Chapter2: Aggressive meetings
In the command room Sisko and his men were evaluating the situation.
“Security Marduk is not a joke, those men are extremely disciplined," Odo reported.
“We can see that they are warriors, and Commander Feff has the gaze of a warrior forged in several wars," Worf said.
“I was surprised by the scientific officer," said Dr. Bashir.
“I thought it was some kind of Borg," said Dax.
“I was surprised too," Sisko admitted. “Odo, Worf, I congratulate you on the election of your men, they all remained calm, if anyone had pointed their feisers at the scientific officer...”
“Is there anything else to report?” Kira asked.
“Only a small incident with Quark, apparently he wanted to invite himself to the rooms of our guests, sure to propose an absurd business to them. My men stopped him and I had a "calm" conversation with him," Odo reported.
“The Marduk ships did not move at all," Worf reported.
“There was no communication from them either," said Chief O' Brien.
Already in the elegant but at the same time severe officers' strategy room, Sisko and his crew met with the Marduks. Sisko at Feff's request, explained what the United Federation of Planets was. Feff and his scientific officer named Niarb exchanged whispers.
“Is there something wrong, Commander Feff?” Sisko asked.
“Apparently my fleet moved to a parallel universe, about 300 years into the future.”
All those of the federation looked surprised, then Niarb, explained to them the scientific peculiarities of a mismatch in the transposition of an entire fleet, however, the factors causing this mismatch were conveniently omitted.
“What is transposition?” Kira asked. The Marduks looked uncomfortable.
“It is an operation that allows a ship to go from point A to point B, without the need for a line or any connection line between the two points," Niarb reported.
Dax could not conceal and opened her eyes like plates, at the same time as her jaw fell off, if what Niarb said was (mistrusively) true, it meant a superior technology, at least as far as space travel was concerned.
“I understand," said Sisko, looking very clearly at Dax. He and his crew shouldn't ask any more questions about it.
“Do you have any way to return to your dimension and time?” Sisko asked, Feff looked at Niarb, but he did not answer.
“Commander, I don't think the DS-9 will be able to handle the requirements of my entire fleet, and the proximity to the wormhole is uncomfortable for you. What's the nearest planet to the station?” Feff asked. Kira was nervous, looked at Sisko with a pleading glance, but Sisko returned another one indicating that he had no choice.
“The nearest planet to the station is Bayor.”
“Does it belong to the Federation?” Feff asked again.
“Yes, it belongs to the Federation.”
“Then we'll be going to that place soon," Feff said. To Kira the word soon caused indigestion.
“The Bayor planet must be very beautiful," Ishtar said.
“Yes, it is," Kira said.
“I'd like to go there, however, I think the DS-9 space station offers a more multicultural environment, I'd like to stay here longer and see how you've made it possible for different races and cultures to live together in harmony," Ishtar told Kira with a smile.
Kira thanked her for the gesture and ended the meeting. Bayor had two weeks until the Marduk fleet landed on the planet, while Bayor's government would prepare everything necessary to receive the Marduk.
“Are you sure about this, Ishtar?” Feff said to herm once they returned to their ship.
“I am Feff, we Marduk are supposed to be now looking for a new society, enjoy a new way of life and no longer be the pawns of destruction that the Emperor Ingues wanted us to be.”
“ am concerned about all this Ishtar, that war against the Dominion of which Commander Sisko spoke to us.... It seems the beings of this universe are very good at that betrayal thing. That's why the Marduk honor war, Ishtar, there's nothing purer than it is, you and your enemy in front, nothing more than that, nothing but duty and glory.”
“Feff, don't say that, there can't be anything more horrible than war, and don't ask me to distrust everyone.”
“But you must do it Ishtar! Remember that you are no longer a simple emulator, not only a Priestess Emulator, now you are the Supreme Priestess of the Nova Alus, you no longer only owe yourself, but everyone, you must be strong Ishtar, you must be Marduk.”
“I know Feff, but I'm sure Commander Sisko and his crew are to be trusted.”
“But Sisko is only a commander. What about his superiors in the Starfleet? What about politicians in the Federation of United Planets?”
“You said it well Feff, we are Marduk, we must be strong... And we will not be, sinking into conspiracies, nor fearing for these.”
The Marduk fleet was positioned at coordinates assigned by Sisko; close enough to the DS-9, but far enough away from the wormhole not to make anyone nervous.
Ishtar returned to the DS-9 to experience the cultural variety of the station, always accompanied by two Marduk security soldiers. The emulator had conversations with Dax, which informed her about cultural aspects of the federation, and with Kira she was informed about Bayor and the planets on this side of the universe far from the federation.
Niarb also went to the DS-9, but for Chief O' Brien's frustration, he only wanted to learn about the technology the federation had to offer the Marduk, and Niarb gave nothing in return.
