I liked to cause people pain.
Seeing peoples' faces crumple and the tears welling in their eyes brought me a certain joy, in fact it made me smile like nothing else could. It only now occurs to me that if I wanted to I could become a lawyer, they specialized at making people feel like they were utter idiots. Every time I did this it made me feel powerful; almost like I made these people, some which were my friends, sad even depressed.
It made me feel fucking powerful when I did. I never thought that there was anything wrong with me, all this was normal; I go in insult a few people occasionally make them cry before leaving and my day would be complete I'd leave feeling the lightest I've ever been the entire day. Not once did I think that this could come back to bite me in the ass.
That changed the moment those people walked up to me, clad in rather stylish suits for a school, once they approached me they proceeded to berate me for what they had found out that I had done. I of course had defended myself the best that I could've, naturally it did little good and didn't help one bit as the twin deep frowns spread across the older men's faces.
I didn't regret what I had done to those people and they couldn't make me.
The acid like thought repeated in my mind burning a deep hole inside me, I was now in the back of their car while they drove me back home; to talk to my parents they said.
It didn't matter to me when they found out maybe they'd let me go back to school so we could all forget this entire ordeal. When they arrived in front of the old almost broken looking brown brick home I opened the door sarcastically waving them in to see. Over to the several deep holes remained in the wall screaming the animosity of an adult; if one looked close enough they could even see the dried browning flecks of blood right next to the holes.
The men stood in shock for a moment before one swiftly walked in the direction of my parents room at least where they had stayed. Loud thumps soon came from the room as it became apparent that the man was rifling through the room looking for evidence of where my parents could be.
An angry frown burrowed into my face at the sounds, these men had no right to come into my home and ransack it like it was garbage.
Stomping away from the front door I slammed the door open about to start demanding that they leave immediately, however before he could get a word out of his mouth one of the men, the taller one of the two laid a heavy hand on his shoulder and despite the tense look on his face asked in a soft voice.
"Where are your parents Tobias? I doesn't look like they've been here for a while..."
The question was asked so carefully that I had to pause and glare warily at him before snapping back quite rudely. "They aren't here!" I gritted my teeth before continuing. "I came home one day from school and it looked like that they had moved out just leaving my stuff behind."
Looking away I could feel embarrassment burn on my cheeks turning them a dull red as for a minute I lost myself in my thoughts before snapping out of it as the one that had been looking through the room pulled out a dark colored walkie talkie. "We've got a 15 year old, he's the kid of the suspects from the looks of it he'll need to stay under protection..." The man talking sent me a dirty look before continuing. "And he'll need to see psychiatrist as well."
My mouth dropped open and before I knew it words were flying out, I'd probably regret it later on but right now I didn't care. "There is no way that you're sending me to a fucking shrink! You can't make me go and I won't!" I was practically snarling at the man as my fury nearly made me leap at him wanting to bloody that stupid face of his.
The only thing that stopped me was the fact that I didn't hit people, it just wasn't me I preferred to take them down without blows. The man next to me scowled at his partner and grasped my shoulder even more making me almost cry out in pain. "That's enough Jake, he doesn't have to go anywhere especially to a psychiatrist. Don't be an idiot!" He snapped as the other man's mustache seemed to tremble in anger, but he didn't say anything as he gave a sharp nod before stalking furiously out of the room.
His voice followed behind him as he continued to talk curtly on the walkie talkie thing. Looking up at him I silently questioned him hoping that he would get to the point and tell me what the hell was going on and why they were still here. Seeing my sharp penetrating gaze the man sighed heavily before leading me over to the bed and sitting me down.
"I need you to listen alright, this might be a little hard to take in but just bear with me.."
I unconsciously swallowed the man sounded so serious when he said this and I couldn't help but think the worst. "Now my name is Peter; Officer Peter." My mouth resembled a perfect 'o' in that moment. This man...Peter was a cop? I now knew that with whatever was happening, I was indefinitely screwed to hell and back. A chuckle left Peter at the sight of the shocked teen before he carried on, "Well you see..."