It was a dark night, as Damon walked the streets of Mystic Falls, Virginia. He was on his way to the bar. His favorite place to go. The famous Mystic Bar and Grille. He could get as wasted as he wanted and nobody would care. Unless a certain dark hair blue eyed girl was there. Or his younger brother Stefan. Klaus had freed him and now he hadn't eaten. Damon could sense it when he was around him. It worried him.
Damon sat at the bar drinking some liquor. It was something he enjoyed doing. Something that he could do when Elena wasn't around. The girl he loved who just so happened to be human and his brother's girl. But he didn't really care now that his brother was pretty much gone. But yet, Elena had said that if anyone could get him back on track, it would be him. Not her. Stefan wouldn't even listen to Elena anymore, but he would always listen to his brother. They were blood. Family. They had a connection. They always would. No matter how they felt at the time or what condition or state they were in.
On his fourth shot glass refill, she came to sit beside him to his right. The vampiress. The one he would always love, but in his eyes, never really loved him back.
"Care to join me?" he asked, a little on the drunk side.
"Actually, I came to keep you company. I know how you can get when you're like this," Katherine Pierce replied.
"Like what?"
"Forget it. I don't need your company or your opinions."
He got up, abandoning his empty glass, and walked out of the bar. He was trying to get away from her. Trying to get her out of his hair. Of course, that never worked.
She followed him out.
"Don't walk away from me, Damon."
"Why not? I can do whatever I want. Besides, you always do."
"Damon, I'm not going to do that again."
"Really? Because I find that hard to believe."
"I'm sorry. Okay? Please forgive me. Now can we move past that? I don't want to be out here like this."
"Then go."
"I'm not leaving without you. Let's just go back to the boarding house."
"You're stubborn. You know that?"
"So are you."
"Not always. I swear you were born stubborn. You top me off with your stubbornness," she commented.
He smiled the best he could through his state he was in.
"I know. That's what made us a team. We were good together."
Suddenly, through the cold, snowy night, he heard a wishing in the air. Then there was pain and he fell on his back with a stake in the middle of his chest.
He saw Katherine start to run over to him, but was grabbed and thrown behind by someone. Jack. Jack Neal. A vampire. One of Damon's few enemies he had made over the centuries who was still alive to this day.
Kat fell to the ground against a building wall, when she was thrown by Jack Neal. But she was going to be okay, she knew. After all, it would've probably killed a human, but she was a vampiress. Things like being thrown like that would only hurt a little.
As Jack started walking over to him with a wicked smile, Katherine got to her feet a little painfully, not wanting harm to come to him. She cared about him and loved him way too much to let him die. In fact, she would die for him. Whether it be a painful death for her or not because of it. She didn't care, as long as Damon was alive and okay.
He watched from where he lay on the cold ground, as Jack Neal and Katherine Pierce fought. That's when he realized that she had told him the complete and utter truth. She loved him and didn't want him dead or hurt. As they continued, he pulled the stake out of his chest and sat up long enough to throw it towards him, as Jack pinned her to the ground.
A moment later, Jack was dead and Damon layed back down.
She ran towards him and knelt beside him.
"Are you okay, Damon?" she asked, hands gently resting on his shoulders. She looked at him with concern and worry for him.
"Don't worry about me, Kat. I'm a survivor. I always am. You know that better than anyone."
He smiled up at her.
She smiled back.
He got to his feet, sobering up.
"Let's go home, Kat."
And with that, they walked away together.