am not one for strong tea’s.”
“Ah in that case I will do us a pot of yellow tea. It is quite refreshing and not too strong.”
“I'm willing to give it a try,” replies Xīng-lóng with a smile spreading across his face.
Heng smiles back before he walks out of the room.
Whilst Xīng-lóng waits for him to return, he surveys the room some more and notices to his right is a cup with a saucer on top. The moment he picks it up, a rattling sound comes from within. He carefully lifts up one side of the saucer to take a look inside.
“Huh…. Dice,” he mutters, completely removing the lid.
“They were a gift from my people. It’s a game they play,” says Heng as he enters the room, carrying a small tray.
“Game?” Xīng-lóng asks, picking up one of the little dice which are round at the corners from years of use.
the Light Grey Dragon nods and says, “It’s an odd or even game.”
“How interesting,” replies Xīng-lóng, giving the bowl a little shake which courses the other five dice to slide about. “They are made from animal bone…. Aren’t they?”
“No, a white wood that grows in the hills not far from here,” replies Heng, pouring the young god a cup of tea.
Xīng-lóng takes hold of the cup and says, "Thank you."
They sit in silence for a moment sipping their cups of tea until Heng asks, “Would you like to play?”
Xīng-lóng looks down at the bowl and replies, “Yes, all right, teach me.”
the Alchemist nods as he places the saucer over the top of the bowl.
They both go on to finish their teas then Heng picks up the bowl with his thumbs on top of the upturned saucer and gives it a shake.
The young god waits for him to set it down then calls, “Odd.”
Grey Dragon lifts off the bowl and replies, “Ah even. Another go?”
Xīng-lóng nods and calls odd again.
Heng lefts up the bowl and replies, “Hey you were right that time.”
The Snow Dragon giggles and they carry on playing long into the night until Heng notices that the young man is beginning to fall asleep. He sets the bowl down on top of the cupboard and helps him to lie down.
“Do you have any Dogwood?”
“Yes, I’ll get you a stick,” replies Heng, giving him a pat on the shoulder before he heads into the back room to return a few minutes later with a small twig.
Xīng-lóng sits up slightly and replies, “Thank you.
The Alchemist gives him anther pat on the shoulder and replies, “No problem, dear boy.”
Xīng-lóng goes on to strip away the outer bark before he bites the twig a few times and uses it to scrub his teeth.
Do you require the bathroom?” Heng asks in soft voice.
When the young god gives him a nod, the Grey Dragon gently picks him up and carries him to the outbuilding.
A few minutes later Xīng-lóng comes out he notices the stunning god is looking up at the night sky. Then he hears it the sound of distant thunder which draws his attention to the horizon, where he sees the clouds are being lit up by flashes of lightning.
Heng walks over to him and says, “We’re in for another storm. Hopefully we will be asleep before it arrives.”
The young god nods in agreement and replies, “Hope so.”
The Alchemist carries him back to the infirmary. he comes to a outside a blind made from strips of bamboo and says, “That’s my room. So just call if you need me.”
“All right, I will do.”
They continue in to the front of room and Heng gently lies him down.
"Good night.”
“Good night and thanks for everything Heng.”
The Grey Dragon gives him a pat on the shoulder and says, “No problem at all dear boy. Remember call if you need me.”
“Will do,” replies Xīng-lóng with a nod and a smile.
The Alchemist gives him a pat on the arm before he walks away.
The Snow Dragon carries on cleaning his teeth with the twig, placing it down on the on the cupboard, before he lies down, pulling the thick blanket up to his neck and soon drifts off to sleep.
Heng is awakened by a loud crack of thunder and his room is lit up by a few flashes of lightning. Then he hears Xīng-lóng call, “Dad,” a few times.
This makes him go to him to discover he is still semi asleep, he lies down next to him and softly says, “Shh… it’s all right.”
The young god snuggles up to him and whispers, “Dad.”
The Grey Dragon holds him close and slowly falls back to sleep.
The next morning Xīng-lóng awakens to find Heng is lying next to him and he is still fast asleep. His eyes are drawn to the scales on his cheek, shimmering red to purple in the shafts of sunlight coming through the gap of the shutters and thinks, so beautiful.
The Alchemist's thin lips form into a small smile and he says softly, “Good morning, young one.”
"Good morning. What happened?"
"You began to call for your dad. I mean it is perfectly understandable giving the circumstances. I never intended to remain here."
"It's all right, it is not like I cannot trust you."
Heng smiles and says, “True. Anyway, what would you like for breakfast?”
“Porridge is fine with me.”
The Light Grey Dragon sits up and says, “All right and would you like some breakfast tea?”
Xīng-lóng nods and replies, “Yes please.”
