-Vick- College student, 22, majoring in engineering. Born in El Salvador, his parents moved him, his brother and sister to California to start new. He met his best friends in high school and they all decided to go to college in Missouri. He is fun, strong, trustworthy and an all out good guy that will do anything for the people he cares about.
-John- College student, 23, majoring in writing, Born and raised in California. Comes from a strict yet loving family. He is a natural born writer and musician and just wants to have fun in the next four years of his young adult life. He can be very serious at times and has been known to get in a lot of fights, but they were never started by him.
-Alex- College student, 22, majoring in science. She doesn’t know much about science, yet she will go as far as it takes to complete a dare. She doesn’t back down and is very easy going. She might be going to college for something she hates, but she knows she’ll go far in life with her art.
-Tes- College student, 21, majoring in music. Talented with any instrument. Loves her girlfriends puns and is very funny herself. She wants to go far in life with her music and maybe one day take it to the next level with Riley, but things have been rocky. She is extremely sweet and caring, but will cut a bitch if necessarily.
-Riley- College student, 23, majoring in video editing. Wants to edit anything being animation or real. It is her dream to be behind the scenes and make movie magic. She loves telling puns and making people smile any way possible. Even though her life isn’t the best at the moment, but then again, who’s is? She has no idea what the future holds, but she hopes she can both stay with Tes and make both their dreams come true and not have to choose.