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  • Contest Holder
    Bluemoon Scriptor
    Bluemoon Scriptor
    Words have always fascinated me. I think and feel in pictures - curious I know, so reading and writing is the ultimate outlet. When I write I seek to create feelings within the reader, to summon an understanding of what I am trying to tell you through the story line.

    I like to help - so feel free to call me in for anything. Simply just to read your stories and give my opinion or advice is good with me!... and please do the same for me! :D

    Once in a blue moon? You'll be surprised what causes me to shine.
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  • Challengers
    Challengers TheGreatEscaperChallengers Mr.SniperChallengers shnuffeluvChallengers BobbyChallengers Monos Alba
  • Time Remaining
    Submission Closed
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The Blood Pen Arena... bout 2

Ready to lock pens again competitors?! 

Write a piece with this wonderful image for prompt, provided by none other then the image enthusiast herself, google images! (I do not own this image so don't ask for a different angle! *chuckles).

Where will you take me? Looking for uniqueness, emotion, and the concept of change and time. 

1000word limit with any kind of writing style you desire (poem, letter, short story etc). 

Will the winner be the same? Or will another overtake in skill? 

Only time will tell. 

Emperor Scriptor,  

Ready to lock pens again competitors?! 

Write a piece with this wonderful image for prompt, provided by none other then the image enthusiast herself, google images! (I do not own this image so don't ask for a different angle! *chuckles).

Where will you take me? Looking for uniqueness, emotion, and the concept of change and time. 

1000word limit with any kind of writing style you desire (poem, letter, short story etc). 

Will the winner be the same? Or will another overtake in skill? 

Only time will tell. 

Emperor Scriptor,  

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