“Red alert!” Captain Konev, sitting down in the captain’s chair and strapping himself in. Sarah hurried to an empty seat and strapped herself in, too. She looked out the panoramic bridge window, where the colorful vortex started to light up.807Please respect copyright.PENANARJRAnQcB9y
“3, 2, 1, dropout,” the helmsman said and the vortex disappeared, giving way to the darkness of space with a rumble.807Please respect copyright.PENANAQE8rFE7Aid
“Entered realspace, sir.”807Please respect copyright.PENANATeOBVXTrRO
“Adjust course and jump again as quickly as possible.”807Please respect copyright.PENANAiJ2Jq9O0BN
“Yes, sir.” 807Please respect copyright.PENANAnrBY9F0Vts
“Sir, IF Tracy informed. They detect the same. They dropped out not far from us and should be here within the minute.”807Please respect copyright.PENANAf6tqGUo7kH
“Thank you. We should --”807Please respect copyright.PENANAC8I3uplzid
“Contact, right on top of us!”807Please respect copyright.PENANAGBHB9lub9T
The Ulysses suddenly rocked and muffled impacts could be heard. Sarah knew they were plasma guns hitting the energy shield. The captain ordered his crew to fight back. Glancing at a status monitor, Sarah saw the shields weakening. The Ulysses had not been built to withstand much of a beating. Sarah could do nothing but wait until the frigate busted them out of this mess. Orders were screamed left and right and the ship rocked badly under the bombardment.807Please respect copyright.PENANArkr1DkmNXD
“How many ships, sensor officer?” Sarah asked, having to shout to make herself be heard.807Please respect copyright.PENANAKy64cX46L6
“Three ships at least. Two large ones. Sensors are damaged, we can't get a clear reading.”807Please respect copyright.PENANAeZqLdyYxhR
“IF Tracy signals they are under attack. Enemy forces are overwhelming her defenses. She says it’s two destroyers and a boarding drone. Transponders are switched off. We’re --”807Please respect copyright.PENANA4df54Z398s
Sarah almost fell out of her chair despite the straps. The comms officer was bleeding from the head. She must have hit it on her console whose display was broken and bloody. Something big must have hit the ship. The boarding drone? Sarah unstrapped herself and stood up, falling down when another hit shook the ship.807Please respect copyright.PENANAsJA3e0sn0s
“Captain. We’re being boarded,” she said. 807Please respect copyright.PENANA5hEkj0d183
Captain Konev nodded and spoke into the intercom: “Attention all personnel. We are being boarded. I repeat: We are being boarded. Seek shelter immediately. Security, repel boarders. We can't let them take the ship.”807Please respect copyright.PENANAZ9raKu5UDf
Sarah ran to a wall locker and began distributing plasma rifles. The bridge door had been locked and the two security officers guarding it were giving instructions for positioning and what to do should the boarders break through. Sarah in the meantime tended to the drowsy comms officer, who was bleeding profusely from her head. She bandaged the wound and gave her painkillers. Sarah’s gloved hands full of blood when she grabbed her rifle again. The blood slowly seeped through the gloves onto her hands. The one time she should have brought the leather combat gloves. 30 minutes went past with no further shaking or rumbling. The bridge officers exchanged nervous looks. None of them were navy personnel. They worked for the Government Transportation Service. They knew how to shoot but didn't do it for a living. What had happened to the Tracy? Had she been boarded, too? Had they sent a distress signal? The Ulysses own distress signal had been activated automatically when the first shots impacted. Where was Ishaan? Sarah felt his presence, faint in the distance. Had he been captured? She tried contacting him through telepathy but there was no answer. The Ulysses was more than 100 meters long and their quarters were in the bow. The bridge was in the back of the ship, above the engine section. Suddenly, metallic clanging cut through the silence. They were here. Security had failed. Sarah made sure the gun was activated and the safety was off, then the door flew out of its frame with a hammering bang. Sarah gripped the gun tightly and aimed at the door, but no one came through. For a whole minute, nothing happened. Then, a booming voice sounded: Crew of the Ulysses, surrender to the Free Business Alliance! You will be treated well. We know the governor Sarah Tanas is with you. We want her. Give her to us and be spared. If she doesn't agree in five minutes, we will kill her husband.”807Please respect copyright.PENANAqf83chrlF4
Sarah and Captain Konev exchanged looks.807Please respect copyright.PENANAqPyRrDiDX2
