Last time, Aaron finally had the courage to ask Mariah out to the Winter Festival. Aaron was shocked that Mariah yes.
She said yes!!!! Aaron thoughts. Hey Aaron what the hell are you so happy about? Kaori asked. Let me guess, Mariah said you would be his date for the Winter Festival. Keenan asked. Natasha walks into class and sees Sam. Hey, Sam, your brother is acting weirder than usual. Natasha replied. Keenan, has Aaron always had feelings for Mariah? Natasha asked. You have no idea. Sam replied. Aaron, Mariah, Sam and I hung out with each other because our moms are friends. Keenan replied. I think my mom told me about that. Natasha replied. He's had feelings for her since we were little. Sam replied. He finally got a date with her. Natasha replied. Well we wont have to worry unless he doesn't get too nervous around her. Keenan replied. That is bad, we might have to spy on them for Aaron's own good. Sam replied. After school, Aaron was really nervous when he was walking home. What is wrong with you? Aaron asked. She said she would be my date to the festival. Aaron replied. Yeah, every year the same kind of guys usually go as her dates to the festival. Sam replied. To be honest, you are lucky but at the same time, guys will harass you too. Sam replied. You know you are supposed to be confronted with good things but instead, you are making me cautious. Aaron replied. Your welcome. Sam replied. You'll be fine. Syd replied. Get ready and pick up Mariah. Syd replied. You want me to help you to where she lives? Sam asked. Stop being sarcastic with me. Aaron replied. I mean that happens occasionally. Sam replied. Don't listen to your sister. Syd replied. Soon as Aaron left, Syd told Sam, "I know how your brother gets around Mariah, round up Nanami and the others alright" Mom that's so mean. Sam replied. Syd looked at Sam. Nanami we are spying on my brother and Mariah replied. When Aaron reached Mariah's house. Aaron knocked on the door. Mariah's father, Daniel came up to the door. Hi Aaron, why are you here? Daniel asked. Dad, I am going to the festival with Aaron. Mariah replied. Why didn't you tell me? Daniel replied. After Aaron and Mariah left her house they walked to the festival. When they went to one of the veneers. How about you wait while to order some doughnuts. Aaron replied. Can I get the jelly filled one? Mariah replied. Can I have two doughnuts? Aaron asked. What kind of flavors do you want? Kaori asked. Wait is Mariah looking dead at me.Kaori thought. Do I know from somewhere? Aaron asked. What would give you such an idea? Kaori asked. Mariah walked over. Are you ok? Mariah asked. Hey doesn't she look familiar? Aaron asked. Let's not worry about that, let's just get our doughnuts and see more of the festival. Mariah replied.
Aaron and Mariah started walking downtown. Aaron hears a voice and it says "Blaze". Mariah move out the way! Aaron yelled. Soon as Aaron turned, he saw *Hanamoyu once again. What the hell are you doing here? Aaron asked. So this white-haired bimbo is your type of woman? Hanamoyu asked. What are you doing here? Aaron asked. Well, you see I heard about this White haired girl before. She is supposed to have some kind of ancient power that can destroy anything she desires. So I came to take her now. Hanamoyu replied. She grabbed Mariah. Put her down Hanamoyu! Aaron yelled. Soon as Mariah was wrapped in her fire web. Mariah was telling herself not to use the ability she spoke of. I know you are trying to keep that power within right? Hanamoyu asked. It was like a storm of arrows came down and it cut Mariah out of the web. You know attacking the innocent is wrong. Virgo replied. Must you be the Virgo*? Hanamoyu asked. Yes I am, I won't let you put a finger on these two. Virgo replied. You are right, I can't defeat you right? Hanamoyu asked. Hey don't let her get to you, Virgo. She might have a value to us.*Mammon replied. You know I don't want to hear that coming from a demon who gives into greed. Virgo replied. You know you could let that all slide. Mammon replied. I don't know what is going on but can we retreat now? Aaron asked. Go on an finish your date. Virgo replied. Yeah have a great time. Mammon replied. Even though we might have different outlooks we have a similar objective right now. Mammon replied. You are right, taking this girl down. Virgo replied. Soon as Aaron and Mariah ran, they heard a big explosion. It seems like they knew us? Aaron replied. Your right, but let's finish the date before my parents start worrying. Mariah replied. Sure as long as your father doesn't come. Aaron replied. Yeah that is true. Mariah replied. Aaron started blushed as Mariah pulled close to his arm.
