He turned away without throwing a glance up to me. I tossed my dark curly hair over my shoulder with my gloved hands and walked over to the table. Gloves were always my favorite accessory to wear and now they pay off exceptionally well by hiding my fingerprints. Noticing details has always been a trait of mine since I can remember. I drew out a long string and cut a part of it.
"What are you going to do to me? Choke me to death with that string?"
I laughed. "Where's the fun in that when everyone can obviously see it was murder instead of something else, like a suicide or accident?"
"Then why the string?" He hissed.
"Well noted but not so smart to what I just said." I smacked my lips. "Sadly I fell for your looks, Adam."
Suddenly Adam started to rock the chair trying to liberate himself. I wasn't so surprised for his attempt but quickly took hold of the chair. Slowly walking around him, as I stood behind him again I quickly pulled the chair down so that he wouldn't have the chance to knock himself free. He gasped in fear to the sudden fall. "Did you see this coming?" I laughed and turned to the table tying one bit of string at the pistol's trigger. Another bit of string at the barrel of the pistol and a second above the handle. In my peaceful pace I threw the cord of string over the pipes that hung there and tied them so that it holds. "I think that's about it for a façade."
"H-how can a woman like you turn like this?"
"Good question, Adam. That's a question I wonder everyday. Maybe the cruel acts that people did to me, maybe something else?" I spoke in a softer tone and felt the familiar old pain burning within my chest like a wrung out towel. I breathed heavily and tears began to well in my eyes. "I- I really don't know. I'm so sorry." I sobbed released him from his bonds. "Take this and keep it. I'm so sorry. What I did was unforgiveable. Take it." I handed to him a folded piece of paper.
He cautiously took it and unfolded it. As he was reading the content I placed up the chair and sat down with a heavy heart. He gasped and turned to me with widened eyes. I turned away in shame. He walked up to me. "How did you get my signature?"
"Oh, you don't want to know. Just go."
"Not until you've answered my question."
I took a deep breath. "Alright." Rapidly I took hold of his shoulders and threw him into the chair. "Since you've asked." Quickly I bound him again with soft cloth behind his back. "Now everything is set." I whispered to his ear as I placed gently a string over his finger and quickly stepped back. "The perfect façade of a suicide."
Adam swallowed loudly and saw how cold sweat began to drip slowly from his brow.
Slowly I placed a finger upon the string that is connected to the trigger and Adam's finger with a teasing smile. "Send my regards on the other side."