Summary: Set in OUAT S4 and 5. After recently ending up in Storybrooke and becoming half hero, and after they all return from the alternate reality, Kat finds Rumple. Can she save his heart? When she goes dark, will their love be strong enough to bring her back? What will ensue?
It was a beautiful day, as a human Katherine Pierce walked into Rumple’s shop. They’d all just returned to Storybrooke after the author had written an alternate reality. She couldn’t blame him for having the author have villains get their happy endings. It had all been in a book, though. It hadn’t truly been real.
When she walked into his shop to make sure he was okay, she saw him using the glass counter to try and stay on his feet. She realized then that something was very wrong.
She approached him.
“What’s wrong?”
“It’s my heart. The last flicker of red is fading. Soon, I’ll lose the ability to love,” he explained to her.
“Then we’ll get through this together. Anything is possible,” she replied, believing that there could be a way to save him. She just had to find out how, but she knew she couldn’t do it alone.
Because of his heart, he collapsed.
She didn’t want to leave him, so she called Snow to ask for help in saving him. Although she knew almost everyone wouldn’t want to help him, Snow would reason with them. She also knew that everyone working together could find a way to save him.
That night, the Apprentice put the darkness inside the hat, but it didn’t stay. It left the shop and went looking for someone with the most potential for darkness.
When they left the shop, it surrounded Regina, but Kat made it surround herself. She told them to take care of Rumple and that they’d find a way to save her. Then she disappeared after the darkness overtook her.
After returning to town as The Dark One, she woke Rumple and soon turned him into a hero. Rumple warned her that that was her biggest mistake.
A few weeks later, she was saved and Rumple was The Dark One again, but without a blackened heart. So, they got their happy ending.