I am scared of her. The demon clothed in white who resides in the deepest chamber of my mind. She knows everything about me. All my secrets…my ambitions…Her face is angelic. She always speaks in a sweet voice. At first, I trusted her. I thought she was my friend – a dear friend who wanted the best for me. I believed her when she said my mother loved my sister more than me. I believed her when she said my best friend didn’t deserve the first prize in the art competition. I believed…
Well…Long story short, I was an idiot. I got into fights, showed more spite that I believed was possible by me, alienated everyone that cared about me… Soon I was eating lunch alone at school. At home, I spent all day shut in my room… The bitterness grew inside me day after day. It all came to a head at my sister’s birthday party. The demon spoke to me when my eyes fell on the huge pile of birthday presents.
“You do not get so many presents anymore, do you? Your Mom and Dad have forgotten about you…If she wasn’t there they would love you again. You do want that, don’t you? You study well, get good grades, you are a good painter…They should be proud of you but they aren’t…Nothing you do is enough. But your little sister gets top marks in a stupid spelling test and they spoil her silly. It’s not fair, is it? My dear…You really should do something about it.”
It was then that she came running – my little sister. I loved her. I really really did. And I swear if it wasn’t for the demon…I wouldn’t have picked up the scissors…I just wanted to scare her…I swear.
The next thing I remember is the blood. And the screams of my parents when they came to the room. My mother…I was thinking she would hate me…But…She just hugged me and cried. Those tears…The heartbroken sobs…Suddenly I couldn’t hear the demon anymore.
I never heard the demon again. But I know she’s not gone. She’s still there. She’ll always be there.