It was Wednesday morning. As usual, I was struggling to get out of bed. I was scrambling around getting downstairs. This time was different. Asce and Charlotte were waiting downstairs. Wow, are you always like this? Asce asked. No, not usually. I replied. Well, let's rush to the bus stop. Charlotte replied. We ran fast as we could and we made it. Alright, can put on your hood like I told you to do earlier Charlotte replied. You want me to be mistaken as a thief? Asce asked. That might be harsh but if she has your best interest at heart. I replied. You really mean that Gaby? Asce asked. Yeah even though it might be cruel in many ways than one, alright. I replied. Stop babying him, Gaby. Charlotte replied. I would never do such a thing. I replied. As we got on the bus, people avoided Asce for once since they didn't know it was him. As I looked at him it seemed like he was troubled about something. I thought. Hey is something wrong with you? I asked. Oh, his mom and dad got a rude awakening at the ball last night. His friend's date was shocking. This is going to be in the fresh gossip all around. Charlotte replied. Soon as we were talking about this we were at school. When we got off the bus I was curious if this had to deal with my mom. I thought. Can you go more into detail about this? I asked. How about after school. He is already going to be on the gossip headliner as we speak. Charlotte replied. As we got into school girls were gossiping about last night's ball. What are you girls gossiping about now? I asked. Why should it concern you? Ava asked. Just let me see. I replied with a blank stare. As I saw the headliner it said "LeRoux Scandal", I was shocked without words. Charlotte saw my eyes and wanted to see what was up with me. Charlotte saw the headliner. Many people have warned that dummy about his actions. Don Juan is just reaping what he sows for the past action he committed over sixteen years ago. Charlotte replied. Asce, I can answer the questions you always wanted to know about who your sister is or ask your old man instead. Charlotte replied. What does he have to hide? Asce thought. Charlotte, you need to calm down. I replied. That man is more secretive than my father and that is saying something. Charlotte replied. Your father is really secretive. Asce replied. I never met your father. I replied. Well let's just keep it that way, I barely get to see him. I have to make a reservation just to see him. Charlotte replied. Charlotte. I replied. I feel so sorry for her. I thought. As class began, all day I was curious to know what Charlotte had to tell us. I thought. I saw Asce face again. He seemed like he was confused and didn't know what to do. I want to help but I don't want to get involved. I thought. As the bell rang, Charlotte and I waited on Asce. When we found him, Asce was troubled in the face about what he might find out. After school, Charlotte went into detail about what happened. Gaby's mom was Alexandre's date. She is your dad's ex who he had cheated on her with your mom, Aline. Charlotte replied. It would be awkward seeing your ex you hurt badly plus the backstabbing so-called best friend after all this time. Charlotte replied. As they were walking to the bus stop, Hadrien drove up and saw Asce, Charlotte and I. How about I take you guys home? Hadrien asked. Dad? Asce asked. Let's get inside the car before the media sees him. Charlotte replied. Gabriella, I will take you home first. Hadrien replied. Alright. I replied. When he stopped at my apartment, I got out the car and said,"Bye Asce and Charlotte". Bye girl, I will talk to you tonight. Charlotte replied. As my mom saw Hadrien he was shocked to see her. I wonder if Charlotte's story is actually true? I have to wait until tonight.
Stay Tuned.