Dedicated to Winona Laura Horowitz
Winona Ryder as Lydia Deetz
Chapter 4: The best house699Please respect copyright.PENANAHE2vdx5LuF
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After Christmas, Professor Lupin decided to give Harry the long-awaited and belated anti-dementor classes.
Lydia and Hermione (who apparently discovered Lupin's secret) also signed up, as Percy did, instead Ron who showed supreme laziness and decided that he would make better use of his academic time by scratching his ba...
“Remember what I told you," said Lupin, "the patronus enchantment is of a higher level, it exhausts both mind and body, even adult magicians have problems with it, so don't feel bad about not being able to accomplish anything in this session.”
Lydia and Percy came first, as this way Harry would have more time to prepare, as well as Hermione.
The two boys focused on getting the bogart to look like a dementor this time, and the two times the bogartdementor came out of his box, both Lydia and Percy conjured up their respective patronus to perfection. Lydia's patronus was shaped like a cat and Percy's, well, it was shaped like Lydia.
Lupin was as impressed as the other two boys, the patronus spell was supposed to wear out the two newbies, but both Lydia and Percy were not tired at all, though somewhat blushed.
“That was incredible," Hermione exclaimed, "how did you do it?”
“You just have to look inside yourself for a very happy memory, then you can conjure the patronus without difficulty," said Lydia.
It was Hermione's turn and when the boggart came out, it took on the form of Professor McGonagall who was shouting at Hermione that she fail in all subjects and that she was a great disappointment.
The poor girl was shot out of the classroom, and Lydia and Percy went after her. When the two kids caught up with Hermione, they reassured her as best they could. Lydia hugged and rubbed her back, while Percy, transformed into a cat, rubbed himself against her feet and purred calmly.
The days passed and Lydia decided that Hufflepuff, not only had to excel in sports but also academically, set the goal of competing on an equal footing with the Ravenclaw. The brains of the eagles surpassed the badgers, but they had their Achilles heel and it was because the eagles competed with each other to prove who was smarter.
Lydia knew that in a system focused only on obtaining better marks, prestige and respect fell on those who achieved the highest marks, and if there were study groups these would be very small and they would not let others in, nor help others.
In contrast, the Hufflepuffs were characterized by teamwork and would make the entire Hufflepuff house become a huge, a giant study group, all the members of his house would help each other, not only among the members of a single year, but all of them.
The seniors would help the freshmen and the rest would help the seniors. This would be a challenge, but the members of his house gladly accepted the challenge, they knew that the work would be hard and arduous, but that did not worry them because they knew that they would have a friend supporting them continuously, they knew that they would have several of their friends supporting them continuously, they knew that they were HUFFLEPUFF!
The change was noticeable, indeed even disturbing, since the teachers were now having trouble choosing between the forest of Hufflepuff's raised hands, ready to answer the questions that the teachers asked at the slightest opportunity, the school librarian suffered a hysteria attack because she could not cope with the avalanche of Hufflepuff students.
Snape decided not to award any more points in his classes or the Hufflepuff hourglass of rubies indicating Hufflepuff's score was going to burst.
Sprout was in the glory, the problem is that when the students of her house decided that they had studied enough, they started parties worthy of the wildest hooligans, in which they flew tables and chairs all over the place.
In the dining room it was not uncommon to see how sometimes a Hufflepuff would stand up and shout with his fists up high like:"! yahoo Hufflepuff!" or "badgers!"The badgers were undoubtedly lit, immersed in a fire that threatened to turn into an igneous tidal wave.
Badgers laughed in the halls with their friends to enjoy their friendship, laughed in the dining room to share their joys, laughed around the castle to share their sorrows, laughed with their friends because they were HUFFLEPUFF!
After the weeks passed Dumbledore had to intervene and with a spell made the Hufflepuff hourglass increase its size considerably, something that according to the director himself had no precedent in Hogwarts history.
As for the anti-dementor classes, Hermione was already able to realize her patronus perfectly thanks to the help of Lydia and Percy. Harry, on the other hand, still had problems to conjure up the spell, the boy suspected that the reason was that in his subconscious mind he wanted to continue listening to his mother's voice every time the dementor bogart attacked him.
Hermione was very happy, but happiness didn't last long as Ron blamed her, because apparently the girl's cat had eaten the redheaded rat.
“Ron is an asshole," said Hermione.
Lydia and Percy exchanged worried glances, Percy didn't want to see Hermione cry, but deep down he was happy that Hermione finally severed ties of friendship with the Weasley.
One night while the Hufflepuffs slept peacefully, Professor Sprout made them get up at once, apparently Sirius Black had managed to enter the castle.
Again all the students slept in the dining room, but this time the Hufflepuffs also had trouble falling asleep. The castle's defenses were supposed to be reinforced but Black managed to get in anyway.