Heng sits up, stretching his arms out in front of him as he rises, then heads into the back room.
Xīng-lóng pulls up the bottom of the blanket to expose his slender feet and starts to remove the compress from his left ankle to see that the swelling has gone right down, and it does not hurt to move it.
“Careful,” says the Alchemist as he enters the room carrying a small tray. “How does it feel?”
“All right, it doesn't hurt to move it up and down. Nonetheless, I’m still going to take it easy.”
“I’m pleased to hear you say that, as I am often telling the mortals to take it easy, but they never seem to listen until it starts to hurt them again.”
“I think we have all suffered that problem, especially when the mortal is elderly. On the other hand, my great grandfather, never has any trouble.”
Heng emits a soft laugh as he says, “That’s because he’s the Father of the Gods.”
Xīng-lóng nods in agreement and replies, “You are not wrong there.”
They both laugh and the Light Grey Dragon goes on to say, “I’m just going out to get some more rice. I’ll be as quick as I can.”
“Do not worry I will be all right. I can hop to the bathroom,” replies the young god with a smile spreading across his face.
Heng shakes his head and says, “I have a cane somewhere?” He then heads back into the other room.
All Xīng-lóng hears is him muttering as he wanders around the kitchen, “Where did I put it?” A few minutes later he returns, holding a long cane which has been beautifully carved from a single piece of red wood.
“There you go,” he says, holding it out towards him.
The Snow Dragon takes hold of it and replies, "This is lovely. The detail on the dragon is just amazing.”
“The mortal who gave me that, is a young man who must be around the same age as you. He has a real eye for detail, and has done a lot of carvings for the village,” says Heng, pointing his hand at it.
“Really that’s impressive. He’s a very talented young man,” replies Xīng-lóng, rotating the cane to take a look at the detail of the dragon's back that is curling around the top of it.
“Right back in a mo, dear boy,” says the Alchemist, walking over to the back of the infirmary.
The young god places the cane down on the floor, he gets on to his knees and opens the shutters. Once his eyes have adjusted to the bright sunlight, he sees the room is overlooking a large garden filled with all kinds of plants. Then from out of no where a little bird lands on the windowsill and starts to sing.
“You are lovely,” he says softly so not to frighten it.
The bird hops on to the back of his hand and carries on singing.
"Good morning Speckles,” says Heng, walking over to them. “He comes every morning to that window and sings.”
Xīng-lóng watches him pour a smile pile of grain from his left hand on the windowsill. The little bird stops singing to scratch his neck and clean his chest before he goes on to eat the food.
“You are beautiful,” he says, running his finger gently down the little birds back. “May I ask why do you call him Speckles?”
The Grey Dragon smiles and replies, “When he was a baby he used to have little white dots all over his chest.”
“I see. May I ask another question, how can you tell it’s a boy?”
“Because I have seen him displaying to get a lady,” replies Heng, winking his right.
“Ah now I understand and has he got one?”
The Alchemist nods and replies, “Been with her now for two years, haven’t you boy?”
The bird looks up at him and does a few tweets as if to say, that’s right.”
“How wonderful,” says Xīng-lóng, watching the little bird as he carries on eating.
“His lady is not as brave as him, she will only come as far as the feeder in the garden,” says Heng, pointing his hand through the open window.
The Snow Dragon looks to where he is indicating to see a small wooden tray, has been suspended from a branch of a tree. It sways in the breeze and perched on one edge of it, is another little bird. “Yes, I see her ,” he says, looking back at the other bird.
The Alchemist pats him on the shoulder and says, “I will not be long. This little one should sing again before he flies back to his lady.”
Xīng-lóng looks up at him and replies, “All right see you in a bit.”
“Come to think of it, whilst it is nice and fine I will send a that message to my uncle.”
“Thanks again,” replies the Snow Dragon quickly turning his attention back to the bird when he hops onto his hand. “Such a brave little thing.”
“He sure is,” replies Heng as he leaves the infirmary.
Xīng-lóng gives the bird a stroke as he starts to sing and hops back on the windowsill. A few minutes later he flies over to the other bird before taking off into the tree.
The young god continues to look out of the window whilst he drinks another cup of tea and thinks his family is going to be pleased to know he is all right, he has just been delayed a little bit. He decides to go and get washed and dressed. In the bathroom he discovers Heng has done him a nice hot bath.
When the Light Grey Dragon returns he carries on making breakfast, living the rice to cook whilst he goes on to check on his guest. He just knocks on the door and asks, "Is everything all right?"
"Yes, fine," replies the Snow Dragon. "I will not be long."
Heng emits a soft laugh and says, “No rush, dear boy. I mainly came to check on you.”
"Ah bless you."
