Dedicated to Winona Laura Horowitz
Winona Ryder as Lydia Deetz
Disclaimer: this is a non-profit fanfiction that does not attempt to infringe the rights of those who have legal ownership of the franchises: Beetlejuice.
Chapter 1: Arrival at Winter River
I can feel the cold... I feel it expanding in my body with every beat of my heart, every beat that is slower and slower and slower....
“Can we keep him, Mommy?” I hear a voice, and then... I feel a series of movements, I can't pinpoint the elapsed time, then the warmth embraces my body and I feel my body come back to life. I open my eyes and see a beautiful nine-year-old girl holding me tenderly and feeding me a bottle.
“Charles, look at the pretty little thing Lydia brought,” says the woman who seems to be the mother.
“Now I don't have time Evelyn, I have a victim, I mean client to meet me,” the man barks and then comes out the door.
“What name shall we call it, Mom?” the girl asks.
“What about Percy?”
I open my eyes and realize that I was dreaming of the time when my "mistress" Lydia rescued me from freezing to death, because I was left in a crate like garbage and in a torrential rain. And yes, I call it "mistress", because without her I wouldn't have survived, and even if this bothers other cats (cats consider humans as their possession), I don't care.
Evelyn's death affected Lydia very much, taking her for years, phase after phase of rebel phase, the last one was a "death rocker", but now it's "Gothic", and I don't think it will change, since she reached the maturity necessary to say that her appearance is not the product of a whim, but it's her own way of being, which is her lifestyle (yes, Lydia is much more mature than other girls her age).
Charles, who is a workaholic, didn't worry too much about the rebellious phases of Lydia, but seeing that my mistress was interested in the Gothic, he thought his daughter needed the presence of a mother. This meant that Charles had more hours to devote to his work and not to worry about the rest. Curiously, he chose an extravagant woman named Delia as his companion, who with her "artistic skills" and snobbish personality brought Charles to the brink of a nervous breakdown.
Delia did not take very well the fact that her husband decided to move to a small town called Winter River, but in the end she agreed, provided that she was in charge of decorating the future house and that she would continue with her works of art.
As for Lydia, she had no problem moving, after all there was nothing to tie her to New York, since she had no friends... Oh, how many nights of lonely crying!, but I was always there to comfort her.
“I swear I will protect Lydia, and I won't let anything bad happen to her” I howled with all my might, seeing her worried face as she realized the arrival of the huge moving truck.
“Do you think I'll do better in Winter River than in this place, Percy?” Lydia asked me. Her concern was based on the fact that she would go to a place that was certainly more conservative than the city and therefore her appearance would be more questioned. I rubbed my head against her hand and purring away her fears.
When we arrived at Winter River, the sensations that flooded all my senses were so strong, that I was sure that even the Deetz family would feel them (the humans woefully, do not develop their senses much), the air much cleaner, the various aromas coming from fresh and pure vegetation, the sounds of different animals (especially birds), a whole range of new sensations. And then I saw the Victorian-style house, beautiful, but I felt that something supernatural was hiding in it and began to hiss loudly as I began to arch my body and the hairs on my body stood up.
I would have liked to explore the house on the spot, but I was locked in my cage. I saw the men of the move carry a long black sofa and sitting on it, my mistress, who had a camera (she wants to be a photographer after graduating from school). After a moment I hear a car stop abruptly and a fat man comes out of it, instead of heading for the entrance to the house, he decides to enter through a window!
After meowing for a while, my mistress comes to the cage and sets me free. I rush out into the house and try to locate the source of the supernatural presence. "Sniffing magic" is a power that cats can develop to detect magic in a certain place or object and even people.
“The attic,” I think, and I immediately raise the steps that lead me to the fountain of strange presence. My doubts are confirmed by hearing voices of the ultratomb across the room. It's a shame I can't get through and I decide to stand guard in the stands.
After a few minutes, I see Lydia climbing upstairs, she has a stiff face and her eyes wide open, and she holds a key. She tries to open the door but I hear someone or something that keeps my mistress from getting into the place. Together we try to listen to what happens in the room without success because of the thickness of the door.
“Percy, I heard that the previous owners of the house drowned, and a moment ago I saw the silhouette of two people in the attic, surely they are the ghosts of those people!” My mistress told me very excited because she loved all things related to the supernatural.