The castle's security measures were reinforced, but the students did not feel very secure, but Neville was the one who suffered the most, being banned from going to Hogsmeade. Lydia and Percy even though they wanted to go to Hogsmeade decided to accompany the poor boy, Hermione also signed up and friends toured the castle, strangely Harry was nowhere to be found...
The next morning, Hermione explains to the two friends that the hypoglyph that attacked Malfoy was sentenced to death, which saddened Lydia because she was fond of him. Apparently this fact caused Hermione and Ron to settle their differences.
In Professor Trelawney's class, the boys find out how Malfoy and his gorillas were intimidated by Hermione.
“Only you have fun Hermione," Percy said with a smile.
“Next time try to turn your fist," Lydia continued.
Comments from friends reassured Hermione, which was fortunate since the divination class was one of the most useless that the boys endured.
“You know Lydia, I think I'll give up on divination," Hermione said resolutely, "that matter is a joke, there's no such thing as divination.”
“Hermione," Percy said to her, "in fact the divination if it is real, Lydia can read the tarot cards perfectly.”
Hermione was about to reply, but the calm and confident expression of her friend deterred her.
“Really? You can really know what will happen in the future by reading the cards.”
“Yes, my predictions are never wrong... but you are right, I too will give up on divination.”
“Eh, but why, if you said yourself that you're good at reading the cards...”
“The subject is not a joke, but Professor Trelawney is. That woman is a fraud, she doesn't have a shred of power related to divination, I don't understand the reason why Principal Dumbledore allows her to continue teaching.”
“Let's all three of us leave the subject," said Percy as he happily moved his tail.”
Weeks passed and the Hufflepuffs struggled hard for the upcoming final exams. Lydia and several Hufflepuffs spoke with the principal and other faculty members and asked them to change the test dates.
They were told that taking exams so often was anti-pedagogical, that students studied only to pass the exam and then forgot everything they had learned. The teachers would have refused, but Lydia commanded respect and the Hufflepuffs were known for not slacking off and decided that they would accept Lydia's proposal.
When the exams arrived, all the students were pleased to see that the idea of Hufflepuff's student was the right one, they were able to answer the questions without pressure, sure that they did it well and that they would never forget what they had learned in class.
As for the dark arts defense test, the Hufflepuffs successfully passed the Lupin test, as did Hermione.
Hermione, Harry and Ron, received the sad news that Hagrid's hypogriphus would be executed, they wanted to warn their friends at Hufflepuff, but the badgers were already planning the party for the end of the exam period and they all looked very happy, in fact Lydia's smile warmed tenderly the hearts of everyone who saw it, so they decided they'd tell them the bad news the next day.
The next morning thekids decided to look for Hermione, since they had invited her to the party but she never showed up, as she was not in her common room (the griffindors gave the kids the password), they decided to split up.
Lydia found Hermione in the castle infirmary and she explained what had happened the night before. Fudge was intransigent and ordered Black to get the dementor's kiss. Once the adults except Dumbledore were out, he explained cryptically to Hermione how to save Black and then withdrew from the infirmary.
Hermione took a Time turner from her clothes and turned to her friends.
“Hermione, what is that?” Harry asked.
“WHERE THE HELL DID YOU GET THAT THING!” Lydia shouted, she looked clearly frightened.
“McGonagall gave it to me, so I could enter several classes at the same time...”
“That woman is crazy! A time turner is an extremely dangerous device.”
I was very careful.
“Even so Hermione," said Lydia holding her shoulders, "one false step and you could have died.”
“Lydia, we don't have time for this discussion.”
The girls looked at each other and nodded, Harry didn't understand anything, and when Hermione was about to speak, she used the time turner.
The girls explained to their friend that with the time turner they traveled to the past in order to rescue Sirius. It's a good thing Lydia was with them, so they had no trouble rescuing the hypogriffon and facing Lupin in his werewolf form.
The only problem was Harry who insisted on intervening dangerously, and changing the past at the risk of ruining everything, but the girls managed him so that he wouldn't ruin it. However, Harry got rid of the girls and saved himself with a patronus spell.
Then they wanted to ride the hypogriffon, but the animal couldn't take all three of them.
“Accio broom," said Lydia.
“Are you sure your broom will come?” Hermione asked.
“Don't worry, I'm sure by now there are some broken windows for the party.”
Harry rode on the hypogriffle and the girls on the broom (Hermione held Lydia tightly)
“The wonderful power of the human mind Harry!” Lydia explained to Harry how he could conjure up the patronus at that point when he couldn't before.
Arriving in the cell where Sirius was, they released him and although the man wanted to talk to the boys, they hurried him out, then Hermione again used the time turner and returned to their present time.
When Lydia met Percy, she explained what happened with the time turner, the Cat Boy could not believe the teacher's madness in giving Hermione something so dangerous.
In the director's office, Dumbledore meditated on recent events (including Lupin's resignation) and how he could contact Sirius and get him to safety when an elephant-sized sparrow flew past the window and landed in one of the castle's open towers.
