This is a non-profit fanfic that does not intend to infringe the rights of those who own the Bettlejuice and Spiderwoman franchises. Translation done with DeepL and myself, forgive grammar and punctuation errors, thank you.
Capítulo 1: The spider discovered by the cat
It was a sunny afternoon in the town of Winter River and the native birds were chirping all over the place as the older residents went out to their gardens and enjoyed reading the local newspaper.
In spite of this calm, peaceful atmosphere, a young girl named Lydia Deetz cried inconsolably over her bed after coming home from school in a Victorian-style house on a high, uniform hilltop overlooking the surrounding area.
The girl had the blackest hair one could imagine, which contrasted with the girl's white skin which was very snowy.
The door to Lydia's room opened and a black cat came in and jumped on the bed and rubbed against the girl's arm as he purred to try to cheer her up.
“Don't be sad, Lydia," said the cat, as incredible as it may seem, and then turned into a cat boy.
The cat boy had nothing to do with the image you see in Western imagery, he was not furry, he had no furry face, no cat eyes or nose, no moustaches or animal paws. He was just like an ordinary boy (though extremely cute) with only a pair of ears and a cat's tail.
“I'm sure that Brewster paid the judges to vote for her picture," tried to console her the cat boy named Percy.
“No, now that I see it better, Claire won clean.” Lydia said while she wiped away the tears.
At Lydia's school, there was a photo contest and Lydia who was very fond of photography thought she would win the contest. Her photograph "the weeping angel" consisted of an angel in the village cemetery, who looked headlong under a family crypt, the statue was covered on his face by a very thin web and every day the web captured the morning dew, giving the impression that the angel was crying.
Although the photograph was superb, she lost to the photo that the hateful Claire Brewster brought back, which consisted of showing the face of a dog in extreme make-up.
“The composition of Claire's picture was better than mine," Lydia assessed, although Percy thought the judges only voted for the funny look of the puppy.
"It's not enough that I have my darkroom to develop photos, I need help and advice to improve my photos. Otherwise Claire will win again using only her cell phone," admitted Lydia, who already replied and had a voice that was the envy of all the girls at school (and so Claire and her lackey girls made fun of her because they were envious).
“And what will you do, Lydia?”
Lydia looked for a moment into infinity with those beautiful, huge, dark eyes of hers, which crowned the whole of a perfect long, slender face and long neck like that of a cerval feline.
“I'm going to the city, my cousin Jessica lives there. She runs her own newspaper called "Justice", and the newspapers need a lot of photographic work, so I'm sure I can learn a lot there.”
With that resolution Lydia went to her parents and asked them if she and Percy could spend the holidays in the company of her oldest cousin.
Both Charles and her stepmother, Delia, had no objections and called Jessica Drew, who agreed to let her young cousin go to her.
“She won't be alone," Jessica told them on the phone, "my nephew Billy, who is a little younger than her, will also be spending his holidays in the city.”
“That's not a problem, you see," said Charles, "a friend of Lydia's is also going with our daughter, his name is Percy. I hope we're not imposing too much on you.”
“Don't worry, charles. I'd be happy to welcome Lydia and her friend.”
Preparations for the trip came and after taking a bus to the city, the young men arrived at the station where they were met by their cousin Billy and a photographer named Jeff.
The three young men introduced themselves and Jeff took the three boys to the building where the newspaper was located.
“I'm really sorry Jessica couldn't come in person, but running a newspaper isn't easy," Jeff told Lydia and Percy as he drove them to the Justice newspaper in his car.
“Jessica built the building?” wanted to know Percy.
“No, Aunt Jessica bought it from the previous owners who wanted to demolish it," Billy told him. “Justice is a medium sized but very ambitious newspaper, you'll see you'll love it, plus Aunt Jessica has a huge double-tailed helicopter that's huge, not like those narrow helicopters over there.”
“A gift from Dr. Drew, one of the best doctors in the world, although he is now retired," said Jeff.
“Cousin Jessica!” Lydia exclaimed happily as she met her older cousin and was ready to embrace her.
“Lydia, good to see you again, it's been almost a year, hasn't it? The last time I saw you was when your father opened his house in Winter River.”
Lydia then introduced Percy to her cousin, and Percy was impressed to see that Lydia was not mistaken in telling him that she looked a lot like her.
"When I was a cat, I didn't pay much attention to other people and how they looked," Percy thought. "But I see that Jessica Drew, like Lydia, has very white skin and very black hair and a very pretty voice. The only difference is that Jessica has blue eyes."
“And you're a close friend of Lydia's, Percy?” Jessica asked with a smile.
“More than that, we're engaged," Percy replied with a broad smile.
Jessica, Jeff and Billy exchanged surprised looks.
