Hitching the wastebasket up on her hip, Faye trotted down the back stairs of the hospital. The door banged against the brick wall as she strode into the back alley. She stopped cold in her tracks, her breath misting as she stared towards the trash bins. Estella was standing by the silver cans watching the raven haired girl retreat towards the street. It was the same Berchten girl Faye had seen her meet clandestinely the last time they had been in town. Estella glanced over towards Faye and blew a ring of smoke in her direction.
Faye marched over, her jaw clenching as she tore the top off a can and shook the wastebasket empty over it, "What do you think you're doing?"
"Having a smoke and hiding from Mauntrel." Estella replied non-nonchalantly, "What are you up to? Other than judging me within an inch of my life."
Faye's steely eyes widened, "Judging you? I didn't say a word."
"You don't have to, Faye. You are just that talented."
"Can you blame me? You are shirking work, smoking a banned cigarette and meeting up with townies who I am certain are up to no good." Faye crossed her arms over her chest against the cold, staring hard into Estella's face.
"You know, Gladys and I invited you along on this venture because we thought we saw something in you." Estella took a slow drag her from cigarette, her gaze turning heavenward, "After you took the fall for Cecilia that first week, we thought for certain you'd be on our side."
"If you haven't noticed, we don't have a side anymore." Faye's volume fell considerably, "Open rebellion would be a waste of time and lives because they have already won."
"So what? It's now every man for himself?"
"I didn't say that."
"But you live it, unless you are looking after Cecilia which we all do." Estella loosed a puff of smoke through her nostrils, her muddy hazel eyes glistening with intrigue, "We have the chance to make a difference here, more than we would have if we had stayed home. Don't you want to be a part of it?"
"No." Faye answered firmly without hesitation, "I want to go home."
"What if they won't let us?"
"They have to, they can't force us to marry into Berchten society."
"Can't they? Last I checked the Empire does what it likes," Estella's brow puckered, "Faye, you fit in better with this crew than even Belle Macon and that girl wants to be one of them."
Faye shifted uncomfortably under her roommate's direct glare, "What do you mean?"
"Distant, cool, driven for perfection, obedient and terrified of censure from authority figures?" Estella shook her head, "Not to mention judgmental, as I said before."
"Why do you keep on saying that?"
"You shun that Anson character for one incident despite the fact that he has apologized to you," Estella smirked, "How many bullies do you know ask forgiveness from their victims?"
Faye grasped the edge of the wastebasket and glanced up the side of the building, "I don't mean to be cold but we are walking a thin line. If we falter, our families could pay for it."
"Our families already are paying for it. They are starving and suffering oppression. It doesn't matter if we are good little girls over here. Being on our best behavior doesn't matter to these people," Estella offered the cigarette to Faye, "Don't you want to do something about it? Really make a difference for your parents?"
Faye knew what Estella was asking of her. The thought of getting involved with anything as subversive as the Resistance made her queasy. It meant crashing through the wall of self-preservation she had built up and risking the lives of her loved ones. She stared at the cigarette, her heart beating hard in her chest. Faye snatched it from Estella's fingers then threw it on the ground, crushing it under the heel of her boot.
"They'll be missing us." She snapped, grasping the wastebasket under her arm and avoiding Estella's gaze, "Come on."
Chaos met the somber girls as they entered the hospital hall. Nurses were trying to calm down irate soldiers as white clad doctors rushed about calling orders. Faye and Estella exchanged concerned glances before entering Ward B45, their conversation outside temporarily forgotten.
"Where have you been?" Gladys raced up to them, steaming water tipping over the lip of the bowl she carried, "Have you heard?"
"Heard what?"
"The Lyrovian line over the mountain range," Gladys met Estella's eyes with a barely concealed grin, "They have broken through. I'm guessing the Emperor got too confident about victory. Lyrovian troops have created a bulge in the line. It was mostly a tank offensive and the Berchten troops weren't prepared. They stopped not far from Tyr but are holding fast."
Gladys and Estella's faces lost their excitement as Nurse Petersen raced up to them, her round cheeks red as apples and blue eyes wide.
"Girls, we are going to need more bandages. I need all hands." She directed breathlessly, "They are going to be bringing in the casualties soon and we expect civilian refugees as well. We are going to be run over."
"I'm afraid we need to get back to the Academy, Nurse." The Matron had sneaked up behind Faye, her stark voice making them jump.