I'm not at all surprised that my mistress has been able to see ghosts in the house, she's not just an ordinary teenager, she was born just one Halloween day and has magical powers that made her different and at the same time special to others. She can see the aura not only of people, but also of other living beings including trees, she can also communicate with ghosts and her predictions with the tarot are never wrong. This last very admirable thing since I knew that the only way in which the predictions of the tarot had certainty, was in the antiquity of the cards, which should be at least one hundred years old, while the deck of cards of the tarot of my mistress, were of her own creation and design.
The latter was taught to me by a female cat one year that I went with the Deetz family to Washington DC, to see the National Cherry Festival in that city, she taught me that the magic of a cat was concentrated in her tail, something curious because she was of the Japanese Rabon race, a breed of cats with almost no tail. However, she possessed a lot of magical knowledge and could perform magic using her front legs. I would have liked to know more about magic, but the Deetz stayed only a couple of days and I chose to return with my mistress to New York... I wonder what would become of Ayanami sensei.
My thoughts were interrupted by a strong green light coming out under the door and the keyhole. The green was fighting furiously to overcome the white face of my mistress, when suddenly everything stopped. There was no green light in the room and Lydia tried again to open the door, but it was unsuccessful.
“I can't open it Percy, not even with the help of the house's master key,” my mistress told me. Apparently the ghosts had obstructed the door lock, but I had a plan.
My mistress was called by her parents to help with the move, so I took advantage of that opportunity to leave the house and make my plan. Near the house I found a white rabbit, the biggest I've ever seen in my life, this one was under the wooden fence of the house, I jumped to land on top of it and then, I jumped on the rabbit sinking my fangs right in the back of his head. The snowy giant tried to jump, but could only move his legs spasmodically because his brain had already resented the damage and only advanced one millimeter before he died.
I can't deny that I felt sorry for it because I prefer to talk friendly with the rabbits rather than eat them, but time was of the essence, my mistress would surely try to open the attic door again and I had to make sure that there was no danger in that place. I had to go in first and see if there was any danger or not!
Carrying the rabbit up to the attic door was a problem because of the army of humans who hired Delia to refurbish the house (stupid woman, I'm sure Charles will have a heart attack sooner rather than later), but every time someone saw me I would simply disappear from their sight when they blinked, thanks to the use of "Hide in Plain Sight". How I love magic!
Once in front of the door I performed the ritual and could slide under it as if it were the simplest thing in the world. I hastened my search for the room and with "Sniffing Magic" I found that any ghost who had been there had escaped, I could only find a book of ancient and careless bearing from which emanated some magic, not too much, no matter what contained the book would not expose my mistress to any danger, of course I was still somewhat suspicious. Cats can't read, we only understand basic drawings that indicate things like restaurant, men's bathroom, women's bathroom, working men, poison danger! (this last one is very important to recognize), etc.
I thought it would be best to get rid of the book, just in case, but then I listened to my mistress's footsteps and I had no choice but to leave the room, as I knew that if I performed my magic in front of Lydia, she would not be deceived and would discover me. Not that I didn't trust Lydia, but we cats like to keep our "aura of mystery", although of course this was getting harder and harder because i was supposed to be an old cat, but somehow I was still young.
I left just in time meowing "Nya" like the good kitty cat that I am and I received the caresses of my mistress.
Were you doing surveillance Percy? what a good kitty cat you are,” she told me, stroking my head and I purred her very happily and looking at her with the most innocent eyes I could put.
My mistress introduced a couple of screwdrivers and with a bit of a knack opened the door. I was somewhat displeased but at the same time proud of the easy way she opened the door.
“Come on Percy,” she said, “I'll protect you.”
We entered the room cautiously, my somewhat timid mistress at first was astonished to see the enormous scale model of the village and all the fear vanished from her. Then she saw the book and muttered to herself: "Handbook for the Recently Deceased."
Hello, this fanfic takes several sources from the Beetlejuice Universe: the film, the cartoon, the incomplete Manga of Midori Mizurashi (The witch of peaceful pines)
I also take as a source the RPG: CAT by John Wick and some cat powers from CLASES DE CHICAS GATO website.
At first I wanted to make a fanfiction of no more than 600 words, I don't know how it turned out so much. I also wanted Percy the cat to befriend the Maitlands, the latter also got out of control.
This fanfic was translated from Spanish into English using the DeepL program, and my knowledge of English. Forgive any grammatical and punctuation errors.
Lydia Deetz and the house´s ghost
Original tittle: Un gato contra un fantasma