"Come on Vi! We don't want to be late for the show!" Called Charlotte with an excited grin while waiting at the door for me to follow.
"Alright, I'm coming, I'm coming." I sighed while tying my shoes and grabbing my jacket. Charlotte has always been the impatient one but today she's eager to go to the circus, my little sister loves everything about circus. Especially acrobats and clowns are her favorites. I on the other hand dislike clowns, they're the worst but the rest is alright. As long as I stay away from clowns things should go just fine. "Come on Vi!" She smiled and took my hand to lead me the way as we were already walking down the last street.
Not very long we found our seats or rather Charlotte persuaded me to sit with her at the front row. With a suppressed sigh I sat with her, I bet on my meagre salary that we will get wet from some silly trick.
"Vi, why so glum? Don't you like being here?" Wondered my little sister.
I forced a smile and pinched her arm. "What are you talking about? It's great, just not looking forward of getting wet."
She laughed.
Soon the lights dimmed down and a single spotlight shone at a chair.
I hears a soft humming; humming of an unknown lullaby. Who is it that hums so softly? As my eyes got accustomed to the dim light I noticed before me a young beautiful woman sitting on that chair. Her eyes half shut and her marine blue dress looked as if it spilt like water over the chair with its plentiful thin fringes. Her song had everyone's attention as I gave a brief glance over my shoulder, even impatient Charlotte stopped noshing. She can indeed sing wonderfully but I'm not so captivated like the others. As she ended the singing the director of the show stepped up and up-beat band music escourted him in the background. The typical opening at a circus. "Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls! We welcome you to our show! The lovely lady with a voice of angel that you've heard is Mimmi!" His voice almost sounded hoarse compared to Mimmi's and his costum was the classic uniform in red, black and gold with a top hat and long black cane. What made him unusual was, his hat was decorated with feathers, metalic coins and short beads. Not to mention he was clean shaven, had an eye-patch on one eye and had a snake slithering at his shoulders. He reminded me of a pirate rather than a circus director."Thank you! You've been marvelous and that's all folks!" He took a bow and removed his hat, short dark springy curls curled to his ears and nose. Quickly he lifted his head up to the audience. "Or is it really?" He stood up right and replaced his hat at his head. "As a matter of fact it hasn't begun." He smirked broadly. Quick and elegant his white gloved hand moved from the rim of his hat to mid air and snipped his fingers.
Suddenly wild flutter of bright white wings of doves flew nearly at my head. Instinctively I slightly slipped from my seat to duck. It's enough being a target for seagulls and I mean not by flying at my head. Behind me I heard the crowd cheering with excitement, my sister beside me too.
Suddenly in the centre stood a small black table and another young woman with wavy red hair to the elbows. From her costume I guess she is the magician and she wore the same top hat as the director. Wait, where is he? The magician said nothing but made gestures to follow. Her moves were fluid und graceful as if to present there is magic in the air. Soon she took off her cape and threw it high into the air. Rapidly the cape flew not to the ground but it flew and fluttered to a broad piece of cloth in the air, floating in large round moves and within a blink appeared a tall box. Immediately the woman caught the cloth with ease and gestured her snow white gloves to the box. She placed her hand on the handle and within the box smiled out two clowns and bounced out in their over merry way. I sighed and rolled my eyes. My sister applauded like the rest. My eyes wandered over the round stage and audience to avoid the clowns.
Suddenly my eye caught something moving above me. A figure climbed silently high up to the ceiling of the tent. I held my breath as it slipped for a moment and sighed as it found its grip to continue. As the audience applauded I noticed the clown waving and bowing while a spotlight was focused on the figure above. It was a man and he was clinging tightly to a cloth like rope as if afraid. Many people in the audience gasped of the sight, myself included. Please don't fall, please don't fall; was all I could think. The man looked scared and lost on the rope, similar to a cat stuck in tree, slowly and cautious he started to climb higher and suddenly slipped.
Everyone gasped and some screamed in terror as he fell. I closed my eyes and hoped deep down that he will live. There was a loud sigh of the audience and many applauded. I blinked and looked up, the man hung like an acrobat onto the cloth and began to move along the long cloth to assure it is secure. Always one leg was twirled in the cloth to stablise. Soon followed two more and what a performance they presented high above. In the end I applauded along like the rest.
