The fireplace casts shadows throughout the lounge. Outside the sun is almost gone, lighting up the sky in a beautiful sunset. Caesar is sitting at an ornate desk, with us standing at the opposite end. The small mansion is pretty luxurious for an apocalypse. He clasps his hands and clears his throat.
"As you can imagine, we're running low on supplies. Food, medicine, ammo. This camp has too many who do nothing to help. I have a plan to change that. And it involves the both of you, as well as the rest of the Hunters."
The two glance at each other, sharing expressions of confusion.
"Every Hunter will be assigned a group of survivors to take on supply runs and other missions. You'll be responsible for their training. Their successes and failures will be yours as well. Obviously the elderly and children are excluded from this group, I'm not a savage. Only able bodied individuals will be available for this new program. Our ultimate goal is to make our people stronger. In this new world we can't afford to be weak. There are other dangers besides the undead that we have to watch out for."
"Like what?" Adam interjects, "If you don't mind me asking."
Caesar tilts his head and furrows his brow, "Other survivors. The government is gone, as well as the law. People will do anything to stay alive, even going as far as to kill others to take what they have. We need to be ready to fight back if worse comes to worst."
Adam nods, "Noted. When do we begin training?" Angie casts a glance at Adam, a bit surprised at his quick responses.
"Tomorrow morning. Meet with the Hunters outside the gate. I'll be there, and so will the new trainees. You'll be able to select them yourselves. I'll have my soldiers spread the message around camp. Be there at sunrise. Dismissed."
Angie and I nod and walk out of the room, our footsteps echoing on the wooden floor. As soon as they're out of the house and back into the fresh air, Angie turns to Adam, slightly frustrated but keeping her voice down.
"So we're soldiers now? Fantastic," she sighs. "I was really hoping that it wouldn't come to this."
"It's alright. Besides, you heard Caesar. We need to be ready to face rival groups. Ready to kill if it comes to them or us."
"I know, I know," she responds, "Something just feels off about it", she leans in and whispers, trying to make sure no one hears her, "And I don't trust Caesar. There's something he's hiding, I'm sure of it."
"Well a man like him surely has a secret. Everyone who's survived this far has secrets. Things that they regret."
"Yeah that's a given, but this just seems different. It's not about the past, but the future. I think he's going to use us to fight, not defend."
Adam thinks for a moment. Angie has a point. Caesar wasn't that clear about what he intends to do with his new project. Adam wants to trust him, but something down inside him warns against it.
"Let's just play it by ear then," Adam whispers back, "If things get bad we can always sneak out and never come back."
Angie stops walking, a brow raised with a skeptical expression on her face, "Oh really, where else can we go?"
"I don't know...maybe Uncle Fred and Aunt Deanna's house in Nashville?"
"You can't be serious. We'd never make it to Tennessee, Adam. And let's face it, they're probably dead by now anyways." She says, pain in her voice. Uncle Fred and Aunt Deanna were always there for us. They pitied the kids for what they went through, and wanted to help as much as they could.
"We can just move to a different town, maybe go off the grid. We can scavenge for what we need and make our own home somewhere else."
"Let's not get ahead of ourselves Adam. This is just a backup plan. We should stay here a bit longer, but it won't be permanent."
"Fine," Adam agrees. That's not too bad of an idea. They get stronger and then go out on their own. It might work. The two reach the Hunter's bunkhouse and open the door.
"Well looks who's back," a voice laughs from across the room. A guy Adam's age jumps down from a bunk and walks over. Carter. They had been best friends since grade school. It's a miracle that they both survived the initial outbreak.
"Yeah. And with all limbs still intact too," Adam says with a smile, "I didn't see you this morning when we left. You went on a run?"
"Yeah, Nick and I went to check out some houses in a neighborhood not too far from here. There are so many places that still haven't been looted. We're going back tomorrow to explore, you and Angie should come with us." He suggests hopefully.
"Actually I don't think we're going on any runs tomorrow. Caesar has a different task for us. We have to be at the gate before sunrise, he'll explain things."
The entire bunkhouse seems to have overheard what Adam just said, and the room becomes alive with questions and chatter. With everyone accounted for, there are twelve Hunters in all. Perfectly forming six, two man teams. Most of them are former high school and college students, but there are some adults as well. All of them were involved in some sport or activity that kept them in shape and made them perfect for their rigorous job.
The rest of the Hunters keep asking questions, which Angie frantically tries to answer, but Adam walks over to the far end of the room where his bunk is located, and climbs onto the top bed. He relaxes for the first time today. He could only imagine what's to come the next day. And in all honesty, he couldn't wait to find out.