Disclaimer: this is a non-profit fanfiction that does not attempt to infringe the rights of those who have legal ownership of the franchises: Harry Potter.
Chapter 1: Dobby's warning
The boy who lived, Neville, was bored to death at her grandmother's house because of a note from the Prophet newspaper. Now everyone knew that he was no longer a squib and therefore all the magicians of pure blood family wanted to establish relations with the Longbottom family from one day to the next.
"The boy who lived spent his first year at Hogwarts, nothing indicates he's a squib."
It said the newspaper note. This brought a series of problems to the boy as hordes of journalists followed him wherever he went and his grandmother fed up with this situation forbade Neville to leave the house.
At first Neville didn't care about this, the mansion where he lived was huge and surrounded by huge gardens, but after a couple of days he was dying to go to the Muggle city and enjoy the entertainments that only the city could offer, and the letters he sent to his friend Hermione were never answered.
“I should have said goodbye to her at the station," Neville said to himself.
“I'm sure she was angry that I didn't say goodbye to her and now she won't answer me," the boy continued.
Neville kept thinking about it, when his grandmother sent for him.
“Did you want something, Grandma?”
“Neville, I want you to get ready, tonight we'll have guests.”
“Which one of the uncles is coming?”
“No, none of your uncles are coming.”
“But I thought you didn't like visitors.”
“I don't like the vultures of the prophet, if that's what you mean.”
“You don't like other purebred families either.”
“Neville, stop disagreeing and go take a bath, I'll get your clothes ready soon.”
The boy came up strangely to her room while her grandmother had a worried expression on her face, her grandson was right, she had dispatched the Prophet reporters, but she wanted to maintain good relations with the other magical families (pure blood), but none of these were willing to establish a relationship that would lead to her grandson's commitment to a pure-blooded girl.
Renewing ties of friendship with the Longbottom family now that the boy is no longer a squib, yes. Engaging their daughters with the boy, no.
"Damn woman," thought the old lady as she remembered the woman with whom her only son married. Alice was a girl who convinced Frank Longbottom to dedicate himself to being an auror, a profession that clashed with the interests of several pure-blooded families. Only one pure-blooded family was interested in a marriage contract for the two children, two of them actually, but the other family, the Weasleys, were considered "blood traitors”.
“I won't relate my grandson to those crazy redheads.”
Neville came out of the bathroom and almost scared to death when he saw a domestic elf jumping on his bed.
“Hey, who are you?”
The domestic elf stopped jumping and turned around and gazed at the boy with eyes wide open like plates.
“Mr. Longbottom, it is an honor to be in your presence," said the elf with a great reverence, "my name is Dobby, Mr. Longbottom.”
Neville was surprised at the rags Dobby had on his clothes.
“I'm sure he must belong to a pure blood family, which is deadt eater," the boy thought. "To all this, where are Bluebidie and Zulbidie?"
“Surely Mr. Longbottom is asking about his domestic elves, they left the mansion to attend to matters related to the party that your grandmother plans to give tonight.”
“How do you know about the party?”
“That does not matter Mr. Longbottom, I do not have much time, I came to warn you that you are in great danger, you should not return to Hogwarts this year sir.”
“Why do you say that?”
“There is a conspiracy, terrible events will happen in Hogwarts, if you returns you are capable of dying sir.”
“What events, what conspiracy.”
“No... I can say... my masters forbade me.”
“If your masters are involved, they are not good people.”
“Yes, you are right...” That's when the elf proceeded to bump his head against the back of the bed.
“Stop!” Neville shouted, holding Dobby by the shoulders. “Yes, I know that elves cannot speak ill of their masters, but there is no way you can tell me anything else.”
“I'm sorry, sir, but I can't tell you anything else” that's when the elf disappeared.
Neville changed with the clothes his grandmother had left him and went down the stairs.
“Grandmother, a domestic elf came and warned me that dangerous events will happen in Hogwarts.”
“A domestic elf, what do you say Neville?”
“A domestic elf appeared in my room and warned me that I shouldn't go to Hogwarts.”
“Don't invent things Neville, a domestic elf is forbidden to appear inside the rooms of a house that doesn't belong to their masters, it can only appear in front of the front door to deliver some message or something similar," the old woman said sharply.
“But grandmother is true.”
