“Fresh air. Fragile sunshine. Tiny flowers. Giant waves rising from the ocean, spraying water like spitting in the face of the firmament. Everyone is in a cheery mood. No one complains. No disease exists in this dimension. There are no tragic endings nor there are any brutal murders and homicides. Only peaceful journeys to heaven.”
This is what the movie ‘In The Next Dimension’ said. It actually pulls up hopes of people so high, only to be crashed down from a great height. Poor Springville.
All the Asians are lucky not to have a season called Spring. Its cursed. Persephone, the Greek goddess of spring – wanted to leave Hades but, she couldn’t escape. He left her in hell. From thereon, the spring on earth started deteriorating. The conditions worsened with every passing spring.
I am sitting on my old but, comfortable couch with a chamomile tea in my hand and a thermometer in my mouth. Winters just passed and it’s about in transition to spring. Unlike the Asian movies and fantasy films, Spring in Sugartown is surreal. Instead of us walking in the sun where rays blessed land with its presence, mosquitoes and pathogens lingered in the air. To say that these three months are difficult for us is an understatement.
Right now, I am the only one in my family suffering from the Pel-Ebsteins fever, popularly called the ‘spring fever’. It is a rare type of fever that happens to occur in leukemia patients. I am not one, but our long family line has the genes. My ancestors were one of the founding families of Sugartown. All the founders suffered from this cancer. Weird right?
Apparently, some cancer patients in their early incurable stages were on some bucket list hiking when they found this abandoned this place. In search of food, they found wild sugarcanes growing in a patch of land. That’s the origin of the name Sugartown. After finding this peaceful place, some of them decided to spend their remaining lives here. That’s how it all started.
So back to my sob story, here I sit, diseased. Nobody would come near me in fear of catching this oh-so-famous fever. It is cold outside and the sun has barely peeped out of the overcast clouds. There was no cough, sore throat or cold. I had the reddest, sleepless eyes, blood clots scattering all over my body and shivering. Uncontrolled shivering accompanied by restlessness. Trust me, the cold comes from inside you, or so it seems to as any number of blankets don’t keep you warm. I’m home at the moment, but I will be out and free in the next three months.
If you want to come by or visit Sugartown, I suggest summer time. It is pleasant and sunny. Immense heat but air conditioners were invented for some reason, right? And don’t tell anyone yet because I am currently working on its antidote. No, Persephone did not call me. I am going there uninvited.
Some points I would like to share to those of you who are not aware:
1) Sugartown exists. Somewhere in Pennsylvania.
2) Pel-Ebsteins fever also exists, true to the fact that it occurs in patients have Hodgkins lymphoma (leukemia). It is just that it is not called spring fever and the symptoms I have stated are results of my imagination.
3) In Greek Mythology, Persephone is the goddess of spring.
4) A hearty thank you to all the readers and the creator of this contest @KatVsAnime