Here I am; lying in a hospital. Dying slowly bit by bit of an incurable cancer. The doctors and nurses come and go to diagnose in a quick and silent manner, like a mere ghost or rather like I am ther ghost scaring them. In my own silent manner I lie in bed and bore myself by staring up at the ceiling. Sometimes starting to count the small dots that are there for better isolation or calculate something by guessing.
Knowing I have this cancer for a few years and made a clear bucket list. Alas it was not enough time to do them all but the good part is I have no regretts that I tried. My wish naturally would be to do them all and then rest in peace but it seems that is not how my life should turn.
I am a 34 year old woman who worked as a private-secretary to a millionare. My name is Susan Gerwing and was born in Manchester, England. My hobbies are walking, writing, cooking and keeping contact with my family and friends. I never had a boyfriend for real but I have my pugg, Jeffray. He is always there for me and has never let me down. Maybe angry or nerved by some mischief but nothing more. He would always smile at me when I return from a long hard day's work; holding his leash ready in his mouth and waggle his curled tail. Jeffray's big, dark, shiny eyes reflect of joy and a happy personality. Sadly he passed away six months ago. It did break my heart like losing a boyfriend or a dear friend but he died in a peaceful way. Falling asleep and never woke up. I think he had a happy life with me.582Please respect copyright.PENANALNG8XL1s0O
What helped to get over with Jeffray's passing was writing. I wrote a lot and found then a good balance to continue my life. As a matter of fact I am writing a romance novel. It is about a young man who leads a perfect life and has a great carrier in his profession. Until one day comes a new worker, a woman and turns the man's life upsidedown. He dislikes the woman a lot but through time he falls in love and realizes that his 'perfect' life was upsidedown.
Aside from that novel I write from time to time some poems that just come out of the blue. Especially now lying in bed I have a lot of time but I still get quickly bored after an entire day of writing.
With my dreams or rather visions, I can not recall that my life shall end here but else where. If it is so, then where and what miracle will change the situation? What I do remember lately from my latest dreams is a stranger, a man. He appears often now the last few nights. Is it a sign or am I having foolish hopes like any cancer patient?
"Good afternoon Miss Gerwing. Have you been able to entertain yourself until now?" Asked a doctor as he entered the room with a grin. I never saw him before but he looked special and somewhat familiar. Yet I knew perfectly I saw him for the first time. He long wavey chocolate-brown hair reached down to the his elbows but they were tied to a tight ponytail and few short hairs reached over his forehead and eyes. Those eyes!
No normal man or human has those set of eyes! They are beautifully shaped like almonds and his irises were violet like amethyst. However beautiful they were, those eyes also gave a fierce look if the long, elegant, dark shaped eyebrows were set down or knitted. Now they looked at me friendly. I was speechless to his question due to his appearance. "Is something the matter?" He wonder concerned.582Please respect copyright.PENANAn5bAFzaNER
All I could was shaking my head to his question.
"There is nothing to be afret of. I'm taking you out of here." He whispered while diagnosting me casually like any doctor.
"What?" I blinked in disbelief. Just now I noticed that besides his eyes also his ears were different! They are long and pointy. I must be going mad! Is it that what I think the 'new doctor' is or not? An elf? "Why taking me out of here? Who are you?" Bursted out of me without thinking.
"It's not what you think Miss Gerwing. Just follow me. I'll explain everything once we're outside." He continued to whisper while searching for my coat and shoes in the wardrope.
"Who do you think I am? I'm not a child who will just follow blindly a man dressed up as a doctor or rather an elf. You better explain to me right here and right now." I said composed but I felt how my anger was about to burst out.
He froze and stared at me for a brief moment.
From the corridor I heard the familiar voice of my nurse and soon entered the room. As she saw the man her eyes widened for a moment but very soon collected and asked who he was and what was he doing here.
He did not answer and within a blink of an eye he stood before me. Placed me in such great speed over his shoulder that I first realised what happened when the nurse began call for help. Soon I started to shout and tried free myself from him but alas I was too weak or he was too strong. Suddenly I heard a strange language spoken from the elf. While he spoke I began to feel all of a sudden drowzy and was gone.
As I came to, I heard not far the elf's voice speaking still the odd language. As he paused another man responded in the same language. I began to groan and opened my eyes. The voices immediately stopped talking and began to hear soft splashes of water not far. Everything was out of focus as I started to look around. While letting my eyes accustom I noticed earthly warm colours and movement. Soon I noticed the familiar face of the elf I met in the hospital.
He gave the similar grin as before. "Glad that you returned amongst the living."
"You!" I called out and sat up abruptly. Immediately a stinging sensation broke out in my head. I winced.
"Now take it easy. You're safe. We have no intension to harm you but heal you. My name's Desamah." Said Desamah as he helped me lie down with a calm and soft voice.
"Heal me? How's that possible? Curing a cancer is impossible!"
"Not from where I am standing or rather we, the elves. We know magic and thus nothing is impossible."
"What magic?" I raised an eyebrow.
"Oh, like those vivid dreams of yours. Foreseeing your own future." Smirked Desamah and his violet eyes shone of excitement.
I was speechless. No one knows of my secret about those dreams. Not even my parents and friends, yet he knew. How?
This is definitely not the way how my last day on earth should pass.