Chapter 4 406Please respect copyright.PENANA8G5sjXvN0B
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Rune Came over to the house the next day, eventfully throwing open the door and shouting "Hey!"
Valentine started like a cat, while Kiki did not even move from her stoned pose. Dean hopped over to Rune as if he was jumping out of his skin, not expecting her to show up, at least not as soon as she had.
Valentine continued in her catlike mode, moving in face forward toward Rune, almost sniffing her. Maybe she was sniffing at her, it would have been hard to tell. It was almost erogenous, her felinity, Dean thought she was purring, or possibly growling. Hard to tell in cats.
Dean held back his over- enjoyment at the sight of Rune, not wanting her to think that he may have had the slightest possibility of a sexual thought about her, "Think about Kiki, think about Kiki" he repeated to himself. That did not block him from the continued, inductive spark that Rune created in him that made it feel as if his hairs were raised. He also saw she had something unusual in her hand.
"What'cha got," Valentine beat him to the punch, as usual.
"Katana," Rune licked her top lip after that word rolled out of her mouth.
"Lemme see" Valentine yanked it out of Rune's hand unsheathing it.
Dean ducked into the kitchen, fearing an ensuing carnage. He heard a swish, it was obvious Val was swinging it around even before Rune raised her voice.
"Be careful . . . a Masamune . . . It's old! Wait . . . you almost cut me . . . You . . . could cut someone's head off . . . It's a fuckin' ghost killer!"
More swishing, the sound of someone, probably Rune, jumping backwards. Then there was a scuffle, "Give it back!"
That was Rune, Valentine yelled "Hey!" The exchange ended with the sound of a Katana being sheathed.
Dean went back into the front room, now knowing the evil desires of Valentine had been quelled, he had faith that Rune had the skill to stop Valentine 's unqualified onslaught. He tilted his eyes toward Rune as if to shrug.
Rune returned Dean's look in kind, and said, exasperated, "Now that that is over, I can tell you what I'm here for," A smile grew on her face, and she became visibly excited, "We're going to the Ghostworld!"
Dean did not say anything, Valentine said, "Cool" extending the "O" sound.
Kiki had not moved from the couch in the living room, "Not again" She said, possibly sarcastically.
"I'm not going to make you go, but if you want to help me, we need to have a seance to contact your spirit attendants. I won't lie to you, there is some danger . . . OK a lot of danger, but not much of it will be life- threatening . . ." Rune trailed off with her smile widening. "It will certainly be scary, not just the seance, since Shizuko will be helping me, but the whole of Ghostworld is scary, too."
"I don't need this," Kiki said, showcasing her sense of duty.
It was a long wait until night, at least for Dean, luckily he was pretty sure that he met his ghost "attendant" but that did not assuage his anxiety. So he sat in the kitchen, tapping his fingers on the table. Kiki offered him hits from her pipe, from time to time, but Dean had to be in a fairly stable mood for weed to effect him in a pleasant way, and he was not in a mood as such.
Finally, after the clock ran so painstakingly slow, it was dark inside and out, Dean figured they had to wait until midnight, "the witching hour"; but Rune drew a salt pentagram within a circle on the floor, setting up white candles on the top and bottom points, yellow and red candles on opposing star points, saying, "Ready," at the haunted hour of nine PM. She had Valentine sit at the yellow candle. "You're the brains here," Rune laughed, "You need purity, so sit at the top point," Rune indicated to Kiki, this time suppressing a giggle.
"Since I have to be leader," Rune was goofy again, " You'll have to pass for the 'strength' of our group." Then she placed her hands on Dean's shoulders, and sat him cross- legged in front of the red candle. Rune made sure everyone had their own lighter or matches, and then began the proceedings.
"Before I start, I am holding this seance to help you to find a spectral protector, we won't be able to go to the Ghostworld until Thursday, astrology thing, y'know, but even if you guys don't find a guide, you can still come with me, but spirits can see a little of the future, and interact better with ghosts, so it'll help." Rune then had everyone light their candle at the same time as she lit her two simultaneously.
A sudden cold wind whisked though the room, selectively past Dean, Kiki, then Val. The wind was strong enough that the candles should have blown out, but they flickered as if someone had lightly breathed on them. In front of Rune, between the other white candles, a shadow formed growing slowly. the shadow took shape, it was a smallish woman in a robe, words were written on the robe in what looked like Japanese. The figure had tangled, long black hair, and when she turned to Dean, he could see her skin was the bluish color of the dead. She scuttled over to him, placing her hand to his head, not hard, but there was an alien force that knocked his head back.
He went into a sort of waking dream, it was at that warehouse of earlier, the tombstone was there, and so was the Ghost Girl, She said, "I'm glad it was you, I had a feeling, that's why I met you sooner. I do, though, have some things to show you," Dean seemed to get sucked out of his mortal body, and Autumn gave him a personal tour of the realities of her past.406Please respect copyright.PENANAbarXNP4xt3
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