It's been a week or two... I don't know... It feels like its been months. I am eating sand and drinking sand... Sometimes water which was bitter and sometimes blood water. My stomach aches alot making me more weak day by day. At night, I hear strange sounds which makes me feel better these days. One day my stomach pained alot, I was in my monthly special days. I never had such pains, but now I had the most terrible pain. I wanted water to wash my blood. No other way left, I tried walking towards the interior of the island. I started when the sun was at the top and ended when it was getting dark. But I was standing, from where I started. I once again walked fast, but again I reached the same place. Whichever way I travel I reach the same starting point. My mind was crying with pains of my life. I let out my agony my crying aloud, but I could not hear my own voice. How much ever I tried my ears stood deaf. I fainted down to the mud. I heard some noise, it was the same screaming sound. I was not deaf, I got up to walk towards the sound. I tried crawling towards the sound, this time it ended somewhere else. I found a huge man sitting with his colleagues maybe. I tried to walk towards them, but they stenched. I felt vomiting, still I tried to reach them. As I moved towards them, I felt, they are no humans. They are monsters who are enjoying their stay. As I tried to hide, I felt an Unusual warmth from behind me. I tried to turn, but what I found made me faint.
When I opened my eyes I felt uncomfortable. As I tried to get up I realised that I had been laying in the bed of Snakes and worms. I jumped away from it to get hit by one of the monsters. It turned around to look at me. It's fingers were very long with sharp nails. Its face looked as of a pig with very big tongue. Its tongue was so long that it cleaned his entire body. Its body had no fur. It was very sulky with drips of blood here and there which was cleaned by its tongue. Its eyes were fires burning which made me bleed alot. When it moved towards me I fell down. Its tongue licked the blood in my thighs. I wanted to runaway but had no strength to move. Once again it looked into my eyes and lifted me in its ugly hands. It took me towards the water and lifted me towards the sky where there were rains of blood. It then left me down and walked towards the interior of the island. I was watching as it moved and then it disappeared in a nanosecond. I fell there.
Next day, I once again went to the interior, but I found nothing. I tried to find a hiding place for me. I somehow found a cave. I hid there all through the day. At night, there was silence everywhere not even the sound of waves hit my ears. I gained all courage to come out of the cave and walked towards the interior of the island. As I started walking, blood was dripping from above me. I looked up to see, but it was the monster. It was all this while following me. I tried to run away from it. But it caught hold of me and tore my half torn dress. And I lay down tired. It's tongue was licking every inch of my body. Suddenly it entered my vagina, giving me immense pain. I shouted out of pain, when I found water in my mouth. When I opened my eyes to see the source of water, I really felt dirty. As it was the monster's saliva. It then left me and disappeared as usual. I felt that something was wrong with me. But I don't know what it was. It had been a week since the monster arrived. I stayed in the cave all through the night. At times my stomach used to make huge hunger noises but were different.
One day there was a huge storm in the island, I hid in my cave. But the storm got so worse that I had to go deeper into the cave,where I found heaps of paper lying. I took those papers to read until the storm got over. It was a biography of a person who already suffered like me. "I and my wife got caught in this mysterious island. No way to go out. We were waiting for help but no use. This island is not barren. Its inhabited by monsters. The monsters never appear during the day. They arrive only at night. They eat and drink blood. The water in this island is not water but blood sometimes even sand. This island is not round, its their trick, that we end in the same side how much ever far we walk. One-day one of the monsters caught held of my wife, but it didn't harm her. I too was surprised at its attitude. But only a week later I realised that my wife had been pregnant by the monster. The little monster was growing inside my wife. I didn't reveal it to my wife although my wife knew something was wrong with her. Suddenly one-day she had immense pain in her stomach. It was the delivery time. I can't see her in pain so I left her in open shore and returned to the cave. When I went out after some time, she was no where to be found. I found the little monster eating something, when I went near, I found that it had finished eating my wife's last left out finger. Out of fear I ran to the cave and sat here for months. But I'm dying with no water or food. Last time my wife drank water was the monster's saliva which I never revealed her. At night I used to hear my wife's voice out in the open but I never go out Cause.... It's... The... Monster.... ". The more I read, I felt fear and sweat running through my spines. As I moved a little bit I found pieces of bones, gathered together. It must be that man's skeleton.
I very well knew I am going through the same phase. I felt the same pain that day. But I waited for the night to fall. As it grew dark and quiet, I could hear the monsters scream. He was coming for me, for his little monster. I somehow prepared a sharp knife from the rocks that were broken. As the monster was nearing me, I tore open my stomach, and took out an ugly little monster just like the bigger one. It was not cute, and I was not it's mother to save it. I made it lie beside me and took the knife and cut it into pieces. When the bigger monster came, I started to eat the pieces which made it angry. He came running with its tongue, which I caught hold and sliced into pieces. He cried with pain. I was happy with that sound. He lay down dead. I continued eating the pieces. The other monsters saw me but they never moved towards me. They slowly moved towards the sea and they never returned. I had been suffering with infection and indigestion. I am slowly visiting my death, when one day I heard a rare sound. It was the sound of a ship, which was moving towards this island. Now I never wanted to escape this island as I had conquered it. So, I slowly moved towards the cave and shut it from inside. I could hear lots of people's voices, their kids singing and dancing day and night. But I never came out of the cave.
I saw myself as a queen who killed a monster and ate its flesh to make this island a living place . I atlast solved the mystery of the island and made it the living island. Now I am happy to breath my last, as I'm the Queen of monsters.