Life of a Primarch
Terran Imperium space, Colonial worlds, Planet Keptovium
Primarch Edwyrd didn’t know the name of the city and he gave it some thought as he marched through the slums, or rather the slums of an entire planet that he would describe as a slum world. It was an impoverished planet had become a criminal world with corrupt officials and criminals running everything and law being none-existence. But to Edwyrd it only meant that he could kill everyone that got in his way without her holiness the empress having to deal with political fallout.
The street was small and filled with people. Mostly Terrans but he recognized xenos amongst them. A yellow complexed Magog was holding a stall. The four legged xeno conversed with a mother holding a kid in each hand.
He continue down the street-as people constantly moved out of his way-and outside a bar he found an old man in a suit getting beaten by two Kaerrons with a dark skinned man watching with his arms crossed. The Kaerrons had brown skin, one a darker shade then the other. They four talons to Edwyrd’s five and opposable Talons. One of the short snouted xenos growled at the old man as he punched him in the chin with enough force to drop him to the ground.
Edwyrd keyed a panel and opened the door to a bar. He had to duck to pass through the door. He walked inside and let his eyes search the crowd inside. Tables was spread out and people sat around and ate and drank. Three men was unconscious on the bar. The barkeep was an man in dirty clothes and a sleeveless vest. Everyone froze for a moment and stared at the three meter tall giant in Power Armor.
“Ivan Heim,” Edwyrd said in a neutral voice. He knew the man he searched for was here.
“H-he’s got a room in the hotel two doors d-down,” the barkeep stuttered.
He was afraid of him as he had expected. For a moment he thought about killing the barkeep but decided to spare the man.
Edwyrd turned and walked out and headed towards the hotel. Well inside he walked passed the counter. A fat woman in her fifties sat behind it and read news on a datapad. As he passed he upholstered his Pulse pistol and put a bolt through her skull. He searched through her computer for the traitor he sought after and found a false name used by Ivan Heim.
So he made his way up the rundown staircase and set off for the third floor. The only thought in his mind was to perform his duty in the name of the Empress. His duty to her was all he lived for, the only purpose of his life was to serve the Kaiser family, the holy imperial bloodline.
He had to bent over to get through the doorway. With the Pulsar pistol in hand he marched to the door in question and keyed the door panel. As it slowly slid open there was a man and a woman inside. They laid on the bed and quickly sat up, the woman afraid and the man angry. But swiftly the anger turned intro equal fear. I identified him as Ivan Heim, former Intelligence operative and turncoat to the United Colonial Confederation, the traitor I sought. The woman appeared to be some low level prostitute. With two bolts both laid bloodied with holes in their heads.696Please respect copyright.PENANA2gG5vofp7p