Zoey Redbird and Erik Night stood by the stairs in the House of Night school.
"We can't be together anymore, Erik. We're done. I'm sorry, but I'm tired of your possessiveness. You're too possessive."
"Zoey, I…"
"No, Erik."
"I'm sorry, Zoey. If you'll just give me a chance, I promise not to be possessive with you. I love you, Zoey. I don't want to lose you. Please, Zoey. Give me a chance. I didn't know I was being possessive. I'm so sorry, Zoey."
"I'll give you a chance. One chance, Erik."
"Thanks, Zo. I'll make you happy. I promise."
He kissed her lightly on the forehead and then left, walking down the stairs and heading out of the doors where the guys' dorms were.
"I thought you were breaking up with him. Not giving him a chance to prove himself to you. It's his own damn fault he doesn't know when he's being a jerk. He's too possessive. That's why I broke up with him," Aphrodite said, standing in the hallway, hand on her hip.
Zoey looked at her.
"You broke up with him? I thought he broke up with you. I saw you acting like you wanted him. But it looked like he didn't want you back. It looked to me like he broke up with you."
"It was just an act. I was testing him to see if he still loved me. Apparently, he could care less about me."
Zoey turned around and started walking away from her down the hallway.
Aphrodite Lafonte followed.
"Are you ignoring me?"
"No. I'm trying to walk away from you. I guess you can't take the hint, though. Do you know when to leave people the hell alone?"
"I guess not, High Priestess."
"I'm not a High Priestess."
"On the contrary, Zoey. You are the Priestess. Neferet is gone and on the dark side. She's Kalona's queen now. Face it. You're the one and only Priestess we have here. And whether I like it or not, I have to answer to you."
"Ugh. Why do I have to be the Priestess? I don't even know where to start. Sometimes I wish I was still human and back at my old school. All I had to worry about was homework, Geometry, the step-loser, and what to do the next time Heath gets drunk."
"Your human ex-boyfriend was drunk?"
"Yes. When he started getting drunk all the time, I dumped him."
They stopped at Zoey's door where her dorm room was.
"Are you coming in, Aphrodite?"
"I might as well."
They walked in and Zoey closed the door behind them.
Aphrodite sat on Stevie Rae's former bed and Zoey sat on her own bed.
They looked at one another.
"What do you want to do, Zoey?"
"I don't know. Have you had any end-of-the-world visions lately?"
"Sorry, Priestess. Not since the one I had of you and Kalona making out. And can I just say eww? I still don't get how you two could have been making out when it was the end of the world. Vampyres, fledglings, and humans burning. And speaking of which, you need to find out how to kill Kalona."
Zoey sighed.
"Ugh. Kalona. What am I supposed to do? He calls me A-ya and I have to fight not to be drawn to him. It's like my soul recognizes him and longs to be with him. How am I going to be able to keep fighting that, plus stop the end of the world? And to top it off, I'm having major guy drama. Erik is possessive with Heath and Stark. Now he knows about how I act around Kalona."
"I don't know. It's not my job to stop the end of the world."
She sighed again and looked out the window.
"It's late. We should go to bed."
She closed the curtains, before she brushed her teeth and put pajamas on. Aphrodite got ready for bed, too.
Nala slept by Zoey's head like usual, while Aphrodite slept in Stevie Rae's former bed. And that night, Zoey had a dream about Kalona.
"A-ya. Welcome."
Zoey and Kalona were standing in a field. It scared her. This was the same field Aphrodite had seen in her last vision. A wheat field.
The black immortal came to stand behind her.
She turned around to face him.
"I'm not, A-ya. What do you want?"
"You know what I want."
"I'm not falling for your tricks, Kalona. Go away. Get lost. I'll never be yours."
"Are you sure, A-ya?"
"Yes. I'm not joining you. I'm not helping you destroy the world. I'm going to stop you."
"And how would you do that? I'm an immortal. I can't be killed."
"The hell you can't. I'll find a way to kill you."
"Oh no, you don't."
He grabbed her by the throat.
"I don't want to do this, but I can't let you kill me in the waking world."
"You're not going to kill me."
She through her hand at him and a ball of fire touched him. He let go of her and screamed as if he was on fire.
She woke up, hearing Aphrodite.
She turned on the light and went over to her. She got a good look at her and went to the bathroom to get a wet wash cloth.
She sat on her bedside, the wash cloth over here eyes.
"What do you see?"
"I…I see…Kalona. And Neferet. She's watching him kill you. It's in a wheat field. He's burning you. And others. We're all in danger."
"Zoey, what is it?"
She sighed.
"Kalona was in my dream. I told him I wouldn't join him and that I would kill him. Then he grabbed me and said he didn't want to, but he would kill me. I through fire at him and then I woke up with you screaming."
"Oh, Goddess."
"I know."
A few days later, Zoey killed him and everybody lived happily ever after.