They say that the finer things in life are the ones that leave a BITTERSWEET aftertaste in the end. It's like PASSION overwhelmingly becoming SMOOTH and VELVETY. You may call it an APHRODISIAC. You may never know if it's good for you or leave you with an itching allergic reaction. But, as it touches your wanton lips, even for just a second the feeling takes you to a CLOUD NINE. It's quite DECEPTIVE, actually. It feeds our desires and takes us to the point of OVERINDULGENCE.
You make that UNBREAKABLE HABIT and you can't help but watch as it betrays you in the end. The worst part of it is when you try to stay away it follows you with a CLOYING VENGEANCE until finally you had no other choice but to RUN and RUN and RUN and ultimately FADE AWAY amidst its TEMPTING scent - FOREVER.
"Listen, Al. You're never gonna amount to anything if you haven't taken a riskier chance in your entire life." Tami, my best friend and fellow waitress shoved her tray of empty of shot glasses on the bar next to me.
I rolled my eyes and let out a sympathetic smile. I've heard her rant nonstop about my total lack of spontaneity for the entire eight years of my life and honestly I've actually lost count after a thousand.
It wasn't like she's always slapping it on my face in contempt or in the indisputable fact that her social abilities are far more superior to mine. I knew she was saying it out of concern. But, sometimes, it's just gets too annoying that it kind of lost its sentimentality along the way.
I gently covered her hand with mine and gifted her with a reassuring smile.
"Tami, I know you're just being a good friend but trust me on this that I'm perfectly content with my life. And," I continued before she could open her mouth, "I'm not just saying it so that you could graciously lay off my tired aching back but also because it's true. I mean, I have a job, a car and - if you might abstain from your own criticism - a quaint little home."
"Okay, my turn. You do know there's just something wrong with what you just told me?"
She raised her brow and looked straight at me.
I simply shrugged and started on placing the drinks Pat the Bartender set out for me.
"I'm gonna take that as a sign to continue on with my case. One, you have a dead-end job as a waitress in some greasy diner with even greasier customers. Two, you have a hunkof metal that can't seem to give out too long and always takes a weekend holiday at the repair shop. Three, the place is a dump. I swear no robberies happen there because even the robbers don't think it's worth it. And four, you forgot to mention a special someone. Do you know what I think? "
“Please do tell.” I sarcastically replied.
“I think you need to get laid. And not just any kind of lay from the bathroom with some average guy. Imagine this, hot guy, you and him in a hot-and-heavy pace; earth-shattering orgasms, tantric positions, out-of-this-world climax and lots and lots of sweat”-
"Sure. Whatever you say Tami." I ended the conversation.
Or so I thought I did.
"Seriously, I'm not kidding. I barely see you spare a word or even just a second glance at any guy that comes your way. And we all know how many guys come to this place and not for the shit we sell here."
Just then, Matt the manager looked at our way with his usual stern expression. Uh-oh. Here comes trouble.
"Miss Lynn, may I have a word with you?" He icily queried though it was more like an ordered threat.
I looked at Tami only to see her gazing at Matt with lustful appraising eyes. Well, secretly that is. Leave it to Tami to be aroused by any hot guy at any given time. I rolled my eyes.
"Miss Jenson, did I say something to cause you to roll your eyes like that?"
And at that, my face turned red.
"N-no, it wasn't like that. It was-nothing. Just nothing."
"Well then, I suggest that you turn that 'nothing' into something worth doing. We have people to feed here."
"Y-yes sir." I stuttered and grabbed a tray from a nearby table. I walked off, aware of the icy glare that was focused on my back.
"Wow, Matt seems to have a thing on you," said Tami as we were threading our way through the crowded tables.
I shot her an incredulous look.
"Yeah, now that I think of it, he usually ignores us and keeps to his office at the back before you first started to work here." She carried on. She wagged her brows.
Still, I shot her an incredulous look.
"Seriously, I'm not kidding. I've never seen him approach anyone or be with anyone for that matter. Sometimes, I would think he's gay and cry at such a perfect waste of ass. I mean he's so handsome, so rugged, chiseled, and..."
