Capítulo 13: The Rose Barrier
Lydia, Viola and Percy, stood in front of the north gate of the garden and wondered how they would get around the danger of the room considering they only had a pair of glass slippers.
“Let me try, Lydia!” Percy pleaded.
“I'm sorry, Percy, but I don't think you're going fast in these women's sneakers.”
“Then let Viola go!” Percy implored.
“Percy! Don't worry, I'll be safe," said Lydia. “Viola, don't let Percy follow me.”
“Okay," Viola nodded, and then Lydia rushed into the room.
To the north of the room with the poison, there was a hallway whose watery floor was so poisonous that it would kill anyone not wearing the glass slippers. In the middle of the race, Percy's body fell from the heights and crashed to the ground, dying instantly.
Lydia narrowed her eyes and forced herself to go faster, sure that what she saw was just another illusion of the house.
The young lady arrived on solid ground near the door. She was already safe, but the glass slippers broke into thousands of pieces.
Fortunately, both of Lydia's feet had her stockings and Percy's along with Viola's for added protection, so her soles were not cut with the glass.
Lydia carefully took off her socks and put her shoes back on which she had taken them with her.
“Well, I guess I'll have to find a way out of this hallway.”
Lydia walked through the door and found a small garden and at the entrance to it was Kira, the black cat.
In the center of the garden, there was a thin desk that did not match when exposed to the weather, and above it, another fragment of the witch's diary.
"I didn't kill her because she saved me from my illness."
"So I made her my'friend'."
“What is a "friend" supposed to be?” Kira asked.
"In this case means someone you want to save.”
“JE, you are a strong, child of darkness," said Kira, closing his eyes, "you knew from the beginning that...”
Behind the desk there was another door leading to a small corridor that had another door, but Lydia couldn't open this one.
Lydia returned in his footsteps without knowing how to get back through the deadly corridor. However, to his surprise, all the poison in the hallway had disappeared and been replaced by ordinary water.
“Lydia!” shouted Percy, who was running towards her.
“Percy, the poison on the floor is gone.”
“How are you, Lydia?”
“I'm fine, although I'm afraid I lost your socks... and yours, Viola.”
“Don't worry," said Viola, "did you find anything?”
Lydia told them what she had discovered, omitting the witch's diary.
“What will be behind that door?” Viola asked, pointing to a door that had appeared halfway down the hall.
The group opened the door and found an underground corridor as there were many waterfalls in the area. In the end they found a doll dressed in purple that had no head and took it, and at that moment a lot of insects fell to the wet floor and ran in chaos all over the place.
The group went to the garden door with the desk and to open the door they needed a certain numbering of a key padlock which they found deciphering the clues that were scribbled on the walls of the hall.
“Six, zero, zero, zero, six," Lydia said as she entered the encryption.
“Guys, I think I'll stay here," excused Viola, "since... my mother died I don't like to frequent this kind of place.”
“Okay," said Lydia, "stay behind the door until we get back.”
The door opened and the two of them entered what looked like the pantry of a clinic, where among other things they found a small bottle.
"Medicine to kill me."
As the group left the compound, the missing head of the wrist they had taken earlier fell to the floor.
“I'll take that thing," said Percy, and he had barely grabbed the head of the doll, huge blood-bloated eyeballs fell to the floor and started chasing the two kids.
The medical pantry was large and the children came through the door so the horrors could not follow them, even though they were knocking furiously at the door from behind.
“I wonder what dogs those things were," said Percy.
“We have to hurry," Lydia told him, and the group returned to the small garden that now had a reddish lawn as if it were covered with blood.
Where Kira, the black cat, was before, there was now only a piece of his coat.
“Kira!” Lydia shouted, “What happened!”
“I wonder too," said Viola, "maybe I should have stayed in the garden.”
Lydia knelt down and lamented Kira's fate.
Percy approached Lydia and hugged her as Viola watched.
“Thanks Percy, now let's put the doll's head and her body together.”
The entire doll now seemed to have some mobility as her eyes looked at the group around her.
“Lydia, isn't that thing going to hurt us?” Percy asked nervously, because of the disturbing look of the doll.
“Don't worry, we'd better get going.”
The group returned to the garden where the tree and the white flower were, and to their horror they found that the whole lawn was covered with blood and both the tree and the flower were dead and covered with blood.
“I see," said Lydia as she closed her eyes and turned her face, "let's get out of here.”
In the doll's room, Lydia put the purple doll on the empty table and one of the tables went by itself, showing a hole in the floor.