"Just call if you need me."
"Will do."
Heng smiles and then leaves the young god to it and heads back to the house where he goes on to add some jasmine to the rice. Soon the delicate fragrance fills the room. The Alchemist is just adding some seeds to the fluffy rice when the back door opens and a few seconds later Xīng-lóng steps inside with a drying cloth wrapped around his long hair.
"I have to say that is selling good," he says, taking a seat at the table.
"Well I'm pleased to hear, dear boy. How's the ankle? I could not help but noticed you are not liming so much."
The young god slightly raises the cane and replies, "I would say it is definitely on the mend, however, I think this also helped."
"I am pleaded. I informed my uncle you might only need to stay another day and weather permitting you should be heading home... I mean only if you feel up to it of course."
The Snow Dragon smiles and asks, "Had enough of me already?"
Heng shakes his head and quickly replies, "No, no not at all, dear boy. I was just thinking you must be keen to get going home your family."
Xīng-lóng bits his bottom lip before he says, "Oops I am sorry I should have giggled or something to express I was only playing around. I should say my family are use to me not returning home when I said, something like I'll be back by the next full moon."
The Light Grey Dragon laughs and replies, "Oh I should have guessed you were teasing and I completely understand as I am the same."
They both laugh and Heng carries on sorting the porridge.
The Snow Dragon pours himself a cup of tea and asks, "Do you have children?"
"Yes, I have six wonderful boys. You?"
Xīng-lóng shakes his head and replies, "No. Then again I do not want children just yet."
"I understand, you are young, all you want to do is go off on adventures. I too was like that. That is how I ended up here. This place had been hit with a sickness and with my expertise I was able to cure them. By then I had settled in to this house and a year later I was blessed with my first set of twins."
The Snow Dragon practically spits his mouthful of tea, he quickly uses a cloth to dap his lips and gasps, "Twins all of them?"
The Light Grey Dragon nods and replies, "Yes, it is perfectly normal in my family. I know it is rare for your family."
"Yes, you are correct we only have a single child. To be honest two at once...no."
They both laugh and Heng says, "I was not that bad. I mean yes they came a little sooner, which is to be expected when thing were getting a little tight."
"Yes, that's true," replies Xīng-lóng, placing his hands upon his abdomen. "I take it then you have lots of brothers?"
The Alchemist uses his abilities to place a scoop of porridge in to two bowels and replies, "I have seven brothers. I'm part of the third set of twins. I came after my brother."
"Oh my goodness I have to say your father is amazing to have eight sons."
Heng smiles as he sends a bowl to him and says, "Well it is two less than my grandfather."
The young god takes hold of the floating bowl and gasps, "Ten children, oh my no, no one or two will be more than enough."
They both laugh and the Light Grey Dragon asks, "Do you have brother?"
"Yes, matter of fact I do. He is fifteen years young than me. Dad was a little shocked because he thought he was taking after great grandpa because it took him a long time to have grandmother. I have to say you would not know there was fifteen years between us because we get on really well."
"I would not think any differently because us Dragons seem to get on well with our siblings no matter how many year or centuries are between us," says the Light Grey Dragon, as he winks his left eye and smiles.
"You are not wrong there. We all seem to get along well despite our ages."
Heng nods in agreement and they both go on to finish their breakfast. Then they move on in to the sitting room where they go on to play Wéiqí until the sun hangs high in the sky. Then the Light Grey Dragon does them both some launch, rice with vegetables and topped with mushrooms.
In the afternoon the once fine weather is replaces with a storm, the strong wind makes the shutters rattle and whole house seems creaks and moan. The gods stuff their ears with pieces of cloth to dull the thunder and they just spend the rest of the day playing different games. It is just before the evening meal when they hear a knock come at the front door.
The Alchemist quickly goes to answer it and says, "Please come in."
A tall well built man, with long white hair and horns dressed in a white Hanfu comes stepping inside the hallway, his emerald eyes look right at him and he asks, "My grandson is here?"
Heng realises the attractive man before him is a White Dragon in his human form, he gives him a cloth to dry his face and replies, "Yes, if you would like to follow me."
The man slips off his boots as he steps up and says, "I am Xuěhuā son of Bīng fēng."
The Light Grey Dragon performs a slight bow and replies, "It is an honour to meet you."
The moment they enter the sitting room Xīng-lóng gasps, "Grandpa!"
The White Dragon drops to his knees in front of him, he gives him a soft hug and says, "My dear grandson, how is the ankle?"
"Much better. You did not have to come in this."
"Oh this is nothing, I have been in far worse storms than this. Besides I wanted to come and see you, even though you are in safe hands."
"I understand grandpa."
