Chapter 1685Please respect copyright.PENANAtpWBVSruSy
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Dear diary,685Please respect copyright.PENANA6PBZEQYiml
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Well tomorrow is my first day in actual high school. Mom says no more home school; that willow high is a much better school than those back home. I didn't think Crystal canyon was that bad. It's home.685Please respect copyright.PENANAbhw7a4qepC
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Well i guess it’s not home anymore. Mom says Crystal canyon doesn't exist anymore. I know she's trying to make me feel better but it's really not helpful.685Please respect copyright.PENANA3nb1fyIZIr
685Please respect copyright.PENANAi7u8O2gqyu
I miss Jazzy. We moved at the same time... why did she have to move 100 miles in the opposite direction. “No worries” she said. "We will talk every night."’s so hard to imagine going to a new school without her... she's my only friend. My best friend.685Please respect copyright.PENANAApC36mXJJf
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Dear diary,685Please respect copyright.PENANAbEPSMz1lVp
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Today was horrible! Everyone hates me. I have never seen so many teens. Most stayed as far from me as possible. Laughing at my tail. I don’t understand why? Haven’t they seen pink tails before? When I got lost I asked a teacher for directions- the students were too much… He just laughed and said “Find it yourself witch”. Now that I think about it I was called “Witch” at least 6 times today.685Please respect copyright.PENANA1HjNX62N9G
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Jazzy is calling… BRB685Please respect copyright.PENANApGdT22DBNt
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Jazzy said that she was shunned at her new school to. Like people were afraid of her pink tail. She was hopeful though. She said that “New kids are always shunned at first.” I guess she would know. She has been in new schools before. I hope she is right.685Please respect copyright.PENANA7k4elZ7fcj
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Dear diary,685Please respect copyright.PENANAAxAcOJYWue
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I got lost again today. This time I asked a different teacher. She seemed nicer and politely pointed down the hallway. It wasn’t until after the bell rang that I realized she sent me in the wrong direction. When I finally realized that she was my teacher for that hour I ran back. She sent me to see the principal for being tardy.685Please respect copyright.PENANA9nZnbAQxVd
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The principal said to come to the office after class to help the janitors clean the toilets. And he said that another tardy he would call my mom. I don’t want that. I just can’t disappoint her.685Please respect copyright.PENANAHZCUkThbFa
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Jazzy seemed to still have hope but she did agree that my situation looks worse. she encouraged me to talk to my parents. But I just can’t do that. I am determined to be on time tomorrow.685Please respect copyright.PENANAqNXlhRhlrd
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My first hour teacher called me to his desk after class. He talked to me for half of passing period about the WEATHER. Once I reached my locker I found that all my books and papers were all out of their folders and mixed up. - Most fell out of my locker. Do I really need to say it- I was late, And back in the principal's office.685Please respect copyright.PENANAjWrXxSlf6w
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Within SECONDS She had my mom on the phone. I was surprised when my mom came and got me. Even without knowing the cruelty I was experiencing. Once in the car mom said simply “what are they doing to you?” And I told her… EVERYTHING685Please respect copyright.PENANAU9joZFDYAt
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By the time we got home I was crying. Mom went upstairs and when she came back she gave me this necklace. She said I was required to wear it to school tomorrow. “It will help.” she said “just DO IT”685Please respect copyright.PENANAQgSOA3ZGFT
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This necklace is kind of pretty. I’m sure it would be stunning about 300 years ago. It looks old. but is still shiny and well kept. I guess I will do as she says. what else can I do.685Please respect copyright.PENANAyHuRd7eCmA
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And yes I’m terrified to go back their. I tried everything to get my parents to let me stay luck.685Please respect copyright.PENANApNiY3JKuTu
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It was sooo weird. I put on the necklace before I got out of the car. Mom made sure It was secure. than she hugged me and practically pushed me out of the car. terrified and tearing up I watched her drive away.685Please respect copyright.PENANAAvt6ZhLhsq
685Please respect copyright.PENANAlJsYVZRdgZ
I walked into the building. no one laughed or starred or anything. Than the most bizarre thing happened at lunch. Two of the girls who were the rudest to me… came up and asked me to sit with them. They were actually nice.685Please respect copyright.PENANAAs3JjCmIIL
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This necklace must be magic. I called Jazzy as soon as school was out. I told her what happened. She said that she always where’s her mandatory good luck necklace to public schools. “My mom says it makes people like me.” Jazzy stated. “That’s definitely what this did” I told her.685Please respect copyright.PENANAN6dyqLqmxA
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Dear diary,685Please respect copyright.PENANANxy7f63oDJ
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The girls who let me sit with them at lunch, Rachel and Ivy told me about how they teamed up because no one else wanted either of them in their group for a science project. They are very welcoming. I asked them why they called me a witch. They stared blankly and asked me what I brought for lunch. I didn’t push it. I DON’T want to lose their kindness.685Please respect copyright.PENANAvxSIY3OCX0
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Rachel asked for my number. I was shocked but I gave it to her.685Please respect copyright.PENANAjOCQxYG3yN
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Dear diary,685Please respect copyright.PENANAnPKRaw0FHz
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SATERDAY! finally!685Please respect copyright.PENANAMoV9176RGh
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I didn’t get out of bed until after 11:00. Much better than the 6:30 of the past few days. Boy I am not use to getting up early.685Please respect copyright.PENANAbPWuWa4gQ2
685Please respect copyright.PENANAyyi8XLasPK
About 2:30 Rachel called. I was disappointed. I thought it would be Jazzy. But when Rachel invited me to go to the mall with her and Ivy tomorrow I ran to ask mom. Mom said yes as long as I wear my necklace.685Please respect copyright.PENANAJBuUNfJSRl
685Please respect copyright.PENANAyGx4dc7YaH
I was too excited to ask why. I asked at dinner and Dad said “Just do as your mother says” It really doesn't matter I’m going to the mall with someone who seems to like me!!685Please respect copyright.PENANAVSIxqdL8XO
685Please respect copyright.PENANA38MKfyk7Vk
I called Jazzy as soon as I could. she said that she has a date tomorrow. We are both so excited. We promised each other that we were going to stay best friends. NOTHING will ever get between us!! I Promised to call her tomorrow night. and she promised to answer.