So much for Bi-Weekly...
I decided to make a post about a flaw - more like complaint - people have made about works in Second Person Narration, including my own.
They say that it is 'Gimmicky.'
What do they mean by that, you ask? Basically, it means that the work is only written in SPN just to be different and gain attention. Even if the work is praised as well-written, SP dictates that it's no longer a story, but just a gimmick. I've even read this with descriptions of SPN professional writing websites, if they ever include it.
On the plus side, the people who make this complaint are older generations (maybe not so much it you're trying to get published - I recommend self-publishing). Most younger workshoppers that we work with will usually tell me that, while it can be a bit uncomfortable at the start, they hardly notice it soon after. Of course, we all have our tastes...
I will say, though, that one reason why I chose to start writing in SP is because it is different. I was bored of Third, but I felt limited by First, so began to write with 'you', and it's kept me interested!
Of course, there are times when SP doesn't have a good effect, as well as times where it fits the genre beautifully. Next time - not too far away - I will get into that.