“Chief O' Brien, please understand that the Marduk are a species that has always avoided contact with other species, it is natural that they are distrustful," Sisko told him in his control cabin which was attached to the DS-9 control room.
“I know, sir, but I'd be interested to know about his technology and the damned Borg won't let go.”
“I remind you, Mr. O' Brien, that the scientific officer is not a Borg, and if we give him time he will surely open up more cooperatively towards you," Sisko suggested with a frown. “Tell me Chief O' Brien, what did Niarb think of our facilities?”
“He was very impressed sir, it seems to me that only his transposition technology is more advanced than ours. He showed particular interest in how we generated our force fields, since apparently their ships can't do such a thing, he also almost fell backwards when I showed him how the ship's food processor works, and needless to say our technology of transporting personnel from one ship to another instantaneously.”
“I imagined it, the Marduk were only used by this... Emperor Ingues, for military purposes, ship protection technology and the like were not a priority for him. That's why their transposition systems and I suppose weaponry is the only technology that could offer anything to the Federation. Chief O' Brien, it is imperative that you give all the information to Niarb, hopefully he will offer us to study his ships, I would not ask Ishtar to intercede for us, I know Feff would not like that.”
Sisko's suggestions paid off, Niarb after two weeks shared information on Marduk technology.
Chief O' Brien and Dax were fascinated, they had discovered a new source of energy that promised to revolutionize everything until now, a source that propelled the Marduk fleet and made it possible to transpose ships from one point of the galaxy to another almost instantaneously, they called it protoculture.
Worf and Kira were also impressed by the weaponry of the ships; each of the largest seemed to have a firepower greater than the DS-9 with its 5,000 torpedoes or the Dominion's planetary protective strongholds, with the advantage that the power source feeding these monsters was not on any moon, but inside each ship.
However, the battle pods and power armor zentran and meltran, as well as the power armor of the Marduk lords remained secret by order of Feff.
After the deadline of two weeks, the Marduk fleet descended to the Bayor planet where they were received by the planetary government, assigning them a sector of the planet far from the civilian population. They were trying to prevent the Marduks from making themselves known to everyone by orders of the United Federation of Planets, which had already sent five ships to the DS-9 to assess the situation and keep it as secret as possible, as this was not just another new species, transposition technology promised a lot.
However, both Romulans and Klingons already knew about the existence of the Marduk because of the spies they had both in Bayor and the DS-9.
Admiral Vasquez of the star fleet was in the office of Xilos, President of the Federation.
“I am intrigued Admiral Vasquez, about the proceeding of the star fleet. Why it was not communicated to my person the existence of these Marduk?”
“Mr. President, due to intelligence reports we suspect that both Romulans and Klingons could have agents inside...”
“I know that Admiral, however, I assure you that I would never think of going straight to the Romulans or Klingons to share this information, or do you insinuate that my loyalty is compromised? Loyalty to my role as President of the United Federation of Planets.”
“No sir, but you must understand that...”
“Then you will be referring to my subordinates, subordinates that I named myself, but of course Admiral, how could I be so stupid as to fall into a Romulan or Klingon deception. Maybe I should resign my position and give the position to you, after all you assume decisions without my consent.”
“Sir, the decision I made was in the best interest of the Federation and your person, if you require my resignation...”
“Put it on my desk first thing tomorrow morning, Vasquez.”
At the Klingon council, a heated discussion took place.
“We must send a fleet now, Kurgas!” General Kron cried and spat.
“We can't send any! You don't understand that we lost two-thirds of our fleets to the Dominion," explained Kurgas, the Klingon's chief warlord.
“They will attack us, they will attack us if that alien technology falls into their hands!” General Grol shouted.
“I wouldn't be surprised if they are already applying it for their ships!” General Tolgar shouted.
“The Empire and the Federation have a peace treaty," said Kurgas.
“If we have a peace treaty. Why are they withholding information from us like this!” General Brolok shouted.
“With this kind of technology they can attack us whenever and at the gates of the capital!” General Sardul shouted.
“You know Kurgas...," said General Kron, "we can tell everyone that the Federation left us no choice, it will be their word against yours...”
Meanwhile, in the Romulus Senate, senators were arguing about the course of action to take.
“The bet is very big, but the prize is worth it," said Senator Victorus.
“Do you think the Klingons will attack the federation?” Senator Marcus said.
“It would be madness, they would leave the empire exposed to our attacks," said Senator Lotus.
“And if we go, we would leave the empire's border unprotected," said Senator Tiberius.
“We will be able to face the losses Marcus, our reserve fleets are much more numerous," said Senator Julius.
“Let's vote then," said Tiberius.
“Is it necessary?” Marcus laughed and everyone imitated him.
“It's legal," Victorus said.