Charlotte smile broadly at me. "See, I told you it's great sitting here."643Please respect copyright.PENANAZ0srJLgy4y
I laughed. I hate it when she's right.
Suddenly the up-beat music changed to a quicker music that reminded me of flamenco or Spain. In the centre of the stage stood a man in bolero and hat like the bullfighters only with long trousers and sat on a dark horse. If everything were black then he could have been Zorro. A guitar strummed vivdly in the background and the man began to trod round the stage and went on to a steady gallop. Within a blink the man was standing upright on the saddle and performed over time handstands and other brave moves as the horse kept gallopping. At the point as I thought he will end the show an acrobat from above swung in and brought the rider to a upper corner of the tent. The horse stopped gallopping with a brief snort and the rider rapidly sprinted over a tight spanned rope above our heads. He gave a clear whistle and the horse trodded to a certain spot. Immediately at the end of the rope the ride jumped and made flip to land gently on the saddle. With the clicking of his tongue the horse began to gallop steady as before and the rider revealed from his short cape a red rose. Rapidly he sat on his saddle but slid to the side of the audience and handed the rose briefly to me. I held it up to nose and what a scent it had, a real rose! The audience applauded as I looked up and saw the rider's horse on its hide legs. He took off his hat and had his eyes locked on me with a content grin. I clearly read in those amber brown eyes adoration. As I realized my cheeks and ears began to grow very warm.
"Looks like you have an admirer, Vi." Sniggered my little sister.
"You don't say?" I gave sarcastically and laughed. From that moment on didn't pay attention what was going on bit kept smelling at the rose and wonder if I get a chance to see him again after the show? Why the waiting? I think I'll go now. If this is a sign then I don't want to miss it. Inconspiciously I sneaked out of the tent while my sister was absorbed to the show and music. Once out a cold gust of wind made me shiver within moments. Rapidly I wore on my parka, zipped the zipper to my chin and dug my hands into my pockets. As I started walking around the tent I spotted the caravans and some of the crew. Shyly I asked where I could find the Spanish rider. I stopped mid in my sentence as I spotted every member had somewhere on thier body a prostetic. One was an arm short, the other a leg and another with one eye and seven fingers total. Quickly shook my head to avoid staring. "Sorry, where can I find the Spanish rider?" I asked and tried my best to act normal. They grinned friendly and pointed which caravan. Soon I sttod before him with his horse. He brushed the horse and spoke in a soft tone to the horse like a friend. "Tonight you did more than well my friend. You're up for treat and did you see her? She's a pretty one but somehow-" he sighes "I saw in her eyes sorrow but a strong will to live. She definitely deserved a rose to brighten up in her life."
I dared to step in by clearing my throat before he beginns to regret.
"Huh? Oh!" He turned round and as he noticed me he began to laugh nervously and the brush slipped from his hand. "I guess you heard everything." He spoke slowly and nervous.
"Everything what you said about me is true. How did you know?"
"I guess it takes one to know?" He smiled.
I blinked speechlessly.
"I was always the sensible one. I somehow can feel and see those things. Folks here always ask me if I should become a medium of sorts but I prefer to work my friend here and use my body while I can." He leans gently against his horse with a proud smirk and crossed arms.
"Using your body while you can? What do you mean?" I wondered cautiously.
He gave a deep sigh. "I don't if you've noticed but everyone here has a handicap. A missing arm, leg, eye you name it and this circus is like a save haven for those that have had trouble dealing with it. A second chance. You see that knife thrower over there, with the sombrero? He's blind but aims like an ace when comes to targets. The only one who is normal like you is the director and was once a successful doctor." He walked up to me and noticed the rose in my hand. "So the rose brought you here?"
I blinked while gathering all this information. "If everyone has a handicap except the director, if I may ask, what is your's?"
"An unknown decease or virus. It's not contagious but it's killing me slowly." He paused and looked into my eyes. Gently he took my hands into his, they felt warm and soft.
Slowly I began to see why he knows sorrow.
"I gave you the rose not only to make you smile but-" He bit his lip and beathed deep. "After what I just said- no." He stepped back and shook his head.
I held on gently to his hand. He blinked at my grip and looked up.