This is life, and it will change, everything, in this world showcases change. These changes are not meant to make us happy, nor is it to upset us. It is a process happening continuously. I love my life, and I am afraid of death, I am frightened that I will not be able to full fill any expectation by me. But yet, I wish to die, because it feels like I am out of place. However, if it will be my choice, I will not die today, nor tomorrow, I will die after a few more years. I wish to accomplish myself as a published author. I want to solve the deepest mysteries hidden in their hearts; I want to free them from this pain. And, even though I don’t know if I will be able to solve it, I want to be and identifier and want to identify their skills, qualities, sorrows and give them spot light. I am a mere human, I can’t be free of selfishness, the truth I came to accept is that I don’t want to be free of it myself. However, I will not be surprised if it changes, because I have seen my perspectives changing in front of my eyes. The point is that I am selfish that I want to be loved, be everyone’s true friend and well wisher, I am afraid of being hated, I fear that I am so moody that I will end up harming those near me. I have no control over my emotions. I am still a school going girl but yes I am more afraid to face real world. Happy but frightened it feels as if a threat, yes I am anxious, but it is an indifferent part of life. So, I am learning to live with it. And at last, dear, Stay Blessed!!