It was a dark night, as Tyler lunged at Caroline. He was phasing into a werewolf at the same time. Before he could finish his lunge at his girlfriend, Damon jumped between them and pushed him away.
"Get out of here. Now," Damon told her, in which she obeyed.
Tyler lunged at Damon, but was pushed away by Damon's sire, Katherine.
Damon silently stood there and watched them, as Katherine tried to keep Tyler from biting her. She was on her back with him on top, teeth showing as he growled, snarled, and snapped, trying to bite her. He didn't look like Tyler anymore, though. Instead, he was a fully phased black werewolf. Damon couldn't help but just watch the scene take place. Despite everything, she had just kept him from being attacked by a werewolf. It surprised him that she would risk her life to save him. He wondered if, underneath the self-centered bitchiness, she cared about him.
Katherine tried to overpower him, but it didn't work. Pain went through her, when he bit into her left shoulder and side, tearing into flesh and bone, sharp claws digging into her skin, as he attacked.
"Katherine!" he yelled, as he vamp-sped towards them and pushed him off her.
Tyler lunged at him, but Damon shot him with the rifle, which had a tranquilizer in it.
Tyler collapsed from being tranquilized, as Damon let the gun fall.
Damon was instantly at his sire's side.
As she layed on her back in silently pain, vision blurry, feeling weak, she saw Damon in her field of vision.
"Da...mon," she whispered, as her vision grew dim.
"I'm here. It's okay," he replied, as he gently pulled her into his arms. "I've got you."
As he gently picked her up in his arms, everything went black for her.
He sped home with her in his arms, hoping that he wouldn't lose her. Her saving him from Tyler made him realize that she did care about him. And despite his bottled up hatred for her these days, there was a time that he had loved her with all his being. She had been the love of his life. He had been willing to be turned to spend an eternity with Katherine. And even after everything, he had been willing to start over with her; forget the 145 years he had spent missing her. But when she had told him that she had never loved him, it had shattered him. That was what had made him hate her. Right now though, he didn't know what to think of her. All he knew was that he had to save her life.
Once in his room, he gently layed her down in his bed and took her leather jacket off. He then got a couple cool wet wash cloths and rested one on her forehead and the other he used to damp on her face.
As he damped it on her face, he called an Original, knowing that going to Klaus would prove unsuccessful. They knew what the cure for a wolf bite was and that Elijah cared for her, so he knew that Elijah was the only person who could get Klaus to hand the cure over to save Katherine's life.
"Damon," he greeted.
"My favorite Original. I need your help. Katherine's been bitten. I need you to bring the cure over here for her."
"I'll have a word with Klaus," Elijah promised, before hanging up.
Damon put his phone away.
When she came to and the hallucinations started, it was about her past in 1490 and 1492, as well as the past she had had with Damon in 1864.
A few minutes later, the hallucinations ended and pain sliced through her.
Damon set the wash cloths on the end table and sat closer to her. He then put an arm around her in comfort.
"It's okay. The cure will come. A certain Original is getting it."
She knew who he was referring to, but didn't say anything about that.
"I'm sorry...for everything. I lied to you. I always loved you...ever since I first saw you. I was scared to love again, though...after what happened to my family...and everyone else who I ever loved. I couldn't lose you, too. You would've liked me better in...1490 and 1492 in Bulgaria. I full of light...adventurous. I'm so sorry." She rested a gentle hand on the side of his face. "My sweet Damon." She smiled up at him through the pain.
He rested a hand on hers that was on her face.
"I love you and...I will always love you," she finished.
They put their hands down.
She closed her eyes.
He silently looked down at her.
A few minutes later, Elijah came in and handed him the cure. Then he was gone after they had said goodbye.
Damon put the vial to her lips, making the cure go down her throat. Then, when it was done, he set the vial on the end table.
He looked down at her, waiting for her to come to.
When she woke up, he knew that she would be okay.
He smiled and she smiled back.
A moment later, they were kissing.