Like the hole in the chimney, there was an iron staircase and the three had to descend until they reached a room they did not recognize at first.
“This is the library! It looks very different now that It is well lit," Percy exclaimed.
There was no way out of the library, so they decided to go upstairs, but unfortunately, they couldn't leave the dolls' room either.
“Maybe if we go down," said Lydia, "the house will change again.”
The three of them went down and found out that Lydia was right, they were no longer in the library, but in a narrow, dark corridor. There was no choice but to move north in that complete darkness.
The youngsters came to a door made of tarnished wood with a sign on it.
"Come to my room."
“We are nearing the end," Lydia warned them, "but it will be the one to lead us out of the house, or it will be the end of our lives.”
The children opened the door and saw that in front of them were the stairs that communicated with the kitchen of the house, which now looked very different thanks to the good lighting.
The main hallway on the second floor also looked very different thanks to the daylight coming from the windows, but an unpleasant surprise awaited them at the end of the hallway. Kira's body lay inert in front of the door.
“Kira...” Lydia groaned, grabbing the body of the black cat, took it to the middle of the corridor and placed it on a small table that was carried by Percy.
The daytime lights shone through the window and illuminated Kira, who now seemed to be taking his daily nap.
The boys went through the door and at first the absolute darkness surrounded them completely, then it vanished and showed them a room submerged in an evil aura that took the form of a kind of dark mist that ran quickly through the place.
The middle room had a ceramic floor with blue-flowered figures and a bed on a faded red carpet.
The bed was messy and showed what appeared to be a lot of bloodstains, in fact there were also bloodstains on the floor, as if someone had bled out on the bed and then crawled on the floor.
The rest of the furniture in the place was ordinary furniture except for a bookcase containing several volumes of magic, and on a desk in a corner was the last entry in Ellen's diary.
Lydia wanted to read the paper, but Viola grabbed the paper and threw it out one of the windows.
At that moment the room was tinged with a dark blue shadow as the breaking of glass was heard, Ellen had arrived for the last confrontation.
It was no longer a disembodied apparition, this time Ellen's body was heading towards the group. The girl apparently had no eyes, no legs and her tongue had been cut off.
Ellen wanted to say something, but she was babbling words that couldn't be understood.
Lydia clenched her fists to her side as she forced her eyes closed and bowed her head.
“I'm sorry.... run away!” Lydia shouted, and the whole group fled in pursuit of Ellen, who, despite bleeding and crawling across the floor, was following them with unheard of speed.
The escape was difficult because some furniture was being walked around and hindered the escape of the group. Fortunately they all left the house and Ellen didn't seem to follow them.
Viola seemed anxious and was leading the march, but stopped when she noticed that neither Lydia nor Percy were following her.
“What's going on? Let's go to my father," said Viola.
“Stop lying, Ellen," said Lydia, looking down on her with a cold sneer.
“When did you find out?” asked Ellen, who from the beginning had possessed Viola's body.
“There were many hints," Lydia explained, "and not just about your journal entries. Your actions did not correspond to the Viola I had just met, she may have acted desperately to return to her father, but she would never have decided to sacrifice Mr. Frog and the white flower in the process.”
“I could also hear your heartbeat," Percy said, "although the house and its surroundings took away all my powers as well as Lydia's, my natural cat boy senses remained intact. Ever since we met in front of the rose bush, I knew you were already lying.”
“So Percy told you I was lying from the start," Ellen told them.
“No, in fact it was you who discovered yourself," said Lydia, "when we met in the rose bush, you said you couldn't get through. That was a big mistake, Ellen, since roses have always served as a barrier to locking up demons since ancient times.”
“You're right," Ellen conceded, "I acted very quickly out of desperation.”
“You thought you would live forever, but whoever goes into despair loses his supposed immortality in the end, that's the trap of the one who practices necromancy and other forbidden arts," Lydia told her. Now the magic of the house has subsided and I can use my powers.”
“Are you going to kill me?” Viola asked her frowningly.
“No, even though you did horrible things, I understand your pain," said Lydia, "you always wanted to get out of here. The living tree next to the stump at the entrance of the house, that is the symbol of life and death. You were the white flower that was always despised by the other yellow flowers.”
“Same as you, Lydia," Ellen replied, "but you're different. Ever since I met you and Percy, I've been very envious of you, you guys had each other, while I've been alone all my life, even my parents despised me.”
Ellen's body gradually approached the group, moved by the willpower of the real Viola. Soon everything would be decided for better or worse.
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