“Neville, stop telling lies or I'll wash your mouth with soap, young man. Now get ready for Parkinson's soon to come, and I hope you behave and stop telling lies.”
“The Parkinsons are coming..." said a frightened Neville.
“Yes, the Parkinsons, what's wrong with you? You know the Parkinsons, well, actually their daughter, they tell me that she's a beautiful girl named Pansy and that she came in the same year as you.”
“But why are the Parkinsons coming?” Neville asked anxiously. His grandmother looked at him harshly.
“Obviously, boy, like all pure-blooded families, we must maintain bonds of friendship with other pure-blooded families, and your friend Pansy Parkinson may one day be your fiancée.”
Neville felt the world crumble around him.
“Pansy Parkinson is not my friend! She's a Slyterin and hates all Gryffindors.”
“Nonsense, I am sure that after this meeting you will become friends.” The old woman contradicted him with a tone and a look that implied that she would not accept any more replies.
Neville climbed up to his room in anger and lay down on his bed. What was wrong with his grandmother? Before, when he was a squib, she told him that purity of blood was the least important thing in this world, and that she looked forward to the day when he and a good muggle woman got married... What the hell was going on now! Was everything she told him before was a lie?
Neville kept thinking these things when one of his elves called him down to receive the Parkinsons. The poor boy noticed how his heartbeat increased and on the way to the front door his hands and face were already covered in sweat due to panic.
The Parkinsons came in and Neville gathered all the courage he had to welcome them without stuttering once, but when he saw Pansy almost fainted, the girl was wearing a very elegant dark green suit that suited her nicely.
“Hello Pansy," Neville said, surprised not to have stammered in front of her.
“Hello," Pansy said to him, and she continued on.
Pansy's mother was very different from her daughter, dressed in a long and elegant white dress, had short curly blonde hair, on the other hand, was her father's whose features Pansy had inherited, the man had a black hair and black moustache well cut, his face and eyes indicated that if it were up to him would not be in the Longbottom mansion.
Adults dealt with banal subjects and laughed falsely at the jokes that were told. Neville assured Slyterin's parents that he would continue his studies at Hogwarts, Pansy kept an inscrutable face the whole time.
Neville was sent to accompany Pansy to the gardens, when the boy saw Dobby from the corner of his eye.
“Pansy, excuse me but I have something to do," he said to the boring girl who suddenly turned out to be upset.
“Dobby! What are you doing here?” Neville said to him once inside the mansion.
“Dobby overheard your conversation with the Parkinsons sir, Dobby regrets doing this sir.” Suddenly a huge cake began to levitate and was heading right over Mrs. Evelyn's head.
Neville tried to grab the cake but it fell right over the woman's head. Even the most innocent would believe that Neville was to blame because he stood there still with his arms up high.
Evelyn began shouting hysterically and Maximilian was furious, fortunately Neville's grandmother was a woman of strong character and reassured the Parkinsons by saying that her grandson only wanted to bring the cake and that he stumbled. Pansy watched the scene with her eyes open like plates. Neville was scared to death.
The girl tried to say something, but her mother ordered her to leave the house with them.
“Shity Squib” said the man in a murmur as he stepped out of the mansion and slammed the door shut.
“Grandmother I...” He tried to say but the old woman gave him a loud slap that knocked him to the ground.
“You're stupid! What do you think domestic elves are for! They were supposed to bring the cake, not you!” The old woman shouted and ordered him to go to his room, he would not leave until the day of going to buy his school supplies.
When Neville came to his room, he was so scared that he couldn't cry because of the frustration, so he heard his grandmother's screams a few floors down.
Neville called Bluebidie and asked her to tell him why her grandmother was screaming.
“The mistress has just received a letter from the ministry, telling her that if you use magic again, you will be expelled from the school master.”
“But I didn't use magic, an elf named Dobby did.”
“Neither Zulbidie nor Bluebidie felt the presence of any other domestic elf, master," said the elf, Neville was desolate.
This fanfic was translated from Spanish into English using the DeepL program, and my knowledge of English. Forgive any grammatical and punctuation errors.
Katherine Nicholson, Genevieve Gaunt, Lauren Shotton and Scarlett Byrne are the four actresses who played Pansy Parkinson in the Harry Potter films.
Neville Longbottom and the chamber of secrets
Original tittle:Neville Longbotton y la cámara de los secretos