Dumbledore walked over to the bird and saw how she wore a small oriental hat and a huge packet on her back. The picturesque sparrow managed to give the director a letter, and he proceeded to read it.
“Nekoten College of Magic and Sorcery for Yokais and Witches, Yamato, Edo...”
Lydia and Percy were in the director's office, taking in the news that he gave them.
“This is a great opportunity," said Dumbledore, "the magical world of Japan is a self-isolationist, to think that they have sent an express invitation to you, Miss Deetz and you, Mr. Percy... How I wish I could go to that place," said Dumbledore with a dreamy expression.
In the Hufflepuff common room, Professor Sprout gave everyone the news that her friends would study in Tokyo, Japan for the next year.
The badgers were surprised, they didn't want their friends to leave, but they also knew that such an opportunity could not simply be denied. In sending the invitation, Japan's magical world implied that it was willing to review its self-isolationist policy that had prevailed for thousands of years, and the person chosen to bring the two magical worlds closer together was Lydia along with Percy.
“We'll miss you,"said a shy first year girl.”
“Don't forget to write daily," said a senior boy.
“We will write you every day," answered Lydia and Percy at the same time.
“FAREWELL PARTY!” shouted several badgers with tears in their faces.
“HUFFLEPUFF PARTY!” cried Professor Sprout crying in tears. Everyone stared at her in surprise and began to laugh with tears in their eyes.
In the dining room there were several flags with the colours of the Hufflepuff house and in the middle of the teachers' inn, the cup of the houses shone brighter than ever. Lydia, who was the architect of Hufflepuff's triumph, raised the cup of the house.
The Hufflepuffs struck the table surface with their cutlery, while the entire school clapped courteously.
“Obtaining the house cup and the quidditch cup, such a victory was not seen by Hufflepuff in more than four hundred years," Percy Weasley said giving importance to himself.
Dumbledore gave them the farewell speech and told everyone that Lydia and Percy would leave for Japan as soon as they arrived in London.
The students looked at each other in surprise, they knew that Japan was forbidden to any magician or witch, indeed, any other kind of creature could not enter as vampires or werewolves either.
And to celebrate the arrival of his two classmates at the Nekoten school, I ordered a cake to celebrate this happy event, a Lac du monde cream cheesecake.
“Albus, that kind of cheese is the stinkest there is," McGonagall claimed.
“What are you talking about, minerva, if it's a delicacy!”
The woman rolled her eyes and shook her head. The rest of the teachers forced smiles, none of them even wanted to get close to the damn cake.
“Umm, it looks like Filch is late with the cake. Miss Granger, Mr. Potter, Mr. Weasley, since you are great friends of the celebrated...”
Complaints were heard from the Hufflepuff table.
“Yes, I know that they also have great friends in Hufflepuff," said Dumbledore," but the three members of Griffindor had a great adventure recently, an adventure that involved the participation of Miss Deetz.
The three Griffindors headed for the dining room door and Percy, whispered something to Lydia.
“A joke? Percy what...” Lydia couldn't finish what she was saying because Cat Boy ran to Dumbledore and whispered something to him.
“An announcement? Sure boy, go ahead.”
“Hello everyone, I just wanted to let you know my engagement to marry... Hermione Granger!”
“¡NOOO!” Ron shouted loudly and ran toward the dining room door. At that moment Filch was bringing the stinking cake and Ron crashed right into it. The red-haired man lost his balance and fell to the ground, unfortunately the huge cake of more than three meters fell on top of him.
“Oops, it was just a joke," Percy said, putting both hands behind his head and sticking out his tongue funny.
All the Hufflepuffs were staring at the scene with glaring eyes. Professor McGonagall shook her student's clumsiness with her head, the other teachers laughed in disguise but all their faces were red.
The Ravenclaw slammed a palm against her face, while Snape clutched both thighs painfully with his fingers so as not to laugh, but when all the Griffindors (including Ron's brothers and sister) stamped not one, but two palms of his hands against their faces, Snape couldn't hold on and snot popped out of his nose when he laughed loudly.
“Severus, boy, you're finally laughing..." said Dumbledore to him as the corners of his lips moved nervously.
Then all the members of Slyterin stopped and chanted:
“STRINGED POTTERYYOU HAD TO BE!” While Filch the squib, laughed with a swinging jaw and pointed his finger at Ron.
Hogwarts' express was approaching London station and the two friends said goodbye to Hermione and Harry (Ron was still sulking).
As Lydia and Percy left, they saw that everyone in their house lined up in front of the train and at the same time took off their school robes. The Hufflepuffs, both boys and girls, wore a variety of gothic outfits.
“You know, looking at it well, these clothes look super," said a second-year-old boy.
“I think this could be the badgers' fashion from now on," said Diggory seriously.
“Guys... thank you..." said Lydia moved as tears streamed down her face and her smile warmed everyone's hearts gently.
Lydia and Percy, holding hands, kissed chastely on their lips and lost themselves across the platform into the Muggle world.