There will be something
I’m never sure what will remain of me when I leave
Whether it will be a kingdom of flowers so beautiful they can’t help but weep
Or whether it will be a bed of blue lilies filled with sorrow for what could have been
All I know is that I will keep going forward and the past will remain that way and I know that I love you
I know that I want to hold you, I know that I want to you to hold me
I know that there are few things that I know
But there are three truths I hold close to my chest because my heart tells me so
The thought of a bed of white roses, maybe by an oak tree, nothing given by the time of day and my heart forever if you wish it
The thought of whatever poor souls glean hope or strength from the words I weave, cradling me in the hours when the suns light turns to honey and I continue to type and type until my hands turn to steel
And the thought of giving whatever compassion I can summon to the world and to the countless beds of flowers I wish to plant and to the little girl with ribbons in her hair and her parents are lost to her but her skin is dark and her eyes are blue and she will do great things with a mother that has chosen her and will never yell never call her worthless never forget to love her and a father that has chosen her