Chapter 4: The Tower of Madness
Fleur de Lis not only felt fearful as she walked through the fearsome cursed forest, she was also angry with herself as she was a guard in the capital of Equestria, Canterlot, the first mare in a male-only stall and yet she felt very insecure at the moment.
In the midst of her ruminations, she and her muscular companion spotted the grim tower of Ghost Face, the crazy necromancer. The tower was very high, although it did not protrude from the dark grove as it was in a large depression where a stream passed through.
“I see an entrance at the top. We’ll have to climb,” Conan said, “and then both travelers went down the steep slope.”
“Gosh, I can’t see anything in this thick red fog. Please don’t get too far ahead of yourself.” Fleur de Lis asked nervously but decidedly.
The fog was dissipating at the base of the tower and Conan was already preparing his rope and hook for climbing.
“Don’t worry, that won’t be necessary,” said the pony, and then she made the man levitate to the top of the tower.
“By Crom!” Conan gasped, but he recovered when he saw himself ascending calmly.
Once at the top, the barbarian waited for Fleur to follow him, which took a while but in the end both of them already at the top, decided to go down the evil structure.
The tower was much bigger on the inside than it was on the outside, and enclosure after enclosure, floor after floor there were magical gadgets as alchemists that Conan already knew because of his previous confrontations with various sorcerers.
“Conan, what are those things?”
Immersed in several glass tanks that were connected to various mechanical devices, there were several creatures, they looked like children, both male and female, except that they had cat tails and ears.
The infant catboys and catgirls seemed to breathe the fluid in which they were submerged, unconscious but without the slightest trace of damage.
They continued their descent and witnessed experiments with humans and lycanthropes that turned the hardened warrior’s stomach, not to mention that the pony got sick a couple of times, returning the contents of her stomach.
They arrived at the necromancer’s bedroom, the sheets covered his body, revealing that dreadful white face without any trace of hair, eyebrows, eyelashes or facial hair.
The barbarian and the unicorn prepared for the fight. Conan set out to shake the man to wake him up and then force him to unveil his secrets, but the barbarian’s hand felt more of a jelly mass than the muscles of a human being, thus removing his hand of strong fingers.
The pale face opened his eyes suddenly, and his head began to wander across the surface of the bed and then the entire floor in what appeared to be strong spider legs.
“Master, Master. Intruders!” The head was screeching loudly as he was lost in a hole in the wall.
“Crom! By Celestia!” Both adventurers exclaimed in amazement when through the front door of the bedroom and other hidden entrances, several skeletons, zombies and deformed humanoids entered. Ready to reduce the strangers who had dared to enter the tower of their lord and creator.
The two travelers ended up with many of their opponents either by fists and swords, or by ramming and kicking. To their misfortune, Ghost Face, the mad necromancer, came into the picture and opened his jaws unnaturally, uttering a spectral cry of a magical nature that knocked the two brave warriors to the ground, unable to resist it afterwards.
“Well, well. What have we here?” It was the words of mockery from a pair of withered lips in a tone of voice that made both the barbarian and the unicorn freeze their blood.
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