Aaron and Mariah were running away from Hanamoyu attacks. All of a sudden a man and woman came out of nowhere and helped them out. Hey are you ok, Mariah? Aaron asked. Yeah its just that your sister is calling me. Hey Mariah, hows that date with my brother? Sam asked. Where are you, Sam? Mariah asked. Who cares about that? Sam replied. What are you plotting? Mariah asked. "Come to the Plaza, guess what tonight is?" Sam asked. Wait do you mean? Mariah asked. Bye has a great night you two. Sam replied. Sam walked off to the next stand until she saw something. Natasha walked over and told her we have to take those people out. Tonight has to be perfect for them. Soon as they walked in the Plaza. A memory from three years ago of Aaron giving Mariah a gift he won for her. Mariah pulled him by his arm leading him to the Plaza. Why are we going to the Plaza? Aaron asked. Do you remember three years ago on today? Mariah asked. Wait is this why you wanted to go with me this year? Aaron asked. Maybe partially but also, a loving sister of your told me everything. Mariah replied. What do you mean loving sister? Aaron asked. I'll explain everything later, alright. Mariah replied. Mariah was sitting close to Aaron and putting her head on his shoulder. The only thing Aaron could do was blush. Sam sent him a message "U idiot this is your chance KISS her!!!!" Aaron looked at Mariah. What is this feeling I'm feeling its deadly? Aaron thought. So they let criminals like you free? Himura asked. So how long are you going to come after? Mariah asked.
Aaron wanted to finally get the chance to get to kiss Mariah, the girl he has had feelings for since they were children. Then *Himura came out and ready to attack Aaron but she saw Mariah.658Please respect copyright.PENANAufOEsXcAd8
Oh my, never thought I would ever see you again, after all, I did give you no mercy. Mariah replied. Why you little! Himura yelled. I am sorry, I can't let you interfere tonight. Sam replied. Who the hell are you? Himura asked. Well I am one of the people who will stop you from interfering tonight. Sam replied. As Aaron and Mariah hear another voice from around the corner. She is right, you are going to deal with us. Kaori replied. Kaoru, Natasha, and Sam appeared and were transformed for battle. So another criminal and he friends came here to fight for this low life scavenger? Himura asked. Nice seeing you too. Natasha replied. You two finish your date alright, we will keep her at bay. Sam replied. Thank you, you guys I hope you show that girl no mercy! Mariah yelled. Aaron and Mariah ran away and saw the festival starting to end. We missed everything because Himura interfered with tonight plan. Aaron replied. I really don't care about that Aaron. Mariah replied. Are you serious? Aaron replied. Aaron, I like you for you, not the other way around. Mariah kissed Aaron. Everyone in the crowd was so happy. They were saying you finally mustered the to courage to confess your feeling towards her after all these years. Allen replied. Is that you Allen? Aaron asked. Allen walked off waving his hand putting his hands in his jacket pockets. Do you know that guy? Mariah replied. Let's just say he is the reason why I left Himura side. Aaron replied. Aaron and Mariah walked off and then they hear, "Don't tell me that she supposed to be a challenge?" Himura asked. Himura threw Sam in front of Aaron and Mariah. Sam! Aaron yelled. You bitch! Aaron replied. Don't let her chase you. I will take her off her high pedestal. Mariah replied. So you are going to use that ancient power you possess? Himaru asked.
You little bitch you will ever change, you will always try to punish someone if a person defies you. Mariah replied. Uh did she just get angry? Aaron replied. I'm not surprised you haven't heard or seen her angry. Sam replied. She is always nice and sweet. Aaron replied. The reason you have never seen this side is because everyone is always on her good side. Sam replied. What is she capable of? Aaron replied. Remember how long she was at the Battle Royal? Sam asked. Yeah she is stronger than any girl I've spared with. Aaron replied. Think of her right now as that time three. Sam replied. Sam are you ok? Natasha asked. I have felt better. Sam replied. Can I ask you a question? Kaori asked. Go ahead. Sam replied. Has Mariah always been strong as in fights barehanded? Kaori asked. This might shock all of you but our happy joy lucky Mariah use to be a delinquent. Sam replied. What the hell! Natasha yelled. I can imagine it, she kind of reminds me of Ami. That girl is terrifying than me. Kaori replied. Really? Sam asked. Yeah am a demon myself. One of these days you will witness her wrath. Kaori replied. Himura summoned a sword and slashed Mariah. Why you little bitch, you asked for it. Mariah replied. So you are going to use one of the ancient arts? Himura asked. Mariah is bleeding! Natasha yelled. Natasha, I fine believe me, I wouldn't let those slashes take me down so easily. Mariah replied. Flames engulf around her and she whispers "Imperatrix Draco ruber". What the hell I have never seen transform into that form before. Natasha replied. She doesn't really use that form very much. Sam replied. Mariah was wearing a strapless crimson red top that stopped at above her bellybutton. She had crimson colored loose pants and wearing Crimson Jutti. Mariah summoned a sword as well. So you think you are going to intimidate me? Himura asked. Mariah vanished. Where did she vanish off too? Sam replied. Mariah appeared and slashed her with her sword. What hell does that from do? Himura asked. Now you know that old saying "Every lady has her secrets" Mariah replied. I won't lose to you. Himura replied. Let's see who will fall down first? Mariah replied. Stay Tuned. 658Please respect copyright.PENANAxpDLocpK6f
This is the end of the Aaron and Mariah's date
Stay Tuned...
Quick Knowledge:
Hanamoyu is a character from Book One. She was one of the main antagonists of Book One Part Four.
Himura came after Aaron for his betrayal from Book One.
Imperatrix Draco ruber is Empress of the Crimson Dragon in Latin
Jutti are Indian shoes.
*Mammon is the demon of greed
Virgo from the Zodiac. Virgo The "Maiden".