Well, I'm so sorry for not updating, but it turns out that I haven't fully recovered from the last illness I had (which really makes me mad). So my mom took me to a doctor, who recognized that several people at my school had the stomach flu and were sent home. (In fact, I learned that almost everyone in Lochland Middle School got sick; even Clayton and Milton got sick. But Adrian and Dorian never got sick, as they weren't anywhere near the school when the sickness broke out. I seriously envy those guys.)
I guess the lunch ladies won't be happy to hear that someone got into the school's kitchens and contaminated their utensils and the food they cooked over a two-week period. I'm sure somebody will find out who did the deed and file a lawsuit over this incident soon.
Anyway, I'm so fricking bored, I want to scream. I had spent the first three days of my sickness asleep, except to use the bathroom and to eat another bowl of soup. But other than that, I couldn't do anything else, not even watch TV.
And to top it all off, "Away in England" was pushed back to next week, or this Sunday if you want to get technical about it, no thanks to some boring TV special that JUST happened to be on TV that weekend. Yeah, thanks a lot, dude! Nobody cares about you; in fact, they care about some fictional kids who want to solve a mystery at some imaginary magical boarding school in England.
But that's not the worst of it.
On Saturday, Claire came over (doesn't she ever get sick? No? Well, whatever she has that makes sure that she doesn't get sick, I want it!) and she spent an hour and a half convincing me that Disney-made cartoons are no good and that I should watch non-Disney cartoons instead. Is she seriously trying to stir up trouble for everyone? Plus, what's wrong with Disney cartoons? It's not that there's nothing wrong with Disney...
Wait, Claire just told me that Walt Disney wasn't a fan of the Jews. So there's that.
Anyway, she made me watch "The Land Before Time", which Jem called "a film so boring it put me to sleep." (By the way, Jem, the movie was not that boring, so shut up!) After that was "Little Nemo & his Adventures in Slumberland", "All Dogs Go to Heaven", and that one cartoon everyone I knew loved to hate, which I forgot the name of.
Well, you can say I went along with everything to please her, but that's not true. Why would I want to do anything like that? Am I not capable of watching movies and thinking for myself? On the other hand, I was annoyed with how Disney portrayed its movies. (The fact that more princesses have been featured in those movies really annoys me.) Like come on! When will we see a movie about a man and not about a princess? No wonder why boys these days are getting a bad rap!
Plus, there's nothing wrong with watching other (non-Disney) cartoons, anyway!
Well, I was lucky to watch "Owls of Phantasia", commonly referred on MySpace and LiveJournal as Logan Dara's "up yours" to that one director who cut him out of the "Spirit Keeper" project. (That film bombed in theaters, by the way.) Of course, despite its "in-your-face" Christian principles, the movie wasn't that bad. But the funny part about it was Logan portrayed the jerks in that movie (not the villains, but the jerks) as those who kicked him out of the "Spirit Keeper". He also poked fun at various Disney characters by portraying them as a bunch of stupid buffoons (which they probably were).
OK, maybe I'll leave that for later.
Anyway, during that week of me being sick, I had a lot to learn about myself. For a good part of my life, I was forced to play the part of Jem's twin, the good little boy who never watched TV, ate his vegetables without complaining and went to bed on time, and the good student who did all his homework and got along with everyone. While I'm not about to change the second part and the third part is up for debate, the first part will have to change. I'm a boy, not a girl, and it's time for everyone to accept that or they will suffer.
And I'm not intending on showing any mercy towards anyone who thinks otherwise.
So here I am in my room, realizing that not everyone has accepted me as the boy I truly am. With that, I'm going to do something very drastic to show everyone that who I am is not what they want me to be. But how do I go about doing that without hurting the feelings of everyone I had known for 13 years?