Summary: Set in S1E10 when that one blond lady rammed her car into Catherine's sister's car that Catherine was driving, causing a car crash, and tried to shoot Catherine. Vincent has to save her yet again, because of the crash. Will she be okay? Read to find out what happens.
A/N: Got this idea from the episode and YouTube.
It was a dark night, as Catherine drove her sister, Heather Chandler’s car to go find Vincent. She had to talk to Vincent, because she cared about him so much. He was becoming her best friend and more. She was starting to fall in love with the elegant, dark, mysterious Vincent Keller.
Suddenly, in the middle of the road, a car sped towards hers and hit her car, and both cars stopped on the side of the road.
The blond chick stepped out of her car and stood in front of Catherine Chandler's sister's car. She had a gun in hand at her left side, but didn't raise it to the cop just yet.
"I won't let you get away with it," the blond lady said, before she raised her gun to shoot Detective Chandler.
Before Chandler blacked out, she pulled her gun on the lady and shot her dead. Then she set her gun on the seat by her and everything went black.
Vincent Keller was in the woods, when he heard a gunshot, so he went to investigate. And when he arrived at the scene, a blond lady was on the ground dead and Catherine was in a car hurt.
A moment later, he ran towards the car, as he yelled, "Catherine!"
Once by the car, he tried the door, but it was stuck. So he had to use his inhuman strength to throw the door off its hinges and a distance away from the car. And once that was done, he gently picked her up in his arms and picked up her gun, before rushing towards a hospital, careful that nobody saw his face.
When Catherine woke up, she was in a hospital bed. She felt like herself again, which meant that she would be okay. So everybody lived happily ever after with her being able to leave the hospital and go back to work.