Have you ever had the feeling that there was something else nearby? Something that you couldn’t see and hear, but you could definitely feel as an uncomfortable sensation filled your spine? This, my friends, is the presence of the Keeper of Souls.
The Keeper of Souls is a mysterious enigma that can only be seen by children. He can appear in many shapes and forms, often mimicking what they fear most. He is able to do this because he knows exactly what scares children the most, as their minds are the most open they’ll ever be.
However, a few unlucky people have seen the true form of the Keeper of Souls. The closet is said to be his favorite place to hide during the night. Light giggles and voices can be heard from the door cracks as if a party were being held inside. After opening the door you’ll quickly find yourself staring face to face with a large and dark shadow. His spider-like arms playfully extend from his body, almost inviting you to come along. Beside him are the many faces of children who were foolish enough to follow him.
These children all have pale faces and eyes without sockets. They look at you with an eerie combination of cheerfulness and terror that creates an unpleasant expression.
Slowly, the closet door will open with the Keeper of Souls smiling with glee as his next potential victim makes the decision between going inside and turning away. Should you turn away, the keeper of Souls will slam the door and disappear altogether.
Many people have claimed to see him, but none of their stories have been taken seriously. They’re often completely written off as superstitious childrens stories and nothing more.
Despite what the disbelievers say, those who have witnessed it for themselves will tell you otherwise: The Keeper of Souls does exist and his search for souls is never ending.