Chapter One464Please respect copyright.PENANA4twkAWs6lH
Dear Journal,464Please respect copyright.PENANA4BJWYpPBRn
I’ve never owned a journal before, so I’m not exactly sure what to write. If dad ever saw this, he would accuse me of writing in a diary, which it isn’t. This is a journal. No way I would write something girly like a diary!464Please respect copyright.PENANANbrAwz43wX
So, um in these diary story things like the ones I’ve read for English, they always introduce themself to their diary or journal, which sounds weird, because why would you introduce yourself to a journal? Still, I want to get this right, so I’ll bite.464Please respect copyright.PENANAdkSWnXUWve
My name is Tyler, your average 18 year old guy, or I was until three years ago. That was when my parents started fighting all of the time. I was used to dad’s insults and cutting remarks, but it was the constant fighting that drove me up the wall. How in the hell was I supposed to do my damn homework when all I hear is their constant bitching? It’s painful to listen to, though I’ve found a way to block it out. I won’t tell you what it is, because if Dad finds this, then I am royally fucked. And if any of the guys found out, I would be a laughing stock, not that it matters. 464Please respect copyright.PENANASlFwz7RL8Y
Coach says If I don’t get my grades up by progress reports, then he’s dropping me from the team. It’s not fair, because I’m trying damnit! It’s just hard to concentrate anymore, and basketball is the only productive way to work out all my energy I have built up over the last three years.464Please respect copyright.PENANA6UKijojU7W
It feels so dumb to be writing here yet I can’t stop. Funny seeing as English is the only class I have a passing grade in, and my teacher always said I was born to be a writer. Though I doubt journals count, because I’m pretty sure no one wants to read some random guy’s journal. I know I wouldn’t. 464Please respect copyright.PENANAZVOhSxHwCV
Well, I have to hide you now, because I’m meeting the guys to shoot hoops. There isn’t many places to hide you in our fourth story, two-bedroom apartment, but I think I know the perfect place, so the hell do I end a journal entry?464Please respect copyright.PENANA0j7joN81Qc
um...Bye, yeah lets go with that.
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Bye464Please respect copyright.PENANASxdClxvvOH