Word of advice, never try climbing down the fifth storey of a castle tower in six-inch stilettos. I wish I had been there to remind myself that 5 minutes ago when I had convinced myself that sneaking out at 12:00 at night would help me fall asleep.
My hands slipped as I searched for ridges to hold on to and I let out a loud yelp. I quickly covered my mouth not wanting to alert any of the gun clad security. Or worse, my step mother.
The devil himself would probably cower in fear in her presence. I'm exaggerating but if she found out that I was sneaking out, she would do like a queen and off with my head.
Too late, I remembered that I wasn't a gymnast and and didn't have the upper body strength to singlehandedly hang of a palace tower. I lost my grip and tumbled onto the damp grass of the ground with a groan.
I heard the hush of deep voices and got up despite the immense pain I was in. I stretched out my cramped hands and feet and quickly stalked off to the back garden.
There was a small shed right by the fence that had once been used to store carriage wheels but it wasn't 1878 anymore so I had asked for it when I was 12 years old. My father thought it was an odd request but agreed anyway. Anything to stop me from going outside. Little did he know that the shed would become my portal to the outside world.
With the help of my nanny at the time, Anna and Giorgio the gardener, I had made a small doorway locked with multiple dead bolts inside and out to stop others from coming inside. If they were to see it in the first place. Its entrance was located at the back of the palace which was restricted from public access and it was practically camouflaged by the Wisteria vines that crept along the wall.
I made my way to the shed and unlocked the door. I used it for purposes other than sneaking out of the palace. I usually hid from my family here. The walls were laced with bits and pieces of anything I found worthy enough to waste my time on.
Various instruments leaned against the wooden interior in an unorganised manner. My little sisters drawings from since she could hold a pencil hid the actual colour of the walls and random posters of boy bands I had obsessed over throughout the years were stuck on the ceiling. Basically it's a fucking mess.
I looked through the pile of clothes on the small green sofa and found a black hoodie that was starting to fit after years of being too loose on my frame. I put it over my silk pyjamas and slipped on some baggy black sweats after tying my dark curly hair into a low ponytail.I was going for an incognito look to blend in with the night crowd.
I had stolen the hoodie from a friend of mine who lived in L'autre Ville. It's where we held the annual ball to commemorate Lavandia's independence from France . I had taken it from him after he gave me the idea for the portal shed when we were 12. I couldn't wait to see him again tomorrow. It was one of the only parts of the annual ball that I looked forward to.
After looking at myself in the mirror to make sure I looked like a normal girl I crawled through the door. The fact that I had to crawl through some tiny door to escape my toxic home like some Coraline ass bitch was unbelievable. I let out a sigh and locked the door.
The air smelled better out here. Even though it was the same air beyond the gates of the palace. I guess it was the sense of freedom that came with it.I looked at my phone and saw a message from Anna.I had two hours to wander the streets of Lavandia.
Lavandia was a small island kingdom between the coast of South America and Africa. Despite its sizes we were iconic in the media.We were always on the news for irrelevant things like what my sisters and I were wearing for an event or analysing our every action. The fame had started when Grace was 10 and I was 8 . We slipped up and decided to settle our beef at a presidential speech. The media still hasn't let go of the image of the unruly sisters after almost 11 years.
I made my way through the loud bustling streets and took a tram to the next town down. There weren't many people about today since most of the citizens went to L'autre Ville for the Annual Ball.
The tram finally came to a halt at a well lit tram stop so I got off and roamed the small town with my hoodie still on. I had been here many times before but it was hard to recognise without the crowd of civilians along the side walk and all the borders to keep them from getting too close. As if i were some extinct animal in a zoo. After strolling along the closed shops and cafés I had come across the brightest place since the tram stop.'le fièvre noire.' Was it a nightclub?
A bunch of drunk girls and guys loitered around the entrance. Most were making out against the wall and some were looking confused and lost. I had to get in.
But with my status, outfit and lack of legal ID, I highly doubted that I could. So I let my dark brown eyes wander as I thought of a way to get in. I hadn't thought of anything but I sensed an aura of douchebagery and turned around.
"Are you trying to get killed?"
