Author: This is a kinda stupid story I wrote a little while ago for another contest. I hope you enjoy it.
"Ughhh" I groan. "Everything hurts" My head is pounding, and my muscles feel sore as h***. I pry open my eyes, and am met with the view of a dark blue sea. I seem to be on some giant wooden ship with a strange looking crew on it, although I don't remember getting on it. Surprisingly, I don't feel super worried about this. But then I see the ships flag, and I curse under my breath. The flag is a menacing black with a skull and crossed bones on it. I've been captured by a pirate ship.
At the sound of my curse, a pirate with a feathered hat turns to face me. By the look of his clothing, he's the captain. "Oh, so our little friend finally decided to wake up." His face is uncomfortably close to mine, grinning unnaturally wide, his gold tooth shining. I cringe at the stench of his breath, making him smile even wider. The rest of the pirate crew watches our conversation carefully, torn between doing their jobs and watching the new captive.
"What do you want?" I spit out. "I'm just a cabin boy. I'm of no use to you" The Captain's smile doesn't falter even a bit as I say this.
"Is that so?" The Captain says, his smile getting wider "Well.. then I guess you are of no use to us." I feel slightly confused at what's going on. "Guess I'll have to kill you." I gasp in horror. I stand up quickly, grit my teeth, and despite my current situation, smile.
"You can't kill me." I say, now grinning like a maniac. "For alas, I am not a cabin boy." I rip off the short blond wig that I've been wearing, letting my golden locks fall down my back. "I'm a girl" The Captain and the rest of the crew gasp in surprise.
"A girl..." The captains grin is gone. "I can't hurt a girl because of pirate code." I smile at his frustration.
"But I can hurt you." I laugh, and whip out a sword from behind my back. The captain looks surprised for a second, but gets over it quickly and whips out his sword from his scabbard.
I attack him swiftly with a powerful swipe, but he blocks my blow. I continue to attack him relentlessly, him barely blocking my powerful blows. I push him back until he's pressed up against the side of the ship. Now there's no way for him to escape, and there's no way for me to miss.
"Any last words?" I whisper, grinning like a villain. But the pirate doesn't shake or tremble. Instead he smiles at me and says,
"You're not the only one with a trick up their sleeve." I freeze, terrified for a second. What? 690Please respect copyright.PENANABDOe1Bry84
"For alas, I'm not a male pirate captain." The captain rips off their black wig. "I'm a female pirate captain." I gasp, along with the shocked crew. "So now I can attack you." I growl, and the captain smiles victoriously. The captain is much more skilled at sword fighting. I can barely fend off her attacks, causing me to back away from her with each blow. My heart skips a beat at I feel the wooden side of the ship pressing up against my back.
As she raises her sword for the final blow, I'm almost scared. I smile, and yell "Wait!" She freezes, as it is common curtusy to let your victims to say their final words before you strike the final blow. "You cannot kill me, for alas, I'm not a young woman. I'm," I say, ripping off my wig and outfit to reveal the clothing of a pirate. "a male captain." The Captain and her confused crew gasp in shock. "Therefore, I outrank you and will take control of this ship" The pirate curses under her breath, for because of the pirate code, I outrank her and there's nothing she can do about it. I laugh victoriously, and make my first order as Captain. "Crew, kill her!"
The crew looks between the captain and me, and it's very obvious that they don't want to kill her. But, pirate code is pirate code, and they can't do anything about it. I giggle as the crew closes in on her, looking forward to her death, when I hear a yell.
"Wait!" It's the captain. I groan. I was just about to kill her. "You cannot kill me. For alas, I am secretly," She whips off her wig and cloths, revealing the outfit of an aristocrat. "The Duke of York!" The very confused crew and I gasp in surprise. "Therefore, I outrank YOU!" The Captain, now Duke cackles maniacally, looking at me with a strange glint in his eye. "Now, DIE!"
The crew starts rushing over to kill me, when I laugh. The Duke looks at me, his eyes filled with confusion. "YOU FOOL!" I cackle again "You cannot kill me, for alas, I am" I whip off my clothing and wig to reveal grey hair and a giant dress "The Queen of England!" The Duke gasps in surprise, and the crew just freezes in their tracks, feeling very confused about what is going on.
"You have bested me, your majesty," The duke says, bowing deeply. "However," He says smiling up at me "You aren't the queen of England." I smile back.
"You aren't a duke either. You're that demon, aren't you?" I ask, and the Duke smiles back letting me know all I need to know. The crew stares at us, unsure of what the h*** is going on.
"Yes,"The man rips off his mask to reveal a demon's face. "I am" The crew stares at the Captain-Duke-Demon.
"W-what?" One of the crew members spits out. "You're a..." The entire crew then turns to look at me. "Then what are you? Another demon?" I smile at the poor, ignorant, mortals.
"No, I am not. For alas," I say, ripping off my clothing and wig to reveal blond hair, and white gown, a halo and wings. "I am an angel" The crew looks even more shocked and confused than before. I turn to the demon and smile at him. "Til we meet again." And with that and a great push of my wings, I fly off into the sky. The last thing I hear from the ship is,
"Can anyone tell me what the f*** just happened?"