“They’re bluffing,” Sarah whispered. “They can't kill him. They must know I would never surrender if he’s dead. And he can defend himself.”807Please respect copyright.PENANAzf6BX5gVjW
“Fighting has stopped around the ship. We haven't had a sign of resistance for half an hour. We must assume he is captured or…dead.”807Please respect copyright.PENANAC1CyHVDTtX
“Yes, I know. We don't know their forces and composition. We might have remaining friendlies across the ship in the shelters. I will surrender and see what happens. Maybe I can get a deal.”807Please respect copyright.PENANANN9981a3Rl
“No, governor. I should surrender instead,” the captain said.807Please respect copyright.PENANAFUfGK6rVHp
“Captain. No disrespect, but I am trained and capable of magic, like my husband. We are the safest bet to place on us getting out of here. They can't have jumped us by chance. This must have been planned, so they want me.”807Please respect copyright.PENANAobVpZdFUjJ
The Captain first shook his head, then switched to nodding slowly.807Please respect copyright.PENANAMNenAH43lT
“Fine. With protest.”807Please respect copyright.PENANAWY353QD583
Sarah nodded.807Please respect copyright.PENANAEtfVMywPUO
“1 minute!” the pirate said. Sarah still couldn't see anyone. Slowly, she unbent and walked up to the door, whose frame was smoldering from the heat of the explosion. Passing through the door, she dropped the weapon and seconds later looked straight into the barrel of a rifle. Its wielder was a tall, black-haired man of Asian descent. His brown eyes pierced right into Sarah’s soul.807Please respect copyright.PENANAYkiuuOTKee
“Smart decision,” he said. “You know what's good for you.”807Please respect copyright.PENANAkRSVG0xPsG
There were at least seven pirates with rifles trained on Sarah. Their positioning indicated experience with arresting magic users. Sarah wouldn't be able to neutralise them all fast enough to not be shot in the process.807Please respect copyright.PENANAVmyaLc0ABE
“What do you want?” Sarah asked.807Please respect copyright.PENANAvnmAkS2kkI
“You. I thought that was clear. We have something to discuss, or better, my boss does. So we must ask you to accompany us.”807Please respect copyright.PENANAOJYCv2mOKE
“You're strangely polite. Where’s my husband? I wanna see him.”807Please respect copyright.PENANA0eChFPS9Jx
“Just following my orders. Be patient. Your husband is fine. He surrendered to us peacefully. Smart of him. Now move, you’re coming with us.”807Please respect copyright.PENANAQoRLFDLz95
Sarah nodded and shouted back towards the bridge: “Hey, put down the weapons. We’re going with them.”807Please respect copyright.PENANAIgJ22QAFV2
Shortly after, the bridge crew came trudging into the corridor, Captain Konev at the helm. Two other officers were supporting the comms officer, who was still drowsy.807Please respect copyright.PENANAqINCua8V31
“Good. Let's go,” the Asian man said. They followed him down the corridor. The pirates followed them, guns trained. They were led to the boarding drone, where they met up with other crew members, among them Ishaan.807Please respect copyright.PENANAxqIKyCtHQs
“What are we going to do?” Ishaan asked telepathically.807Please respect copyright.PENANAAUrMk7NoLi
“Their leader wants me. We’re going to see what that is.”807Please respect copyright.PENANAnPGhyXEJ7m
“No chance of getting out of here?” 807Please respect copyright.PENANARHjA2SQdT5
“Not right now. We have to wait for help, but we can't stall here until someone comes to investigate the distress call.”807Please respect copyright.PENANApbJRS5jUQQ
The Asian man beckoned them to take seats in the boarding drone and soon after, they undocked. Sarah looked at Ishaan.807Please respect copyright.PENANASmIivU1y4G
“I’ll see what the pirate has to say. I want to gather all the information I can before we try anything.”807Please respect copyright.PENANAzrowo8X07b
“Okay,” Ishaan said. 807Please respect copyright.PENANAkTJeIcjuZJ
“We’re going to be fine. Don't worry. I love you.”807Please respect copyright.PENANATIGgtmX9Dv
“I love you, too.” 807Please respect copyright.PENANA93tzIhNte1