“Cousin Jessica,” Lydia intervened while a silver colored blush ran down her cheeks, “it's true, Percy and I are engaged... You see, it's complicated.”
“Well, then you'll tell me all about it, Lydia... and Percy.”
After seeing the newspaper facilities, Jessica drove Lydia, Percy and Billy home. Each of the three boys had their own room, but at that time Percy was in Lydia's room debating what they would do next.
“I don't want to have to lie to Jessica," Lydia decided, "but I came here so that Jessica would let me immerse myself in everything related to photography in her newspaper.”
“Don't be afraid Lydia, I think you can tell Jessica about Beetlejuice and how I became a cat boy.”
“I hope you're right, I'll tell her calmly and you let me know if anything goes wrong. If nothing bad happens, you finally get your tail and ears out, so we can settle the whole thing once and for all.”
Jessica asked to speak with Lydia and Percy at night to catch up and that was the perfect excuse for Billy to go to bed.
Lydia began her story and Percy noticed that Jessica took the story calmly and without skepticism. In the end Percy pulled out his ears and cat's tail, making Jessica look at both boys in surprise this time.
“Wow, I didn't expect this, but as a journalist I assure you that I've seen a lot of things, and some people also have special abilities, those who use them for good, but also for evil.”
“Thank you for understanding Jessica," Lydia thanked her and Percy bowed.
“You guys are welcome, but I don't think you should tell your story to anyone else, including your cousin Billy.”
“Don't worry, Jessica, we won't. Percy also promises," Lydia assured her, and Percy nodded strongly.
“Now about the whole boyfriend and girlfriend thing...”
It was a night of long talks and explanations for both Lydia and Percy, but in the end they both went to sleep in their respective rooms and Jessica made sure to go for a walk afterwards to make sure that neither Lydia nor Percy had gone to each other's rooms.
"I didn't think I'd have to chaperone. I just hope my spidey sense tells me if those two want to "formalize" their relationship... Well Jessica, let's go to sleep, tomorrow we have to work very early."
The next day, Billy had to wake up Lydia and Percy. After the three boys had had cereal and milk, they went to the Justice newspaper to meet Jessica, who had left early in the morning to run the newspaper.
The three young men took the bus and because there was severe traffic jam, they decided to get off the bus and walk the rest of the blocks they had left.
It turns out that the jam was due to a bank robbery and to the bad fortune of the kids, the thieves had fled and were heading right for them!
Percy considered taking out his ears and cat's tail, and defending himself from the thieves in case they wanted to hurt them, fortunately a feminine and athletic figure cut the path between the thieves and the three boys.
She was dressed in an elegant but attractive ensemble of scarlet and golden colors, and the woman had an enviable physical appearance. You could tell she was very athletic, and on top of that, she was telling the thieves to surrender and submit to the police.
“It's spider woman!” Billy shouted.
“Billy, kids! What are you doing here!” The spider woman was impressed to see the children in her care right behind her.
“Do you know spider woman?” Percy asked Billy.
“Yes, she has saved me on numerous occasions with my Aunt Jessica and Jeff.”
“Watch out!” Lydia shouted as one of the thieves drew his gun and pointed it at the spider woman, who was distracted by the presence of the three boys.
The spider woman recovered quickly and turned around and faced the thieves as she pointed her extended index finger at them.
A spider web came out of each of the superheroine's index fingers and stuck to the thieves' gun, then the guns were pulled into the spider woman's hands.
The thieves turned to escape, but more cobwebs wrapped around them and immobilized them until the police arrived.
“Are you all right, kids?” The spiderwoman asked them after the police took care of the thieves.
“Don't worry, spiderwoman," Billy calmed her down, then introduced Lydia and Percy to the superheroine.
After the introductions, the spider woman left as quickly as she arrived and the three friends headed to Jessica's newspaper.
Percy asked to see Jessica's helicopter, so Billy showed it to him, while Jessica and Lydia went to see the newspaper's photographic studios.
“What did you think of this all, Lydia?” Jessica told her after the tour.
“I liked everything I saw Jessica, I think I'll learn a lot during the holidays…”
“Is something wrong, Lydia?”
“Well, it so happens that the spider woman rescued us from some thieves and well... Percy discovered that you cousin Jessica are spider woman.”
Jessica Drew stayed as if she'd received her spider ray.
“You know Percy is a cat boy and with his super-developed sense of smell, he discovered your identity as a superheroine. But don't worry, I asked Percy not to say anything to anyone. I'm not talking about this either.”
“Well, I was worried for a moment," Jessica said, "but I trust you guys won't reveal any of this.”
“Percy and I promise you," Lydia assured her, and along with Jessica they returned to the main office.”
Fanfic dedicated to Winona Laura Horowitz
Winona Ryder as Lydia Deetz
Original title: Un gato contra tres monstruos clásicos