I droned off at the last part, clearly not interested. I just gave some nods along the way. Trust me, it was better she's drooling over some guy than diss on my so-called 'tasteless' life.
The rest of our shift turned into a blur and before I knew it, I was out of my tight uniform and makeup-free while waiting for Tami to finish up kitchen duty. I sat quietly on the street outside the diner when a dark shadow casted behind me. I looked around and there he was.
Quiet and brooding, his handsome face wore a tight expression that only enhanced his chiseled features. His lean yet finely corded body looked stiff as a statue which one could compare to David.
"H-hey." That was all I could say.
Was it too informal? After all he was my boss but still it was after work. Did he even feel the air turned still around us? Could he notice my erratic breathing as I barely conceal it? A blush crept into my cheeks. Suddenly, a different kind of heat crept deep within my stomach.
"Hello, Miss Jenson." He nodded and briefly looked at the sky.
It made me turn and look too. Then not too quickly he looked back at me. This caused me to be conscious of my face and my appearance. I hoped my skirt wasn't too short - wait what am I saying? It's not that I'm into maintenance but because of the man I've barely even lasted a minute alone with.
"It's a lovely night, isn't it?" I was caught surprised by his query that I only nodded. "Do you have a ride home tonight?"
"Y-yeah, I mean yes. I mean, Um, I'm driving Tami." I breathed out the last part.
"Is that so?"
He raised a brow as if waiting for me to say more. Again, I nodded.
"Well, Tami won't be coming out for another hour or so and the night's turning colder by the minute. Would you like to come inside my office and wait?"
I hesitated for a moment but when he began to start to walk away, I had no choice but to take him up for the offer.
Once inside, I can't help but be awed by the simple yet immaculately kept interior. I sat on the comfiest chair that my backside had ever graced on - and it said a lot compared to the one I had back home. And then I waited.
I was drumming my fingers on my lap when Matt cleared his throat. I stared at him, not knowing what to do next.
He gestured to a large jar of different sweet confections imaginable. Most importantly, on the particular type of candy that seemed to overflow at the top.
I licked my lips. His eyes glinted, his look was foreign to what I was used to.
Minutes ticked by. My stomach clenched from the heat. A unknown feeling settled in, forcing me to lean forward. I was already panting.
"Would you like some chocolate?"
-An Hour Later-
"Where have you been?" Tami asked - more like demanded.
Her usually well-brushed hair went frizzy at the cold chilly while her face was blotched by the harsh wind. Looking at her I felt sorry.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to worry you. I was just walking around the diner that I probably didn't hear you come out." I apologized at her, my voice full of sincerity and regret.
She looked at me for a moment and sighed. Like an older sister she had acclaimed herself to be, she smiled softly at me and I knew I was forgiven.
"Oh, all right, I'll let you off this time. But don't think that you're safe forever. I'm still gonna ask you why your breath smells like chocolate or why you never bothered to save me some."
I smiled sheepishly and started to walk first towards my car when Tami lets out a gasp. I quickly turned to see the cause. I followed where her eyes were widely fixed on. On the back of my legs. My blood turned cold.
"Is that blood?" She choked.
Oh dear, I forgot she was afraid of blood.
"W-what-no! It's-um - it's just paint. You see, I accidentally leaned on a wet wall - well I thought it was just a wet wall until I saw the wet paint sign. Is it that bad?"
Tami just nodded, clearly still shaken up.
"Oh well, I guess I'll have to explain this to the laundry. Fun, right?"
I let out a shaky breath and went inside my car. I heard the passenger door open and the seatbelt click before I started the engine. Driving through the streets, I let myself get lost in my thoughts, barely bidding Tami a proper goodbye. All that was clear to me was the recurring images of chocolate.
Oh yeah, I might just be addicted to chocolate. Its scent and the decadent taste of pure seduction. Even by just the merest contact, it invokes the fire within and urges the breathless pants of pure ecstasy. A twinge of momentary ache to satisfy the hunger. Until, at the very last minute, it explodes a numbness feel that leaves you paralyzed and hungry - for more. Too much so that I'll never get over the taste - even if it might just be the one to leave me hanging in its cloying scent at the end