There was a low rumble of thunder in the distance. I glanced at the window as I started to hear the light patter of rain drops that began to grow larger and greater in intensity. There was then a brilliant flash of pale white lightening and a loud clap of thunder.
Molly meowed loudly and jumped into my lap, shivering. I gently ran my fingers through her calico fur, feeling the soft fluffiness of her fur all around and in-between my fingers. "It's okay, girl, it's only a thunderstorm...Nothing to be afraid of." I whispered to her as I finished typing up my latest blog entry of another of our cases. This one had been about a somewhat impressive jewel thief who was in league with a dog catcher. Together they attempted to try to smuggle a good many brilliant stones on dog collars out of England in hopes of getting to the large markets of Madrid. They of course didn't get away with it.
There was another large bang of thunder. Then it all went dark...
"NO!" I exclaimed as I looked with wide eyes at my now powerless desktop computer. "NO! I hadn't saved it yet!!" Molly must have been startled by my upset, because she jumped down from my lap and skittered under my bed. I groaned and leaned my head on the keyboard, pressing down a number of keys with my forehead. "Darn it...And I only needed to proof read it..." I murmured.
Then I sat bolt upright and looked around. There had been another loud clap...But it didn't sound like thunder to me. No, it more resembled a gunshot. I got up from my desk and went and peeked out my window - then up at the ceiling as one of my upstair neighbors screamed.
I quickly dashed out and ran quickly up the stairs. I pounded on their door. "Sandra?! Sandra, it's Kendall! Is everything okay?!" I asked through the door. Sandra finally opened the door, her sandy blond hair was disheveled and she was trembling. Her brown eyes were wide and fear filled...She looked placid and as if she had seen a ghost. "Sandra? What happened?" I asked again, trying to sound calmer.
Sandra didn't say anything at first, but suddenly hug onto me and burst into tears. I let her and just softly hugged her and stroked her back. She cried for a long while, her tears nearly as torrential as the storm outside the flats.
When she had finally calmed down, I managed to get from her that her boyfriend Daniel had been cleaning a gun in her flat and it had gone off...Sadly taking him with it. I of course called the police and ambulance as protocol is....But I checked him over. He was long gone. After hours of talking with the police, I finally managed to swindle Sandra away to my flat downstairs. Tomorrow work I could already tell was going to be terrible since I only had time for a couple hours of sleep, but at least I could try to comfort my friend.
The rain still came down in buckets, the thunder and lightning still flashed and crashed...And the power was still out.