His voice was hushed and his hot breath hit my face. I was so tempted ricochet it back with my fists but that wouldn't go well with the plan I had in mind.
"Well it has been a long term goal of mine," I said.
He rolled his enthralling blue eyes and lead me to a dim-lit store front. I pulled my hands from his grip and hissed at him,
"What the fuck are you doing,"
He let go of me and turned around to face away from me to make it seem as if we were seperate.
"I should be asking you dumbass, do you know what you've just done by coming here?"
I kicked the back of his shin at the insult and he let out a stiffled yelp.
"Stop with the theatrics and help me get in Dorian," I said.
"Nah you need to go home, you can't be here"
I turned around and he did the same.
"What's your problem? I snapped.
"I don't have a problem it's just every time you show up some shit goes down and I'm trying to be low-key."
"I can be low-key just help me get in.I've been stuck in the palace all summer break with Grace and summers almost over,"
He grimaced at the mention of my step sister's name and I had never related to him more.
"There's cameras everywhere, you look disgusting and you have no guards with you. Just go home Noelle," He droned.
"As soon as I get in you won't even see me," I persisted, "C'mon let's go."
I pulled him toward the entrance and to my relief he didn't object.I tied the strings of my hoodie under my chin and lowered my gaze as he led me into the club. I heard him whisper something to the bouncer and the velvet rope dropped into my view.
Dorian left my side as soon as we entered.
I finally got a chance to have a good look at the place. Electric music vibrated through the room along with neon strobe lights that flashed to the beat.The air was hot and smelled like cheap perfume, sweat and alcohol.
I had regretted coming here already. I got a glimpse of the bar stationed on my left and made my way there. The legal drinking age of Lavandia was 18 but I had no ID. Thank god it was assumed that I was 21 and over when I entered the club.
"What can i get for you doll,"
The bartender had a strong Lavandian accent which was similar to the carribean accent. Her short dark hair bounced with her every movement.
What a pretty ass bitch.
I dropped my hoodie lower and continued.
"Chateau lafite 197-"
The bartender looked amused as she shook a cocktail.
"So you got it like that,huh" she observed.
I almost gave myself away. What kind of person orders wine at a beat up place like this. I quickly covered it up with a forced giggle.
"She'll have a dirty martini on the rocks,"
The owner of the voice appeared on the seat next to mine. I knew him from somewhere but couldn't put my finger on where. He wore a black button up with the first 4 buttons unfastened in a presumably fashionable matter but the small red mark that decorated the base of his neck made me think otherwise.
"And you are?" I commented.
He was about to answer when Dorian decided to include his uninvited self into the conversation.
"Does it matter?" Dorian hissed.
"Who the fuck was talking to you?" I questioned and took a sip of my drink.
"You can go home now, you've had your little field trip," He said with a step towards me.
"And you can suck on my left ball sack Beaumont," I retorted.
The hickey boy let out an amused snicker but was silenced by Dorians gaze.
So they knew each other.
My phone vibrated on the table and it was text from Anna.
'Your Father is looking for you. Come home.'
I had to get home after this before my father found out I had snuck out.
Without realising it, we had the attention of almost a third of the night club.
Dorian was so close to me in an attempt to be discreet but it obviously wasn't working. His fair skin was tinted with hues of blue from the strobe lights and I could smell that he'd been drinking something strong. Bourbon maybe?
It was at that moment that everything started to go downhill. The blue that danced across dorians face disappeared with a flash of white light and the sound of camera shutters brought us back to reality.
"Fuck," Dorian, The hickey guy and I said simultaneously.
"I gotta go," I said mostly to myself as I pulled down my hoodie which had slipped off and examined the growing crowd for a way out.
"No shit dumbass,"
I felt a nudge behind me. It was the bartender from before.
"I'll show you the fire escape?," she said and signalled for me to follow her behind the counter.
I was about to leave when dorian glanced down at my feet and my eyes followed.
"Good luck in those."
"You're right," I said.
I hurriedly unclasped the stilettos and handed them to a confused Dorian.
"What the fuck Noelle?"
And with that I thanked the bartender and bolted out of le fièvre noire.