Heng pours his new guest a cup of tea and offers, "Would you care for something to eat as I was just about to make the evening meal."
"Bless you, and whatever you are making will be fine."
The Light Grey Dragon performs a slight bow before he walks out of the room.
Xuěhuā gives his grandson a pat on the arm and touches his mind, "Looks like you two have been getting a long."
"We have. He is a nice man, so like his uncle Junjie."
"Oh is he now?"
The Snow Dragon nods and smiles. "I really like him, he is very kind man who is willing to take on anything."
Even though there is no change to the young god's voice or expression the White Dragon gives him a soft nudge and says, "If I am not mistaken you seem to be falling for him."
"You guessed right grandpa I am indeed falling for him. Can this really be true?"
"It is when there is such a handsome man before you. The only thing you need to be sure of my dear grandson, is finding out if he feels the same way for you."
Xīng-lóng has a think and replies, "It is too soon to be asking questions like that grandpa."
"Perhaps you are right. Even so I have notices him looking at you."
"Yes, his long little stares are a good sign he does like me. I am just going to see what happens, with him being a lot older than me."
Xuěhuā laughs and whispers, "You should not let that put you off when your grandmother and I have a fare few years between us."
They both laugh and the young god replies, "True, true."
The White Dragon gently pats the side of his grandson's face and whispers, "My advice, do not rush in to anything."
"I hear you grandpa and do not worry I am going to take things slowly."
"There's a good lad. So is he any good?" the White Dragon asks, pointing his hand to the Wéiqí board.
Xīng-lóng shakes his head and touches his grandfather's mind, "He tries his best, nonetheless, he is unable to beat me... Then again I have been taught by my dad who was taught by great grandpa."
"That is a very good point, because I have to admit your dad is even better than me and do not even bother trying to beat Longwei. I have learnt to just enjoy the game and just do my best."
They both laugh because this what most people do when it comes to playing Wéiqí with the Father of the Gods, who is classed as one of the quickest players. Even his own daughter struggles to beat him and quite often people believe he goes easy on her to allow her to win some games. Some have claimed he even though his dear daughter is a gown woman he has been witnessed giving Bǎihé hints where to place the next piece.
They decide to have round whilst they wait for Heng to return holding a tray of bowls which he sets down on the table.
"Xuěhuā, I hope you are all right with a none meat dish?"
The White Dragon's scaled eyebrows rise and he replies, "I am used to them being that way with my beloved Bǎihé, for I do not expect her to always do me a fish meal. Or though I have to admit she cooks fish to perfection."
The Alchemist's eyes open wide and he gasps, "Really?!"
"Oh yes and I do not mean to brag, nonetheless, nothing even comes close to it, well apart from dad's cooking."
"I see, now I understand and I can see my simple meal not being as impressive as theirs."
"Nor should it be son. I'm sure you have done a great job," says Xuěhuā, going on to try some of the rice. "Perfect son."
Heng emits a soft laugh and replies, "Oh come on my cooking is nothing like theirs, you are being too modest."
"I beg to differ young one, you have done great and besides my cooking is nothing to brag about."
"Oh no I have to argue with that, dear grandpapa, for your meals are amazing."
"Why that is sweet of you to say my dear, dear grandson," replies Xuěhuā, gently patting the side of the young Dragon's face.
They all laugh at the idea that there is always a better cook than themselves when in reality they all can cook wonderful, mouthwatering dishes. They all continue to eat and for afters the Light Grey Dragon comes in holding a bowl of fruit.
The White and Snow Dragons each take a pear, where Heng takes some red fussy balls that have a lovely off white flesh inside and smell quite sweet.
Once they have all washed their hands they continue to play games long in to the night and end up going to bed in the early hours. The following morning they awaken to blue sky and a nice breeze, perfect flying weather. After breakfast Xīng-lóng decides to return home with his grandfather and Heng thought he would never see him again. However he was wrong for the follow week the young god was back and does him a nice meal to thank him for taking care of him. This is when the Light Grey Dragon express he has become aware he likes him.
The Snow Dragon is pleased to hear this and gives him a kiss on the cheek.
From then on they begin to see each other more and more, by flying to each others homes. Word soon reaches Yúnlong that things between them have become more serious so he decides to meet this Light Grey Dragon who appears to have won the affections of his dear son's heart.
Heng is on his way back to the house after collecting some wood from the log house when he hears a deep voice call his name. He turns around to see it is a Snow Dragon dressed in a light green half coat and a light yellow Hanfu. It is not until he notices the fine hairpin that has two blue pearls dangling from it that he realises who he is.
"Yúnlong," he says, performing a deep bow.
The Snow Dragon folds his arms and his eyes narrow.1506Please respect copyright.PENANAnoohoPSaMe