G – H
25.- There are always guys who cannot overcome the nostalgia of the old appliances. You can't buy that with money.
Ghost in the shell Stand Alone Complex
26.- My feelings towards you will never change, no matter what you say.
27.- I would never hate you, never
28.- I love you for the woman you are.
29.- I did my best. I have my pride
30.- Peace and stillness can be the only true happiness that a human being can find.
31. Only by remaining like this, embracing one another like flowers to their petals, does this give me all the happiness that a man could desire.....
32.- Gentlemen are always honest with themselves and their wives.
33.- Those who are above the people should have high ideals and pure hearts!
34.- Eliminate anyone who opposes you? That justice is false!
Hack Dusk
35.- If you want to know the truth, you must have the courage to face it.
36.- A small light shines even in the greatest darkness. That's why, whether it's dark or suffering, I won't give up. That's what I think
Hack Sign
37.- It is said that those who make mistakes in their first few times last longer.
38.- Your life is so long now that the moment will come when you hate it.
39. No matter what it was, there are always misfits with unbalanced minds.
40. I do not plan to fight eternally for territory... perhaps you?
41.- I don't want anyone else to be a victim anymore.
42.- You reign over the people in every corner, you give them peace, you establish the law, you give generosity to those who follow you, and you eliminate those who oppose you. Nothing has changed. You Romans haven't changed a bit in 2000 years.
43. The courage and persistence of a leader will bring out the flame that is within the soul of the servant.
44. I would wait for you until the day of judgment and even longer.
Honey Hotel