The boarding drone docked with one of the destroyers and Sarah and the prisoners were brought to guarded quarters. She and Ishaan were put into different ones. Then began a three hour journey into uncertainty. For three hours, Sarah saw and heard nothing but the humming of the engine. The room was simple. A bed. A chair. A table. No bathroom. Sarah lay down on the bed and breathed calmly. This was just a hostage situation. Normal, unremarkable. She was trained for this. She held her breath, released it and held it again. If Ishaan and the crew weren't treated well, they would pay. She felt him. He was afraid. A few rooms down the corridor. Close enough to talk. She comforted him. Her beloved teacher. This wasn't teaching. This wasn't what he wanted for himself. Nor was it what Sarah wanted. She got out of the bed and started pacing the room. The journey seemed endless. Since when did three hours feel like nine? Then the ship left FTL-Space and shortly after, Sarah was brought to the pirates’ main base. She could only get glances of it. A large space station with at least three frigate sized ships docked on it. Small in absolute terms, but huge for what pirates usually had to contend with. Sarah found herself in a brightly lit room with a table in the middle. There was no other furniture except for two chairs. An interrogation room. An older man joined her. Grey, light hair. Simple trousers, a blue shirt. A belt to fasten the trousers. An ordinary man. He sat down opposite Sarah.807Please respect copyright.PENANAMHNunIlqKt
“Hello, I’m Casper Green. Who are you?”807Please respect copyright.PENANAxKxwahra5D
“I’m sure you know. Surely you watch the news.”807Please respect copyright.PENANA9SGWi8OPhZ
He chuckled.807Please respect copyright.PENANAasBkFuLI4N
“Courtesy must be upheld in these trying times, doesn't it?”807Please respect copyright.PENANAWyjtcKWBMQ
“Perhaps. What do you want?” Sarah asked, crossing her arms before her chest.807Please respect copyright.PENANAiEsBh9EsuU
“Okay, if you want it more directly: Your Anti-Piracy campaign isn't to my liking. I want you to back off. Failure to do so might hurt.”807Please respect copyright.PENANAeiSxhmCNEI
“Why do you think I will agree?” 807Please respect copyright.PENANAabdpttOEcM
“We both have much to gain from it.”807Please respect copyright.PENANAA5M0yGLTmw
“Like?”807Please respect copyright.PENANAZUBtHrfumk
“You like your family, don't you? Your friends? Nieces and nephews? Your employees? You wouldn't like anything happen to them.”807Please respect copyright.PENANA33EnIXxa8t
“Possibly.”807Please respect copyright.PENANA0U8xEZWrPT
“If you don't comply, accidents could happen.”807Please respect copyright.PENANAGFvlXNuDeR
“Accidents? I see. What if I kill you first?”807Please respect copyright.PENANAj7PFnwLND5
“Then my associates will do the job for me. You can't win. You would do best to respect my wishes. You wouldn't want your whole fancy project imploding. Trust me, my men are everywhere.”807Please respect copyright.PENANAa306Qf68Dl
“So are mine.” She stared at him. “But I do see reason. What's the exact deal?” 807Please respect copyright.PENANAIQkK34l9KU
Caspar Green leaned forward, elbows on the table.”807Please respect copyright.PENANAzdzPE17QbN
“You return to the previous Anti-Piracy tactics used against us. You do not implement your new ideas. You will stay in contact with one of my associates and supply them with accurate information. And you don't make any moves to betray us.”807Please respect copyright.PENANAZmoRziCYKx
Sarah scoffed. “And why should I agree to what amounts to betraying my country?” 807Please respect copyright.PENANAXbPF6OaHUl
“Because if you don't, there won't be a country to betray anymore.”807Please respect copyright.PENANAJoxPk54wE6
He grinned and leant back again. Sarah ran it through in her mind. There was no way she could accept this extortion. But she also didn't have a chance if she wanted to get out of here again with all of her people unharmed.807Please respect copyright.PENANAM9Dcu5eTOg
“Fine, I’ll do it.”807Please respect copyright.PENANA0LbyPGfHM2
“Good. We will provide you with transportation to get back home. Don't bother finding this installation. You will be transported as guests by one of my pilots.”807Please respect copyright.PENANAP2gKnXNtRP
“Very well,” Sarah said. Caspar Green stood up and smiled at her like a loving father, then he left. One of his henchmen entered the room and beckoned Sarah to follow. He didn't waste any time and escorted Sarah to the hangar, where a large shuttle was parked. Inside, the crew of the Ulysses and Ishaan sat bound to their seats. Sarah was nudged to take a seat and was also bound to it.807Please respect copyright.PENANAZIdloQ9oGn
“You’ll find your possessions in those bags over there and the rest is still on your ships. Ask the salvage teams.” 807Please respect copyright.PENANA7H27omjsyy
He laughed as if he had never heard anything funnier. Sarah sighed. Morons.807Please respect copyright.PENANAgA7UIkCv98
“Let’s not talk until we're home, Ish” she said telepathically.807Please respect copyright.PENANAbWer6rXKKM
“Why not?” 807Please respect copyright.PENANATK0NjOD1sx
“I don't want to make any mistakes. We’ll be home in a few hours and then talk about what happened. Ishaan grumbled mentally, but was fine with it. Sarah closed her eyes and soon after, she dosed off for a while.807Please respect copyright.PENANA24UJrPxgOI
