Capítulo 7: butterflies, cats, frogs and mirrors
Once Percy reassured them that he heard nothing on the other side of the door, the group re-entered the insectary room.
They went to the bottom insectary and after opening the glass lid, they took the huge stuffed blue butterfly.
“Let's go to the wine cellar now," said Viola.
“Wait a minute," said Lydia and went to the white cat's picture that had been crooked since they escaped from the red skull, and straightened it up again.
When the boys went out into the hallway, they noticed that the medieval armor had returned to its place.
“How did the armor return to its place?” Percy asked.
“I was dozing and when I woke up, the armor was back," replied the black cat.
“Come on, let's go to the wine cellar,” Viola insisted again.
The group entered the wine cellar, the long corridor was still covered by the evil fog and the boys hurried along. Upon reaching the web, Lydia took the butterfly very carefully so that the web would not break or vibrate.
Then she placed the blue butterfly in the web and then they came out of the wine cellar.
The three friends were in a hurry as the corridor gave them a bad feeling when they were in it.
A huge gap in the floor opened up just in front of Percy, thankfully the boy used his natural catboy reflexes and did not fall down the black opening.
“Percy, are you all right?” Lydia asked worried.
“Yes, don't worry, Lydia.”
“Let's get out of here!” Viola rushed them, and the gothic couple had no choice but to continue the fast walk.
The boys arrived in the hallway and the pale yellow butterfly flew out of Lydia's hands.
Percy, pulled on by his instinct and thanks to his catboy reflexes, caught the insect in mid-flight.
“Nyajaja, I got you.”
“Percy, let go of the butterfly," said Lydia.
“But Lydia, she looks so pretty," said Percy, who poached and looked at the gothic girl with her big, black eyes, which rivaled her girlfriend's in beauty.
“Okay, but it will be your responsibility," Lydia agreed, and then Percy put the butterfly on the side of her head.
“It looks like you have a female Percy hair ornament," Lydia said to him, as she watched the butterfly flap its wings next to one of Percy's ears, "I think the butterfly decided to stay in your hair.”
“Let's keep looking for clues," said Viola frowning, when they heard a sound like the sound of a door knock unlocking.
The kids went to the sound source and observed halfway down the main corridor that the black cat was gone.
The group continued their march and opened the door that had previously been closed. After this, they found a short, elbow-shaped corridor and opened the door that led upwards.
There were stairs leading up to the top floor and just in front of these there were about three sacks.
“How strange," said Lydia, "what will these sacks be?”
When Lydia extended her arm to one of the sacks, Percy hissed strongly as he bristled his tail and the hairs on the back of his neck.
“What's wrong, Percy!” Lydia exclaimed, surprised to see Percy's reaction, who at the time was pulling out his fangs like a vampire.
“Trust me, don't touch those things and don't step on them!”
Lydia insisted again on what was happening to her friend, but the catboy, stubborn, only shook his head fast.
“This is useless," said Viola, "we'd better listen to the cat and go upstairs.”
“...All right," said Lydia.
The group continued up the stairs and on the landing they saw another pile of sacks, many more and up the stairs there were other sacks, as many as on the landing.
When they reached the top floor, they saw that they were in a short but wide corridor that did not match a third floor. The floor was made of huge stone tiles and the walls were made of rectangular stones.
Near the corner there was a white wall candlestick for being silver and behind it, there was a large sticky blood stain that came in and covered much of the floor under the candlestick.
“Hey!” They were surprised by the black cat, which was waiting for them at the scene.
“Tell me...” Lydia wanted to ask about the bags, but she was interrupted by the black cat.
“You better listen to your friend, it's best not to know," he said as he began to groom himself, "by the way, you'd better hurry up, but not in a straight line.”
The group went to the front door and when they opened it they discovered that they were in a very long corridor, much longer than the corridor of the abandoned wine cellar. Two silver candlesticks on either side of the entrance illuminated the place and a very long red carpet with elegant decorations and an intricate gold frame spread out in front. A Persian carpet was placed as a moquette as it covered the entire surface of the floor.
“Wait," said Lydia, who was in front, "we'd better stick to the wall.”
The group continued to advance and heard a sharp noise.
A knife flew at full speed right down the middle of the corridor, lucky the kids were stuck to the wall.
“Let's hurry the pace like our friend told us behind us," said Lydia, and the group rushed off.
Three knives were flying towards them, but from behind!
“Hurry up, hurry up!” Lydia shouted, “Avoid them!”
It's a good thing the girls decided not to loosen their skirts, otherwise they wouldn't have made it.