"But the Lyrovian offensive-"
"I have already heard about the news. We are needed back at the school during this time." Matron Mauntrel took the bowl of water from Gladys and handed it over to Nurse Petersen, "Long live the Empire. Come along, girls."
She marched through the frenzied mess of personnel towards the hall without another word. Nurse Petersen gaped after her. Evelyn came up behind the older woman as she was pulling her uniform jacket on and laid a hand on the nurse's shoulder.
"I'm sorry we can't stay." Evelyn said quietly, "I hope we'll be able to get back soon."
"You girls had better get after that…woman." Nurse Petersen growled, "And heaven help you over at that school."
Military transports were already rumbling through town. Faye could see the worn and bloodied bodies of Berchten soldiers shivering from shock in the open beds. Remains of beaten battalions were trudging into Tyr on foot. Ragged shells of men who looked like they had been living in gutters for months, they milled towards the hospital sucking on their cigarettes and gritting their teeth.
"Looks like we got them good." Gladys whispered to Estella, her voice drowned out by the lorry engine.
"These don't look like troops on the verge of victory." Evie commented.
Estella's glare flashed over at Faye, "I suppose you are either with us or against us."
Turning her body towards the open air, Faye rested her chin on her hand. There was a young man being dragged between two of his comrades, his uniform in tatters and face bandaged with stained linen. By the scars on his young face, she could tell he had been the victim of mustard gas.
"Those poor men." Evelyn muttered softly, her dark eyes moistening.
Faye closed her eyes, swallowing down her anger towards the Empire for bringing so much suffering. Evelyn had been right, they were all victims of the Emperor. The girls held on tight to the truck as it skid to a stop in the courtyard of the Academy. Mauntrel shooed them out and briskly led them towards the wing where their dorm was located.
"I will be meeting with all of you in ten minutes time in the assembly room. I expect you to be prompt," she directed, her thin lips pursing as Estella passed her, "Miss Winter, have you been smoking?"
"One of the patients at the hospital was but I put the evil thing out." Estella chirped briskly, "Imagine what the Emperor would have said to such irresponsible behavior."
"Quite." Mauntrel droned dryly, "Ten minutes in the assembly room."
Cecilia bit her lip, keeping up between Faye and Evelyn as they trotted down the hallways. Estella and Gladys were walking with arms hooked, whispering inaudibly.
"Perhaps they are sending us home," Cecilia commented in a hushed tone, "They might not like us so close to the frontline."
Evelyn exchanged a look with Faye, "Don't count on it, Cil."
"Just remember to-"
"I know, Faye," Cecilia sighed, "Keep my head down and my mouth shut and we'll all go home."
"Yes. Eventually." Faye replied, clenching her teeth firmly, "They have to send us home sometime."
The room was abuzz as the girls took their seats in the front rows of the large room. Apparently the Headmaster had only wanted the Anticans present. Burns strode down the aisle towards the podium. The girls rose on cue as they had been trained to as he took his place in front of them.
They dropped into their wooden seats, backs straight and eyes straight ahead.
"I'm sure you have probably heard by now," Burns gave them his best attempt at a smile, "About the Gala for the Emperor's Birthday this coming weekend."
Gladys pursed her berry red mouth in Estella's direction before swiftly returning her attention to Burns.
"There will be several local dignitaries and even one member of the Emperor's cabinet who is currently in the area. Alfred Reichman from the Ministry of Public Enlightenment will be present with his family. All Antican young women present at the Academy are encouraged to attend," he nodded Matron Mauntrel up to the podium, "The Matron will now inform you of the details."
"Headmaster Burns. A question."
Faye squeezed her eyes tightly at the sound of Estella's voice behind her.
Stell swaggered to her feet and met the stunned Headmaster's eyes defiantly, "With the recent advent of the Lyrovian offensive, I was wondering if we are still safe this close to the front line? Are there any plans to move us to a more hospitable location where the Empire has more firm control?"
Headmaster Burns paused then returned to the podium, his brow knitted and glare honed in on Estella, "Miss Winter, I assure you with the utmost confidence that you are safe as you want to be here at the Academy."
The veiled threat hinted at in his placid tone struck Faye to the bone. Evelyn rested her forehead in her hand while Cecilia fidgeted with her skirt hem.
"Matron?" Burns motioned the older woman over but kept his eye on Estella as he retreated down the aisle.