After approximately seven hours, they were all back on Ayonar and the pirate pilot left again. There hadn't been any talking during the flight. Times flowed like honey. Sarah was exhausted and had a headache from the horrible sleep she had had on the shuttle. What had happened today could only happen to her. So typical. She enjoyed the sun warming her face and sniffed at the flowers before going inside with Ishaan. The crew of the Ulysses was taken care of by local hospital personnel and police. The incident was to be kept completely quiet. The attack on two ships with the governor on board would cause enough uproar without being fueled any more. In her office, Henry was furious.807Please respect copyright.PENANA9iQek2Wgug
“They can't do this! Who do they think they are? And you! Accepting their terms. What has become of you all of a sudden?” 807Please respect copyright.PENANAnqbkIErddg
“Stay calm, Henry. There's no need to flip out.”807Please respect copyright.PENANARuYUZnA5bJ
“No need? The damage that was done!” 807Please respect copyright.PENANAmeHgLRybzq
“It doesn't matter.”807Please respect copyright.PENANAdYSkXKMQKZ
“It doesn't?” 807Please respect copyright.PENANAzreEJBKM6L
“Yes. I told them yes and I thought no. They outmaneuvered us today, but that only means it is our turn now. They have revealed their advanced capabilities. They must receive funding in money and material from outside. Further evidence pointing towards the URS. I’ll tell my parents and additional security for my family will be arranged. We have more leverage than them. I’ll play along, but in secret, we will prepare a counter-offensive that will leave their fancy bases vaporised. A gas cloud in space I will make out of their ‘Free Business Alliance’. We just need to let the military aspects be worked out by another regional command while we do business as usual. We need to gather intelligence and plan our strike. I won't be stopped by a band of pirates. The incident will show the people I am here to help them. Public support will rise high for me. Piracy hurts us all and if pirates hurt me, that means I am their enemy. Prepare a press statement for in a few days. Let's say Thursday. Everyone will be quite riled up then. The perfect time for us to strike back.”807Please respect copyright.PENANAUK7eYgfE4w
Henry’s dark face brightened immensely.807Please respect copyright.PENANAlyBLugtmdx
“That sounds more like it. But won't the press statement be against the agreement?”807Please respect copyright.PENANAJ5J3o56i3Q
“Not quite and I will need it to keep my cover. I’m due to be contacted by them on Wednesday. I will tell them why I will speak to the public and explain why it would be very bad for them if I didn't. I can control my military, but if the public rises up against piracy, I am powerless.”807Please respect copyright.PENANACnmpvbnrum
Sarah smiled. Not powerless, but they didn't have to know that.807Please respect copyright.PENANA8eIY8U6tUJ
“Now, if you could come back later, I’d like to talk to my husband alone.”807Please respect copyright.PENANAamUNztvUQQ
Henry nodded and left. Sarah and Ishaan simultaneously stood up and instantly hugged each other hard. Sarah’s eyes moistened. Finally alone, finally she could let herself feel her emotions.807Please respect copyright.PENANA3kKv3GLimL
“I’m so sorry that happened,” she said, hugging him harder. He kissed her on the lips in return.807Please respect copyright.PENANAVmwcHpCdqZ
“I understand. You did admirably.”807Please respect copyright.PENANA7Adev2D2Bq
“You did, too. I like seeing your brave side.”807Please respect copyright.PENANA1oumuLphdJ
Ishaan smirked.807Please respect copyright.PENANAJNC4pQSDzj
“Well, you know me. Always good for a surprise.”807Please respect copyright.PENANAia8gRkZBln
Sarah chuckled.807Please respect copyright.PENANAU7AHwgcQ2Q
“Just why I love you.”807Please respect copyright.PENANAfMeIV2F8lo
“It's all going to work out. I believe in you, despite my fearfulness. You can do it.”807Please respect copyright.PENANA4LOxeJ7we7
“We can do it,” Sarah said.807Please respect copyright.PENANAlRM4g2AlQN
Outside, the sun was setting and orange light fell into the office. Sarah and Ishaan looked outside, seeing a spaceship leave the atmosphere in the distance. Space, the realm of inexplicable vastness. The battlegrounds on which Sarah’s great crusade would be fought. All the odds were in her favor. She just needed a little luck and could soon go home again. Just a little luck. And no villain to steal it. 807Please respect copyright.PENANA2p2PdyCH1i
807Please respect copyright.PENANA5HrIJvliCT