“Ugh," said Viola, "we did it.”
The group had arrived at a corridor that looked similar to the first corridor on the third floor, the huge stone tiles stretched down the corridor and the walls were bluish-gray stone.
“Girls look," Percy pointed to the long corridor behind the group, but the red carpet corridor was gone. You could only see the narrow corridor of the entrance and behind it, the stairs containing the mysterious sacks.
“It changed the configuration of the house," said Lydia, when she saw another sack at her feet, this one, unlike the others, had a big tear on one side and something was sticking out of it.
“A dead cat!” Lydia shouted, “It's small.” Each of the sacks has dead cats inside.
Lydia covered her mouth while Percy bristled her tail. Viola, for her part, looked at the sack with a frown.
The group decided to march forward and saw a silver candlestick next to a table with a vase next to the entrance to the corridor, and next to the black cat, who was looking at them amusingly.
“Hey, this is the witch's house. You knew that, didn't you?”
Next to the cat was another door, but they couldn't open it.
“Let's try our luck with the door at the entrance to the corridor," Lydia suggested.
As they passed through the door they came across an inner fountain where a frog was resting.
“Excuse me," said Lydia, "are you the frog who came looking for his lost son?”
“Oh yes, it's me.”
“Your wife asked us to meet you at the house. She and your children are very worried about you.”
“Really? Wow, I didn't realize so much time had passed, it's so relaxed in this place.”
“Mister, the best thing is if you comes out of the fountain," Lydia said, "it seems to me that the water in the fountain somehow clouds the reason.”
“I see, no wonder I'm so happy. I'm supposed to be busy looking for my missing son.”
“Your son is fine, mister," Lydia told him, "we met your wife, she and your whole family is waiting for you outside the forest.”
“Wow, thank you so much for telling me.”
Lydia invited him, and then the frog jumped happily on Viola's shoulder.
“I like your golden hair very much," flattered the frog.
“Let's continue down the hall," said Viola without flinching and the boys left the room.
As they walked down the aisle, they saw that it disappeared in a fall from which the bottom could not be seen.
“Look, there's a cable pulling over the abyss," Percy said, "on the other side there seems to be a toggle switch. Maybe I could cross it.”
“Percy remembers that you can't become a cat," Lydia reminded him, "and I doubt if the black cat wants to help us.”
“And the frog?” Viola said.
“Mister, could you help us?” Lydia asked him.
“Of course, wait for me a moment,” the frog gave in and then crossed over thanks to the cable to the other side.
Making an effort the frog moved the lever and then returned to the group.
“Maybe the door is already open," said Lydia and everyone went to the hall door.
Ellen's figure appeared in the hallway approaching. Everyone was surprised, but just as the apparition suddenly made its presence felt, it vanished into thin air.
“Is that Ellen?” Percy asked.
“Yes, she was Ellen," said Viola, "let's go to the door.”
As they passed through the entrance, they saw that they had arrived at a very large living room, which had a ceramic floor with an imitation rhomboid pattern parquet flooring. The living-dining room had two semi-tubiques on its vertical half, which seemed to divide the room in two, since on the west side there were the same number of tables, chairs, showcases, crockery, paintings and others as on the east side.
Next to the north wall, there was another sign.
"Make a mirror image."
“What does the sign mean? “Percy asked.
“I think we should move all the elements present in this room so that the east and west sides look like their reflection in a mirror.”
“That's a lot of things," Percy said, "it's going to take a long time.”
“Then it's best to start," interrupted Viola.
Lydia looked apprehensively at the room and then set to work with the others.
How crazy to put things in place! Not only were the elements visible, but also the ones inside the bookshelves and display cabinets. You also had to put the same number of roses in each vase and put a plush doll in a chair, fortunately, the doll was shaped like a frog so they put Mr. Frog in the chair that represented his reflection.
“That's it," Lydia said, "the hidden switches in the pictures were a challenge, but I finally got the pictures with the image that reflects them to each other. Now all we have to do is take the sign off the wall.”
The group heard the safety of a door unlocking and decided to leave through the east door of the living room.
“Don't forget me!” The frog reminded them and he jumped towards Viola, who reluctantly put it in her pocket.
"We've wasted enough time in this room already," Lydia thought. "I don't know if the time inside the house runs differently than outside."
Lydia frowned, and along with the others moved on to continue challenging the haunted house, which she did not wish to let her guests out once they were present in the depths of her innermost womb.
Thank you for reading, don't forget to leave your votes and comments, pretty please.