Disclaimer & Co: This is a nonprofit fanfic that does not intend to infringe the rights of those who own the rights to the Pokemon and Robotech/Macross franchises. This is a challenge/punishment story, so don't expect a work of art.
Chapter 1: Professor Oak's proposal
Of the settlement fleet, only the old SDF-6 Thunder Road, of the Megaroad class, was left. The rest of the ships that served as her escorts had been destroyed when they found themselves in deep space with a conglomeration of invids that was in a kind of suspended animation, as if they were wintering.
No one knew why all these invids were in such a remote area of space, in the end any question did not matter, since the absurdly large numbers killed the entire fleet, which had sacrificed itself so that the colonization ship with its 80,000 civilians could escape.
The ship had carried out an emergency transposition operation and when it came out of hyperspace, things did not improve.
“To sum up," Professor Oak explained to the high commanders of Thunder Road in the conference room, "the loss of the transposition engines, which cannot be manufactured, and the damage to the anti-radiation panels make it unfeasible for us to reach the planet PK-M00-N.”
A murmur spread throughout the compound and it stopped when the Admiral took off his command cap, then lit a pipe. The pipe was a gift and was said to have belonged to Admiral Global himself.
Admiral Ash Ketchum, after taking a puff, turned to old Professor Oak, who was so old that he seemed to disintegrate at any moment.
“After so many years, I would even say decades, we will not be able to get the SDF-6 colony to the assigned planet. In all my years of career, I have never been so despondent.”
Ash's face contracted into suffering, causing the wrinkles on his face to become noticeable.
“Admiral Ketchum," said Professor Oak as he stroked the long white beard, "do not yet get ahead of the mission. I think SDF-6 can still make it to the planet.”
“But you said...”
“None of us here will live long enough to get to PK-M00-N, but I believe we can ensure the survival of future generations.”
"On the ship we have complete bio-engineering laboratories. These will help us store the genetic samples of the population to recreate them about twenty years before the ship approaches the fixed planetary system.”
“What do you mean, Professor?” said one of the commanders.
“When I said that no one here would be able to see the PK-M00-N, I meant not just those in this room, but all the people on Thunder Road. With today's means the ship will reach its destination in eight hundred years.”
“Eight hundred years,” another commander said, this time a woman.
“With the radiation leaking through the ship," Oak said. “We won't have to worry about that because we and the rest of the SDF-6 inhabitants have only six months to live.”
The silence in the room was sepulchral, but again the murmurs echoed, so Admiral Ash intervened.
“What's your idea, Professor? I think I speak for those present, saying that as senior UN Spacy officers, we cannot allow the failure of the colonization of planet PK-M00-N by the human race.”
“My proposal, Admiral, is to create humans through genetic engineering, however, this will not be enough, the ship will suffer a lot of structural wear. Maintenance robots are not an option so we will have to recreate creatures that somehow help the maintenance of the ship.”
“Creatures?” The admiral said strangely.
“Yes, it seems to me that the name we should give them would be: Pokemons.”
Translation done with DeepL and myself, sorry for any grammar and punctuation errors, thank you.